Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 974: Producing more tricks than lithium-sulfur batteries (3/5) (seeking a monthly ticket~~)

There have been a lot of visits to Lu Zhou recently.

First, the leader of the Science and Technology Bureau, and the second-in-command of the Energy Bureau, and then Luo Shixiong and Chen Yang also took the "Quantum Mechanical System of the Random Hermitian Matrix Corresponding to the Riemann Function" and the "Hodge Conjecture". After seeking his help, Lu Zhou, who wants to do his own work, is a big man, and he wants to refrain from resigning.

After all, the physics significance of studying the Riemann zeta function was originally that he invited Luo brother to do it together. Now it is the one side of the fish.

As for the subject of Chen Yang, some of the problems that appeared in it have helped him to improve the hyperelliptic curve analysis method. What's more, if he can't solve the problem, he can also find him. It is even worse.

On the last Monday of March, Lu Zhou was yawning and was preparing to go out from home. He went to the Jinda number court and made a card. When he opened the door, he saw a man with a beer belly, a smile with a kind face. In the hand, a gift bag with a big bag and a small bag stood at the door of the yard and wanted to ring the doorbell.

Set the god, recognized the identity of this person, Lu Zhou voice with some unexpected questions.

"Liu boss? You are this..."

"Is this not going to be a holiday? I will bring a gift."

After walking through the open iron gate, Liu Wanshan said with a hearty smile. "Your research workers are also working hard. When I think that you have been working in the lab all day and night, I am worried about your body." This is not the case, I am carrying the mountain goods brought back from Changbai Mountain. When you lick the chicken soup, put two sections of stew and drink, you can make up your body!"

Lu Zhou: "..."


Lu Zhou thought about it for a moment. The next festival that can be seen seems to be two. One fool is a clear one, and the one in front is still not a holiday.

However, it is obviously not the time to vomit.

The heart took the good intention of the boss Liu. Lu Zhou took the gift from his hand and invited him into the house.

Looking at the beautifully packaged ginseng, Tai Sui, and Polygonum, he was a little dumbfounded.

I don’t have any problems with my body. Is it really okay to eat such a supplement?

"you are too polite."

After Liu Wanshan was seated, Lu Zhou poured a cup of tea on him and sat on the sofa opposite him. "I will go to Jinda for a while, and I will stay until the next time. You know I don't like people who are around the world. It's just fine to talk to me."

Seeing Lu Zhou’s intention to break his own trip, Liu Wanshan suddenly smiled embarrassedly.

"This is all seen by you, then I will not be able to set it."

Said, the blessing of life, watching the week is still a bit of pressure on the man, actually used a bit of aggrieved tone, complained to him suffering.

"A few days ago, the new energy market is not very hot? I am thinking about the supply gap of lithium-sulfur batteries is so big, we only do lithium materials is simply watching others earn money, so they bought a small factory, their production line I have also merged and made the production of positive and negative materials, and also assembled lithium-sulfur batteries. You know this."

Lu Zhou nodded. "Is there any problem?"

"The problem is in your paper," Liu Wanshan took a big/leg, sighed heavily, and said with a headache. "You don't know, your paper comes out, especially after CCTV. The entire new energy industry is like being poured a cold water."

"Single our factory, the benefits of the factory in the first one or two weeks are still ok, and we can even cope with the orders that come in one after another. We have to recruit a group of workers to work. The result is now just over. Two weeks, don't say that an order can't be received. The original small factories that have placed orders will not even have to pay the deposits! The goods produced are all on hand. You said that we are not electric car companies, so many batteries have What is it!"

"Not at all," slightly stunned. Lu Zhou said with a frown. "If lithium batteries are really popular, it is impossible to promote them in the next two months. Not to mention the new energy industry, this should be considered good. That's right."

"Don't be afraid that the technology will not be updated, I am afraid that when it comes out, it will not come out. Everyone is watching and thinking, and then waiting," Liu Wanshan sighed. "As for the lithium battery, for those new energy car manufacturers, of course, Good, but for the small entrepreneurs in the middle of our industry chain, that is the natural disaster."

You are still a small entrepreneur.

Looking at this guy's poor look, Lu Zhou couldn't help but vomit him.

Hao Hao is also a listed company CEO, can you not so hanging?

However, these things that Liu’s boss said are negligence.

In fact, Lu Zhou was quite helpless. He just wrote and wrote according to the advice of the school sister. I did not expect that the academic circles would over-interpret their own papers, and even the media and industry would over-interpret them.

The problem of lithium-ion battery has indeed been solved, but he did not write it in his paper!

Looking at Lu Zhou, who had no change in his expression, Liu Wanshan asked euphemistically.

"I will not ask for any excessive demands. I just hope that you can look at the shares of Zhongshan New Materials in your hand. It is also considered for all the workers of Zhongshan New Materials... For example, if you send an article or something, It is said that the lithium-ion battery is not realized so fast, and it gives us a chance to adjust the production capacity."

In Liu Wanshan's opinion, shouldn't it be a matter of writing an article?

You don't even need to write your own pen, let the students write it.

However, Lu Zhou did not think so. When he heard that someone wanted to help him send an article, his head was getting bigger.

"I admit, this is indeed my negligence, no work to pave the way," gently coughed, Lu Zhou said seriously, "but this article I can not write, the most important academic Quality is seeking truth from facts, let me tell the truth, no problem, but let me tell lies, I can't do it!"

What's more, the school sister and he said that she is in the next game "big chess."

Lu Zhou is also very curious, what is this big chess.

Looking at the Lu Academician did not help the plan at all, Liu Wanshan's face was full of disappointment.

Of course, although disappointment is sure to be disappointing, he will not blame Lu Zhou for not helping himself. First, his status is not worthy of being worthy of helping others. Secondly, he understands what Lu Zhou said. .

After all, compared to the income of his own company, he represents the image of the entire Chinese academic community, the image of the entire Chinese young scholars, these intangible values ​​are the total output value of hundreds of companies may not be able to add up Compared to the fact that even if he loves feathers and is unwilling to help, it is nothing wrong...

The purpose of this trip was completely lost. Just after Liu Wanshan planned to sing a few words, he got up and said goodbye. When he didn't bother, the Lu Zhou sitting across from him suddenly seemed to think of something, and said.

"Right, I almost forgot something. You sent several engineers from the factory to the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies."

Liu Wanshan, who was preparing to leave his resignation, swallowed it back when he first came to his mouth. He asked, "Engineer?"

Lu Zhou nodded: "Well, the new lithium battery... I plan to integrate wireless charging technology. You have production experience in this car battery, lithium battery and wireless charging. We have technology, I think we can Let's work together."

Having said that, Lu Zhou smiled.

"It's just that you have no interest in producing new things that are more powerful than lithium-sulfur batteries."

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