Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 945: This time is not just an hour! (2/4)

[If you are willing to wait until seven o'clock, I will go to the appointment. ∠(?"∠)_]

Open the phone again and confirm the e-mail. Although I don't really understand the meaning of the character expression used by young people, the former Krugman professor can still understand it.

"There are five minutes and seven o'clock left," he took off his cuff and glanced at the time on the watch. Professor Andis continued to say, "Are you sure he is talking at seven o'clock in the evening?"

Professor Krugman's face showed a bitter smile and shook his head.

"To be honest, I am not very sure. I am not sure if he is referring to today or tomorrow?"

"You should ask clearly!"

Professor Andis whispered a sigh and sighed and stood up and continued.

"I'll go get something to eat first... I can't wait so endlessly. I advise you to go get some food, eat it in an hour, and stuff your stomach before going to bed. Full is not good for health."

Just as Professor Andes had just picked up the plate and was ready to take the meal, a figure suddenly walked away from the doorway.

When he saw the moment that impressed him, Professor Krugman suddenly blinked his eyes... or a glimpse, slammed his hands on the table and stood up, then eagerly extended The right hand greeted

"Haha, welcome! Professor Lu Zhou, I am very glad to meet you!"

I also saw Lu Zhou, who appeared in the cafeteria. Professor Andis did not leave. He smiled and put down the plate in his hand and greeted him.

"It’s finally waiting for you!"

"I shouldn't be late?" Looking at the silver watch worn on his left hand, Lu Zhou whispered to himself, "It's a good risk, it's a minute late."

After taking a picture of Lu Zhou’s shoulder, Professor Krugman took the enthusiasm of the insurance company’s salesman. He said with a smile: “There is no need to entangle the one or two minutes, even if we are willing to wait for you for a long time, Let's talk while eating, my stomach is hungry."

Lu Zhou accidentally said: "You haven't eaten yet?"

Professor Andis naturally said: "Is this waiting for you?"

Lu Zhou’s expression was slightly embarrassed, and he coughed.

"...In fact, you can wait while you eat, I don't mind."

After hearing this sentence, Professor Krugman and Professor Andis fell into a silent silence, and finally looked at each other silently.

That expression seems to be saying...


Why don't you say it early!


The three of them took the meal back and sat in front of the four-person table by the window.

Looking at the vacancy next to Lu Zhou, Professor Krugman suddenly remembered something, so he took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"Wait for me to call first."

Lu Zhou nodded. He had already been hungry. He didn’t have the politeness of sitting opposite him. He reached up and picked up the knife and fork and began to break down the Boston lobster in the dish.

After a while, Professor Krugman, who had just called and called, came back.

Come with him, and Lu Zhou’s sister, who was only a few days before flying to Princeton...

"Oh... old man."

Xiao Yan waved his hand and smiled, sitting on the side of the boat.

Seeing the sister sitting next to her, Lu Zhou did not feel the accident, just smiled and said.

“How? Does the new environment adapt?”

"It's very good..." Some embarrassed scratched the back of the head, Xiaoxiao whispered, "Isn't you surprised to say it? I am here on the Shanghai side."

Upon hearing the question of Xiao Yan, Lu Zhou bent his corner.

"Prof. Krugman is here, I probably guess that this guy will definitely bring you. Let me guess, when the plane is landing here, is he still asking you to call me? You called me over?"

Hearing Lu Zhou perfectly restored what happened the day before yesterday, Xiao Xiao suddenly blinked in surprise.

"Hey? Can this be guessed?"

"Wait, you didn't call?!" Krugman looked at him with amazement, and looked at Lu Zhou, who smiled and smiled. Then his face showed a broken expression and coughed. Said, "I made a statement in advance, I did not say let her ask you to come over, just hope that she will call the family to report the peace."

Lu Zhou: "What is the difference?"

"Well," Krugman gave up and shrugged. He leaned back in the chair and said helplessly. "I apologize, I did play a little smart, but I swear I am absolutely not malicious."

Professor Andis, who is sitting next to Professor Krugman, also helped his friends to speak: "Krugman is also very kind. He hopes that you can see that your research results are shining in this field. I want you to come here... In fact, I believe you have seen it. The lu-bewley model is now one of the hottest directions in economics. Even if the Nobel Committee is considering giving you an award, I will Don't feel strange."

