Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 973: Professor Stanley "Time to Run" (2/5)

Although the lithium-ion battery has not yet been born, this dawn of the upcoming world is already shaking the eyes of many people. Especially in the industry, when an earthquake of magnitude 8 was launched, the influence of the academic community was not small.

Some people exclaimed incredible, others were indifferent.

Some people are ecstatic, and naturally some people repent of their chests.

Too big to say that this is related to billions of research funding, and to say that it is also related to the number of doctoral students who can successfully complete the thesis.

After all, many projects related to lithium-ion batteries have been cut or even cut directly. Many doctoral tutors who are doing this direction are not doing well in their own lives, let alone the students they bring...

At the North American Materials Science Spring Festival in downtown Boston, Massachusetts.

The materials scholars from all over the world gathered here.

If there is no accident, the star of this spring meeting should have belonged to the research of molybdenum disulfide monolayer material funded by many companies such as Microsoft and Intel. Before this, this material was generally favored by the academic community. The material of the future semiconductor industry other than silicon carbide is preferred.

However, it is clear that the accident has now happened.

The heat of the lithium battery is better than anything else.

At the first report meeting of the Spring Festival, Professor Stanley, who wore a tuxedo and walked onto the podium, announced the advent of the lithium-ion battery era in an impassioned tone, and how his caged carbon molecular materials are so powerful...

It is precisely because of this that this year's material science spring will almost see the red in the first game of the opening.

For those who don’t agree with these words, they are throwing shoes on the stage, even those who have picked up their sleeves and shot their hands. This guy’s face is so arrogant!

Although it has not been played, the entire report will continue to be a conflict.

Even in the case that many laboratories have completed the repetition of the experiment, all the competitors are still madly rushing up, arrogant about this live target of Professor Stanley.

For example, Dr. Curtis from the Argonne National Laboratory.

In collaboration with Professor Aminsalehi-khojin of the University of Illinois at Chicago, they succeeded in finding a revolutionary way to complete a lithium-air battery that can achieve up to 700 charge and discharge cycles in air.

After the lithium dendrite problem was solved, they tried to increase the number to 900 times. And now, this number has been difficult to advance to 1000 times.

If it weren't for the birth of this caged carbon molecule, let this original "a bright future" study fall into the dilemma of being cut off, and it would be him who stood on the stage and forced it!

Breaking people's financial roads such as murderous parents, even the usual Scottish Professor Curtis, this time is also angry with red eyes, in the questioning link to make all the stops, trying to pick from his caged carbon molecules Something went wrong.

Of course, even his own heart knows that his behavior is just dying...

The evening banquet was held at the five-star hotel next to the venue.

Professor Stanley, who wore a straight tuxedo and made his hair smooth and shiny, had a smug smile on his face and toasted the scholars, peers, and representatives of the industry who had actively discussed with him. And exchange business cards.

At the previous report meeting, he was a show of the limelight.

Because Lu Zhou did not come to the meeting, as the first discoverer of the material, he became the focus of all sights.

Even if it was caught by peer scholars, what about it?

The peers were originally the family.

What they really need to pay is the big boss who is waving the banknotes. Only they can pay for their own research. Those of their peers will only express sympathy when he fails, and then don’t know how to laugh at him in the back.

In fact, Professor Stanley has already wanted to open it now.

After all, think about it, except that the Chinese people who called Lu Zhou humiliated an IQ, they did not seem to have a particularly big loss.


That thing was originally something of Exxon Mobil. After signing the R&D agreement, the benefits that he enjoyed were quite limited. At most, it was a bonus point. This is how it works with big companies.

And the relationship between ExxonMobil and the backing?

The reputation of the industry?

He has suffered enough in the past six years, but now he has become a scent in the eyes of major companies, and his status seems to go further than before.

So, what does this matter?

Listening to the voices of people's compliments, watching those who have respected themselves regained their backs and squatted on themselves, and Stanley's heart could not tell the joy.

The head of the Department of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, once with his old professor who has worked in the battery field, firmly held his right hand and said with enthusiasm.

"Congratulations, Professor Stanley! After the popularity of lithium-ion batteries, the Nobel Prize Committee will definitely consider this epoch-making discovery and present the first Nobel Prize in the battery field to you and Professor Lu... Don't think about coming to MIT? We can provide the best experimental environment for your new project! I promise you will be satisfied."

When he heard the name of Professor Lu, Professor Stanley’s eyebrows twitched reflexively.

