In the early hours of the morning, the rain stopped, and only the sound of raindrops falling from the roof to the ground remained.

Chi Xiaoyu's face was no longer red, the fever had subsided, and her breathing had returned to normal.

When she slowly opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling of her room.

"I am..." Chi

Xiaoyu knew that he had a high fever and was particularly uncomfortable, but he couldn't remember it well afterwards.

She turned her head and looked at the side of the bed and saw the figure who was asleep sitting on the chair.


Geng..." Chi Xiaoyu muttered, and then the memory in his mind gradually emerged, Luo Geng has been here to guard himself and take care of himself.

Now he sits in a chair, props his head in his hands, leans against the table and falls asleep.

He looked very tired, maybe he had just fallen asleep for a while.

"The person I like is him... It's so good..." The

love in Chi Xiaoyu's eyes became stronger, she had been hiding

this emotion before, but now, she could finally expose this emotion in an honest way.

Because she couldn't suppress it, she couldn't suppress her full love for Luo Geng.


Luo Geng slowly opened his eyes, realizing that he was asleep, he quickly refreshed a lot,

looking at Chi Xiaoyu in front of him who had opened his eyes and was staring at himself.

"Laughing rain... How are you feeling? Still uncomfortable?

Luo Geng quickly stood up, touched Chi Xiaoyu's forehead with his hand, and found that the fever had subsided, and the anxious look on his face eased a lot.

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head on the bed and said, "It's not uncomfortable."

"That's fine, I'm sorry... All blame me.

Luo Geng's face showed guilt, and he sat on the chair, a little distracted.

He didn't expect that his behavior would make Chi Xiaoyu have a high fever, and if something really happened, then Luo Geng would really regret it for the rest of his life.


Geng..." Chi Xiaoyu called softly, attracting Luo Geng's attention.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Geng still thought that Chi Xiaoyu wanted him to do something, so he raised his head and asked suspiciously.

But Chi Xiaoyu raised the corners of his eyebrows slightly, smiled, and said:

"I like you the most..."

Luo Geng's heart seemed to have been hit by something, and

the smile of Chi Xiaoyu in front of him was deeply imprinted in his mind.

"Eh... What the situation: Laughing rain seems to be a little different... How... How... How is it so cute! "

Wh-" Luo Geng swallowed, this sentence was no less lethal to him than the impact of a nuclear bomb.

"I... I like you the most..."

Luo Geng stretched out his hand and slowly held Chi Xiaoyu's slender hand.

"You're still sleepy, let's sleep a little longer."

Chi Xiaoyu moved his body, gave up a position on the bed, patted the side and said.

"Ahhh No... It's okay..." Luo

Geng was a little nervous, and the thought of lying on the same bed with Chi Xiaoyu really made him a little uncontrollable.

Chi Xiaoyu sat up and said, "It's okay, if you mind, you lie here, I'll get up..."

No, it doesn't mean that, and you can't get out of bed, you've just had a fever, don't get cold anymore.

Luo Geng quickly held Chi Xiaoyu's shoulders and stopped her from continuing.

"Then you also lie down..." Chi Xiaoyu lay back on the bed, covering half of his face with a quilt, and his mouth made a muffled sound.

"I... Lying down... Okay, okay. Luo

Geng saw that she was so insistent, he could only nod, and then carefully went to

bed, the bed was not big, but Chi Xiaoyu was very thin, slender, and could not occupy much space

, so after Luo Geng lay on the bed, he tried to lean towards the side of the bed, leaving a large distance between the two.

Luo Geng turned his back to Chi Xiaoyu, and did not cover the quilt, just lying there.

I thought that I would lie in bed for a few hours, and after a while it would be dawn, and I would get up.

But he still underestimated the sleepiness that rushed up, he was sleep-deprived, lying on the bed, the faint fragrance entered his nose, making him feel extremely relaxed, and

after a while, his eyelids began to fight, and finally slowly closed his eyes.

"Whew-" After a while, there was the sound of Luo Geng's even breathing.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the sleeping Luo Geng, and then covered Luo Geng's body with the quilt on his body.

"Me and Luo Geng... On the same bed, covered with the same quilt..."After the

rain of slow laughter, his heart beat faster, and his face flew a cherry-like red.

Although the clothes of the two were well dressed, this kind of thing in the same bed still made Chi Xiaoyu feel a little too stimulated.

So Chi Xiaoyu became particularly energetic, and he couldn't sleep if he wanted to, and kept staring at Luo Geng's back

, as long as he moved a little, Chi Xiaoyu would be very nervous.

Outside it seemed that you could hear the sound of Ren Lan getting up and leaving the

room, and then the sound of cooking in the kitchen, and after a long time, you could hear the sound of soft conversation outside, but no one knocked on the door to call the two out to eat

, as if they were deliberately put in the room, and then tried not to disturb as much as possible.

Chi Xiaoyu also enjoyed this time very much, until Luo Geng's phone rang.


Luo Geng's mobile phone was adjusted to vibrate and placed on the chair next to it, probably for fear of disturbing Chi Xiaoyu to rest, and now that Luo Geng

was asleep, he didn't hear the vibration of the mobile phone.

Although Chi Xiaoyu really wanted to let Luo Geng rest well, she also knew that he was very busy, and if she delayed something, she would blame herself

, so she stretched out her hand and gently patted Luo Geng's back, calling: "Luo

Geng... Luo Geng... Wake up..."

"Hmm-" Luo

Geng opened his eyes dimly, a little puzzled, as if he was sleepy

, who was slapping him just now, he didn't react for a while, because Chi Xiaoyu called so gently

that Luo Geng thought that he woke up, and then he naturally turned around and prepared to continue sleeping.

However, it doesn't matter if this one turns around, and directly faces Chi Xiaoyu!

And the bed is not big, and the faces of the two are particularly close! Only one punch apart!


Chi Xiaoyu's face turned hot and red, looking at Luo Geng's long eyelashes so close in front of him, and he could also feel Luo Geng's breath!

And then....

Then Chi Xiaoyu didn't dare to wake Luo Geng anymore, didn't dare to move, she was afraid that Luo Geng would be afraid when he opened his eyes, and he would be startled.

However, the biggest reason is....

She stared at Luo Geng's face at this distance, as if it was not bad....

So much so that her selfish heart was at work and she didn't want to wake up Luo Geng.

The phone rang many more times, and no one answered, and then it didn't come again.

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