Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 977: Not a family does not enter a door (1/4)

A product from an engineering project to R&D to production requires an extremely long cycle. It will last for three or five years, and if it is short, it will take one or two years.

Generally speaking, this is indeed the case.

However, for the nuclear industry group with strong technical strength, this is not a big problem for the chief engineer of the nuclear industry group.

Not only because of Wang Zengguang’s own experience and technology, but also because of his connections in the entire electrical engineering field.

Some things, even if they encounter problems that he doesn't know how to solve, can definitely find the most skilled person in the field to help him solve the problem.

Of course, although the strength of foreign aid is strong, the most important design work is still done by charging its own technical team.

This is also the request of Lu Zhou himself.

"...there is still a change, basically it is no problem to make it according to this design drawing." After checking the design of the hand, the expression of the approval of Wang Academician on the face, after pushing the reading glasses on the bridge of the nose, Handed the design drawing in his hand to Wang Qiang standing at the desk.

After taking over the design, Wang Qiang’s entire portrait was like a load of more than two hundred kilograms. The whole person was relieved.

In the past month, for a few of them who came from Shanghai, it was like hell.

Because of the shortage of manpower, it is often necessary to deal with the work of two people by one person, and in the face of the experts from the nuclear industry group, they have to wait carefully.

Especially the academician of the king and his apprentice named Yao, who is a good first-class player, often criticizes the solution they think they have done perfectly, and it is worthless. Hit back and redo...

Although I thought about giving up, I thought that I had given up so much. I moved here from Shanghai. He eventually bite his teeth and persisted with the remaining four brothers.

Looking at the heavy-handed Wang Qiang, Academician Wang nodded with a smile.

"You did a good job. When you say something, I have done a good job. Your nephew is not doing it. I will drop a few people from the nuclear industry group and prepare the project to give your landlord a good job." It is."

The design in his hand was squatting tightly, and Wang Qiang took a deep breath and said, "Can I ask a question?"

Drinking a cup of tea and looking at this young man standing at his desk and looking serious, Professor Wang said faintly.

"Just ask."

"Since your nuclear industry group has such a cow expert... Why don't you just bother them to do this project? I mean, since you feel that our work is not working, why not just open us? Go find Those who you think are technically sound."

Wang Qiang knows that the question of his own sentence is very strange.

Because neither they nor Star Technology, and the nuclear industry group are not half-money relationship, there is no obligation for people to help them.

However, compared with the chief engineer of the Nuclear Industry Group, Academician Wang Lao, sitting here to help them check the project, this is not a strange problem.

After hearing Wang Qiang’s question, Academician Wang Zengguang smiled lightly.

"One month ago, when I called with your academician, I asked him a question. I have a problem with this person. No matter what you do, you are not satisfied with the best, if I push you hard. If you resign, you should do it. What should you do then? Guess how do you answer my academician?"

Wang Qiang frowned for a long time and finally shook his head.

"I can not guess it."

Academician Wang smiled and said: "He said, if you ran, you will run. There will always be someone coming up! Even if only one person persists, he can cultivate him into a unique academic leader. For us, Not a loss!"

Looking at Wang Qiang who was in silence, the academician Wang’s face showed a thumbs up expression.

"So, you made me very surprised. I didn't expect five people to stick to the end. Compared to the wireless charging pile technology itself, this is even more great for us."

"As the leader of this project, I also hope that you can always remember that the technical advantages are always relative, and the advanced technology is always outdated, but here," the index finger of the old man is out. Pointing to his own head, Academician Wang seriously looked at him and continued, "The knowledge, technology and creativity that are only here can be learned and exercised forever and young."

The advantage of technology is relative...

After listening to the old gentleman's words, Wang Qiang finally understood why the brain drain of the original technical team, why the academic ability of these young people behind them, the academician who collected them into his own army can not care.

If you choose to leave, it can only be explained as inappropriate.

Technology is backward, as long as it catches up.

The key is not their ability now, but whether they have the determination to become stronger and the courage to complete an almost impossible task.

Academician Lu did have that ability. He only needed to find the nuclear industry group to help them find the comrades who had been attacking together on the battlefield in Haizhou. It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Chinese power industry will support him to charge this. Pile technology is taken down.

However, what he wants is obviously not just technology.

What he wants is a research team that can continue to develop new technologies for him, and keep the creative and technical advantages forever!

Just like the talents he has trained in the controllable fusion industry and the aerospace industry in China, indirectly or directly, even one day he will not ask any matter related to nuclear fusion or electric propulsion technology, bloom in China. The fire of fusion on the ground will never have a bleak day...

Looking at the young man who was in meditation, Academician Wang nodded.

He knew that his own words probably played a role, so he stood up and said with a smile.

"Okay, the design of the first generation wireless charging pile is already in your hands. I will not bother here. I will have a phone call with the academician of the land tonight. I have to go back to Beijing tomorrow. I am right. Your only piece of advice is not to satisfy the status quo, to continue to work hard in this direction, whether it is wireless charging technology, or for your own personal, the future is limitless!"

"Thank you," seriously remembered this piece of advice. Wang Qiang was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "...I can, can you call a teacher?"

Slightly stunned, Academician Wang immediately laughed and set his hand.

"You want to call it, anyway, I have taught you so many things. I can't take advantage of you. It's right, no matter what teacher is not a teacher, what is your name?"

Wang Qiang stunned and subconsciously.

" charging."

"BB?" Academician Wang looked at him with disbelief and continued. "I know that your company is the name, but is this product called this stuff?"

Wang Qiang: "Well... is there any problem?"

Academician Wang opened his mouth, and there was no sound for a long while, and he finally said nothing.

"...Is this name given to you by Academician Lu?"

"That's not it," Wang Qiang touched the back of his head a little bit. "This name is Li Zong... It was taken by Li Tinghui, the general manager of our charging. I heard that the academician of the project seemed to have a plan to help us. The company changed its name, but then I did not know how to change it. What is the problem with this name?"

"Nothing, I just asked this question casually... I will rely on you from now on, and I will leave first."

After all, Academician Wang saw his student and assistant who had never said a word from beginning to end, and told him to follow him, and then went to the door of the office.

The forefoot just stepped out of the door of the office, and the old academician sighed like some nostalgia.

"This is really a king's pair of mung beans, not a family does not enter a door."

"I can make the name so ugly, it is worthy of the old-fashioned person!"

Walking next to the academician Wang, Yao Hong, who heard this sentence, was almost not given a slam.

Reaching out the student's arm, Wang Academician said with a smile.

"Slow down, don't fall."

Looking at his mentor, Yao Hong nodded in the sweat.

"Okay, ok... I will be careful."

The ability to name and academic ability is inversely proportional...

Although this statement is somewhat difficult to convince, but with the theory of "clearly savvy, but not at all fluent", he is now a bit clueless, why can't he be as arrogant as Professor Lu Up...

:. :

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