However, after all, it is an old fox who has been playing in the academic world for so many years.

Although the wound in his heart seemed to be torn apart a little, he quickly controlled his emotions, and shook his face with the old friend who had just contacted and had to continue to make friends, and euphemistically resigned.

"Thank you for your kindness... But Binghamton University is ready to nominate me as the head of the chemistry department, and the lab is also moving... I still don't plan to toss in the short term."

Although there are some regrets, I really can't open better conditions here. Can't I give up my position?

He said that he understood the nod, and the head of the Department of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology released his right hand and said with a pity.

"I understand that after all, for us to learn, a stable environment is more important than anything else, and no one likes to toss everywhere... but if you have the idea of ​​coming to MIT in the future, please be sure to contact me."

Stanley raised his forehead slightly and gently clicked.

"for sure."

If it is usual, he will certainly not be so cold and speak to the head of the Department of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After all, the aunt is still a permanent director of the American Chemical Society.

But now, his own coffee position is not lower than him, naturally there is no need to whisper.

Just as Professor Stanley was immersed in this feeling of becoming the focus of the entire banquet, a savage figure walked into the banquet hall and looked around the entire venue. He thought about Stanley’s side. come.

With this person on the line of sight, Stanley squinted a little, and said with some surprise.

"Woods? My dear friend, how do you... become like this."

I haven't seen it for six years. The man in front of him is far removed from the man with his sharp eyes and strong momentum. He is replaced by wrinkles on the cheeks, as well as aging and embarrassment.

"Someths have happened," took a deep breath, and Woods stared at Professor Stanley's eyes. "Listen, although there have been some misunderstandings between us, we have cut off your subject, but now"

"Hold it," Professor Stanley, who felt that this guy might have to say something, quickly spoke up and interrupted him. "Speak straight, what do you want to do."

"Exxon Mobil wants you to come back," Woods said in a sincere voice. "You are the inventor of the caged carbon molecule. We all know that this honor should belong to you, and not more than half of them are given away by the Chinese." We need a compound with similar functions, at least able to circumvent the kind they patented..."

After listening to the description of Woods, Professor Stanley was silent for a while, and suddenly sighed.

"Give up, Woods, I know you are not reconciled, but we are not his opponent."

Unexpectedly, he would say such a thing, Woods gave a slight sigh, and immediately said anxiously.

"Don't you look at them like this, have been riding on our heads? Control the future of our energy lifeline? Immediately, the nuclear power plant in California will be built, and the market for lithium-ion batteries will win a blowout! Everyone wants Use cleaner and cheaper energy, but how many people have thought that the fall in oil prices will make countless American families unemployed! If we can't master the patent for lithium-ion batteries, we have no room for it!"

Let countless American families lose their jobs...

Isn't that your greedy capitalist?

Of course, this sentence is only a sigh in Stanley's heart. Of course, he can't say it face to the potential gold lord.

Gently coughed, Professor Stanley put his face on his face and looked at the excited Woods seriously, continuing.

"Listen, I understand your mood, Mr. Woods, but what can we do now in this situation? The patent law is written in black and white with the patent expediency, unless you have the means to persuade Lu Zhou to sell the patent. For you, otherwise I suggest you still... want something happy."

"Why, you have seen it too. I have a very good life. I have let it go in the past six years. At least it should belong to me. He did not take it away. As for you, I asked if I hate it, a few days ago. I hate to gnash my teeth, I want to go to China with a gun and collapse him, but now..."

"I have already wanted to open."

Not just want to open.

It is also because Stanley is really scared.

He didn't know if Lu Zhou had counted everything that happened today, but the only thing he knew was that, because of the awkward Chinese, his academic career had stagnated for six years.

It’s hard to get out of the way now, and relying on the guy’s latest research results, he’s finally running, and he really doesn’t want to go against the guy anymore.

After all, he is not too young.

If you miss another six years, you may have to wait for the coffin!

Shrugging his shoulders and looking at the dull Woods, Professor Stanley said comfortably.

"... As for the unemployment rate, it is the problem that the people of Capitol Hill think about, not us."

Woods looked at Stanley and patted his shoulder, then turned and walked away, and moved into the next circle, and laughed and laughed with the big cows in the same field.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been standing still.

Suddenly, his shoulders moved and he lowered his eyebrows and stared at the floor.

Like thinking of something, between the dry lips, chewing a few words.

"Capitol Hill……"

"That is the question that the priests of Capitol Hill are thinking about..."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it!"

Xueba's black technology system

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