"Now that these are still a little early, they still owe me a physics award for the theory of strong electricity interaction. How should I send that thing to me first?"

Not very carelessly smiled, Lu Zhou cast his eyes on the little sly expression, and the number of openings fell.

"You are all in Shanghai, didn't you call me?"

Xiao slammed his mouth and finally sighed and said.

"Well, I honestly explain... I am afraid you laugh at me."

"If you really want to be honest, you won't say that this fools me."

Looking at the sly little sly, Lu Zhou paused for a moment and continued.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about giving me trouble."

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Xiao Yan’s eyes twitched slightly.

"Why... suddenly said this?"

In the astonished voice, with a hint of surprise and error that was seen through, the sparkling scorpion in the scorpion was an unexpected accident.

It’s like taking a sneak peek at something bad, and when I got home, I was seen through it.

"Because you are thinking about this?"

The face showed such a look, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head, sighed and said.

"Actually, it is really troublesome for me to ask for it. Many things that can only be done by me can't be pushed, because the reasons for responsibility can't be pushed at all. Including this on the Shanghai side, Including the inauguration ceremony of imcrc, these are troublesome for me... and quite troublesome."

In fact, he has always been able to feel the contradiction in Xiao Yan’s heart.

On the one hand, I want to rely on myself, on the other hand, I am eager to get rid of my dependence on myself. I am eager to become a strong girl who is being bullied by the old brother and shouted at the school. Independent, even powerful, mature people...

He has lived together for so many years, he really knows her too much.

After all, this little guy started running behind his **** from the opening of the trousers, and his character was simply carved out of a mold...

Having said that, Lu Zhou paused for a moment and looked at Xiaoyan’s eyes and continued.

"...but you are my sister, you are not someone. No matter how many times you ask me, I have never taken your business into trouble."

The squinting eyes were slightly enlarged, and a layer of water mist was gradually printed.

"... Brother."

Looking at a face touched Xiao Yan, Lu Zhou smiled, reached out and slammed the little guy's head and continued.

"Don't worry about me in the future! Remember when you just finished studying undergraduate a few years ago, what did I say to you during the New Year?"

Lifting up the sleeves and rubbing the corners of the eyes, the little sucked and sucked the nose, and the voice whimpered with disappointment.

"...Which sentence? You have so many words, I remember remembering."

"Take you to force you to fly," Lu Zhou smiled and said a joke. "By the way, I will get a Nobel Prize in mathematics."

The previous conversations were all in Mandarin, but the last half of the sentence was in English.

I’ve been listening to the clouds all the time, and suddenly I heard such a sentence. Professor Andis suddenly reluctantly muttered and complained: “Nobel has no mathematics award, it is an economic prize!”

"Yes! I agree with Professor Andris," Professor Krugman, who was sitting next to him, nodded seriously and protested, but his tone softened again. "Of course, although Nobel There is no mathematics award, but this does not prevent the mathematician from winning... If you are willing to continue research in the direction of the lu-bewley model, the award is only a matter of time."

"Haha, don't be excited, you are right, Nobel does not have a mathematics award, it is an honor of the economist... I am only joking."

Looking at the atmosphere on the dining table, I was a little more pleasant. Lu Zhou smiled and looked at Xiao Yan, and she took a serious look on her face and continued.

"About the afternoon report, after thinking from the lecture hall, I have been thinking for a long time."

"There will be such a great misunderstanding that Joseph is such a good scholar who is good at using mathematical tools. Maybe I have certain problems."

"This time I was a little more serious, and I simply improved the lu-bewley model." I took out the a4 paper that was folded into a square from my pocket. After the boat was unfolded, I looked again and gave it to Xiaoyan. "Hands on these drafts are the lu-bewley models that have been improved."

"Although I'm not sure if it really works as you describe it, but at least in terms of mathematics, it will be more rigorous and more operational than the previous model."

After all, he squeezed his eyebrows, and in front of Professor Krugman and Professor Andis, who was full of faces, looked at the stack of a4, his face full of surprises, and opened the sentence. Said a joke.

"This time, your brother is using more than an hour."

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