Luo Geng personally put the necklace on Chi Xiaoyu's neck

, Chi Xiaoyu looked down at the delicate necklace, raised his head to look at Luo Geng and smiled slightly, and asked, "Does it look good?" "


A smile rose slightly at the corner of Luo Geng's lips, the two stood in the wind and rain, as if they were completely unaffected, at

this moment, their hearts were only each other.

"Let's go back quickly."



dinner table, Luo Yongfu began to accuse Luo Geng of making this moth, and the two returned like a soup chicken.

Luo Geng also lowered his head and admitted his mistake, after all, Chi Xiaoyu was already shivering after coming back, I am afraid that it was too cold.

It took a long time to dry my body and dry my hair.

"Okay, okay, don't blame the child, let's eat."

Ren Lan patted Luo Yongfu's shoulder, and then looked at Luo Geng and smiled slightly

, the table was full of meals that she had carefully prepared, all of which were dishes that would not usually appear in this home.


Luo Geng nodded

and looked at Chi Xiaoyu, who was sitting on the side, and Chi Xiaoyu also looked at him, and the corners of his slightly pursed mouth drew a beautiful arc.

Under the table, the little fingers of the two of their left hands, hooked together.

Luo Geng saw Chi Xiaoyu's smiling face, it was really unbelievable, but he didn't expect that, just like that, he made a girlfriend?

Chi Xiaoyu, who is still so good-looking, feels like a dream.

He counted his past life and this life, lived for so long, this was still his first love

, when he really held Chi Xiaoyu's hand, his dusty memory seemed to awaken

, the woman who held her hand in her hospital room and cried, he can now be sure that it is definitely Chi Xiaoyu.

I actually ignored it for so many years....

Chi Xiaoyu was even more nervous, she seemed to be immersed in the ocean of happiness,

"I dated Luo Geng?!" It's not a dream... Don't wake me up again in your dreams!

Chi Xiaoyu's little finger hooked hard, while Luo Geng directly held her hand with his hand.

"Hmm-" Chi

Xiaoyu trembled slightly, feeling Luo Geng's big hand, Yurun's earlobes were red, but soon, she liked this feeling.

After dinner, the rain outside was not small at all, but getting bigger

, and the raindrops were blown by the wind onto the glass, constantly hitting the windows, and there was a sound of "booming".

"Live... Stay here?!

Luo Geng was really stunned, listening to Ren Lan's words in front of him, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Yes, it's raining so hard outside, you can't go back, it's not convenient for your father, just live here, it's okay, we're a family..." Ren

Lan had a meaningful smile on his face, looked at Luo Geng and nodded.

"yes, yes, don't you all stay here for one night." Luo Yongfu quickly echoed, his eyes wandering on the bodies of Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu.

"That... Then I'll live on the couch. Luo Geng pointed to the sofa over there and said.

However, the sofa is not big, and Luo Geng is estimated to be unable to stretch his legs when lying down.

But I can't live in Chi Xiaoyu's room anymore, so Chi Xiaoyu has no place to live.

"How about that, how can this sofa live people, you live with Xiaoyu, isn't that how you slept last night." Ren Lan quickly shook his head and stopped Luo Geng.

Chi Xiaoyu's face was as red as a burning cloud, and the thought that Luo Geng would live in his house tonight, and would live in his own room, would make his heart pound.

Last night it was Luo Geng who was already drunk and unconscious, but not tonight, he was very sober.

"But..." Luo

Geng still wanted to say something, but quickly closed his mouth

, although he wanted to say that he and Chi Xiaoyu lived in the same room, it was a little not good

, but the two of them had already dating, Chi Xiaoyu didn't say anything, if Luo Geng insisted on refusing, she would feel that she didn't want to live with her, right?

Actually, I'm very willing! My heart prays that this heavy rain will not stop! Keep down! The bigger the fall, the better!

"Okay, okay, that's it, you guys rest early."

Ren Lan didn't give Luo Geng another chance to say anything, so he took Luo Yongfu back to his

room, leaving Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu sitting in the living room, falling into a silent atmosphere.

"Ahem... That one... You sleep in bed tonight, and I sleep on the table..." Luo

Geng did not dare to look at Chi Xiaoyu, his hands kept rubbing and whispering.

But after Luo Geng finished speaking, he did not hear Chi Xiaoyu's answer, and was silent for tens of seconds.

"Laughing rain... You.."

Luo Geng turned his head and looked at Chi Xiaoyu, and suddenly, Chi Xiaoyu's head turned upside down!

Luo Geng's eyes were quick, and he immediately supported Chi Xiaoyu's body!

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?!"

Luo Geng shook Chi Xiaoyu's body, at this time she closed her eyes, her breathing was a little rapid, and her face was particularly red!


Luo Geng stretched out his hand, touched Chi Xiaoyu's forehead, and suddenly exclaimed: "This... Flepsy!

Luo Geng could feel that after Chi Xiaoyu came back, she seemed to be a little taciturn, and her spirit was not uplifted, Luo Geng

thought that she hadn't accepted the fact of dating herself for a while, so she didn't care.

But this is obviously a heavy rain and sick, or rather, being drenched in rain like that, fever is too normal.

A moment later

, Luo Geng helped Chi Xiaoyu to the bed, covered the quilt, and applied a cold towel to his forehead.

Ren Lan stood aside, sighed, and said: "It's okay, take fever-reducing medicine, sleep will be fine, Xiaoyu this child has worked too hard in the past few years, the body has been damaged, and he doesn't pay attention at all, so now his physique is particularly poor, and it's easy to get sick..."

Luo Geng sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Chi Xiaoyu, who was short of breath and particularly uncomfortable, his eyes revealed a lot of guilt

, if it weren't for him, Chi Xiaoyu would not have been rained, and now he has a high fever.

Luo Geng also knew that Chi Xiaoyu was particularly hard when he went to school, time was squeezed out, and sleep was always insufficient, how

could his body be good under such circumstances.

"Don't worry... Aunt Ren... I won't let Xiaoyu be so tired in the future. Luo Geng sat there and said seriously.

Ren Lan looked at Luo Geng's back, narrowed his eyes

, revealed a gentle smile, and said softly: "I know, that... The light rain will be handed over to you.

With that, she walked out of the room and closed the door.

Leaving Luo Geng alone to take care of Chi

Xiaoyu, he quietly watched Chi Xiaoyu's face on the side, helped her re-make a cold towel every once in a while

, and then held her hand exposed outside the quilt, hoping in his heart that she would get better soon.

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