Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 944: Finish doing half of the work (1/4)

One hour!

Professor Joseph’s pupils were magnified and his face was filled with an incredible look. Fiction.

After spending years researching, he and his collaborator Dixit completed the Dixit Stiglitz model, and finally until 1977, "monopoly competition and the diversity of the best products." The paper raised in the title, and thus triggered the shock of the entire economics, directly contributed to the birth of the "new trade theory", and even directly brought him the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001!

No one knows more about math tools than he does in power theory!

No one knows better than him. How difficult it is to develop a mathematical tool that can be used to analyze economic models and make him really work...

However, Lu Zhou now tells him that he completed the entire lu-bewley model in just one hour. !

This is simply talking about a dream!

Even if this model is built on the framework of the existing bewley model, it is horrible to use one hour to improve such a complicated and cumbersome economic model into such a simple appearance!

One hour……

Not even enough for his students to fully understand this stuff.

"You must be joking..." The eyes stared straight at the calculations on the whiteboard, and Professor Joseph said stiffly like a nightmare.

The direction of the subject is very obvious. This sentence is of course to the Lu Zhou.

However, this sentence is obviously not conveyed to Lu Zhou’s ears.

When Professor Joseph finally came back to God, there was only a sensation in the entire lecture hall, the voice of disbelief, and the amazement of “god!” and “jesus-hrist!”.

And the man who stood on the podium and wrote the equations...

It has long since disappeared.


After coming out of the venue.

The boat that closed the door smoothly faintly heard the sound of swaying through the door panel.

And the sound of this sound seems to be not small, even the soundproof door can not be sealed.

"As for this surprise?"

He was not bragging, but it only took an hour.

He whispered a sigh, realizing that if he stayed here, he might be a bit uncomfortable, and he could not help but speed up and walk away from the lecture hall.

However, just as his forefoot had just passed in front of the back door of the No. 1 lecture hall, a young lady with short black hair and looking like only twenty-four or five years old, was holding a book and a note. Come out.

"Lu Shen! Can I worship you as a teacher?" There was a small star in the eyes, a flashing body blocking the way of Lu Zhou, she said with an excited voice.

I looked at the open back door and looked at the lady who was admired. Lu Zhou said with a headache.

"You are studying economics? I don't know anything about this stuff. It's better to find a more suitable mentor."

Nothing wavered, the young lady stepped forward and her tone was even more exciting.

"Just two minutes ago, I was deeply impressed by your posture on the stage! I finally understood where the future of economics is! I also deeply understand my shortcomings, I, I, I! I want to follow You learn math!"

Lu Zhou: "...???"

Is this guy listening to people?

Seeing that the crowd is gradually coming out from the back door, Lu Zhou knows that he will have no chance to make a choice, so he took a deep breath and said.

"Sorry, you are a good person!"

Miss Sister: "???"

After talking about it, and did not give the young lady a reaction time, Lu Zhou quickly circumvented her in the next step and flashed in the direction of the elevator.

Just kidding, he has to run for half an hour every morning. He is a British journalist who can't catch up with him in the heyday, let alone a few scientific research dogs that have been hollowed out.

"Hey, wait a minute, Lu, Lu Shen! Don't run."

Looking at the elevator door that was slowly closed, and the young lady who was chasing after the back, pressed the button of the closing button, and the corner of the mouth curled up a curve.

"too weak."

A bang.

The door of the elevator closes and begins to move upwards.

Several people in the elevator face each other, looked at the man standing in front of the elevator door, and then exchanged a stern look.

In the end what happened?


Although there is no check-in in the hotel room, the special access card exchanged for the invitation can still use the hotel elevator.

Arrived on the floor where the Executive Lounge is located, the boat that walked to the front desk showed the card in the next hand, and then, under the guidance of the waiter Miss Sister, the card farthest from the door, the left side of the window, and the back of the bookshelf Take a seat on the seat.

"What do you want to drink?"

"Give me a cup of coffee... give me a few more sheets of paper."

"A4 paper is OK?"


"Good sir."

After asking about the needs of Lu Zhou, the waiter Miss Sister turned and took the tray and turned away.

I took out the phone from my pocket and put it on the table. I opened the lock screen and watched the time.

It’s only two o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still a short time to open the cafeteria.

"Should it be enough?"

Staring at the time on the phone, Lu Zhou whispered to himself.

At this time, the waiter just came back with a stack of papers.

"I want you to get the a4 paper, and the coffee has to wait a little longer."

Lu Zhou nodded and expressed his gratitude. After taking the paper, he said casually: "Nothing, I am not in a hurry, I will send it over."

With the paper, the pen is also ready-made.

After picking up the most pleasing souvenir from the pocket, Lu Zhou loaded the attached ink bag, then pinched the pen and gently clicked on the paper. After thinking for a while, the pen was written.

In the previous report, he was not completely ignorant.

Although there is no reserve of economic knowledge in his memory, combined with the information provided to him by the previous Otaru, in the content explained by Professor Joseph, he basically applied the lu-bewley model in economics. And the economics community has a deep understanding of the definition of the lu-bewley model.

It was after understanding these things that he realized that Professor Joseph’s misunderstanding of the lu-bewley model was not an accident.

It can even be said that the error is not entirely on him.

This situation is common for applied mathematics research.

Some things are obvious from his point of view, but for other scholars who are not engaged in mathematical research, it is these things that are obvious to him that are truly the most difficult to understand.

"...Kr. Krugman's speculation is true. The lu-bewley model has room for further improvement, not only in the mathematical sense, but also in the economic sense."

In his mind, he sorted out what he had heard at the conference. Lu Zhou used the whole topic as a topic of mathematical modeling, focusing on the new understanding of the lu-bewley model that he produced at the conference. Written line by line on paper.

Soon, an a4 paper is already full.

I saw that I had spent about ten minutes writing down the results, and I had completely completed the idea of ​​finishing the boat, and the corner of my mouth gradually evoked a smile.

"Although it is not something that is particularly interesting, since I have already studied this, I have done half the work done..."


It turns out that when people enter a state of concentration, time tends to go very fast.

I don't know when it started, the sky outside the window has gradually become faint.

The phone on the table shook a little and jumped out of a message.

Xiao Ai: [Master, there are new mails~]

Stopped the pen in his hand, Lu Zhou looked at the sky outside the window, and asked casually: "Is it from Professor Krugman?"

Xiao Ai: [咦? It’s a master, it’s completely guessed! (··*)

Lu Zhou: "What did he say in the mail?"

Xiao Ai: [He asked if you have time to have dinner together. ⊙⊙】

Shaking his hands on the ten sheets of a4 paper that was almost full, and the last page that was almost finished, Lu Zhou thought for a moment and said.

"Return a letter to him for me."

"If he is willing to wait until seven o'clock, I will go to the appointment."

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