Polo Café is usually visited by familiar customers from the neighborhood.

Azusa Enomoto has been working here for a while. She recognizes most of the customers.

But Chu Tian, she has never seen him before.

So, she immediately thought that he must be a new customer today.

However, for a place like Polo Café

, it is not uncommon to have a stranger come here.

However, Azusa Enomoto saw that Chu Tian was not only young but also handsome.

Moreover, his demeanor was extraordinary, and he was definitely not an ordinary person.

This made the innocent waitress a little curious about Chu Tian.

So, she couldn't help but ask.

Hearing what Azusa Enomoto said, Chu Tian nodded and said,"Yes, today is my first time here!"

"I've heard that the food at Polo Cafe is delicious, and the coffee is great too!"

"So, I came here specially to taste it!"


Hearing Chu Tian praising their products,

Enomoto Azusa's eyes showed joy,"I didn't expect our store to be so famous!"

"So, are you going to have lunch here too?"

Obviously, Enomoto Azusa had a good impression of Chu Tian.

It might be because most of the customers on weekdays were middle-aged greasy uncles and office workers.

It was rare for a handsome boy to come here for dinner.

Enomoto Azusa was still very happy.

""Of course." Chu Tian had a good impression of the beautiful waitress in front of him. Moreover, he really wanted to taste the food here. So, he naturally agreed.

"Oh, let me introduce myself.……"

Chu Tian smiled and looked at Enomoto Azusa and said,"My name is Chu Tian.……"


Hearing this name, Azusa Enomoto was stunned,"Are you from Korea or China?"

You know, Japanese people generally don't choose two-character names.

And the surname Chu is not a Japanese surname.

""I am from Huaxia."

Chu Tian certainly had nothing to hide about his national identity.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be from Huaxia!"

Enomoto Azusa clapped her hands happily.

"I really like Huaxia!"

"I especially like your cooking!"

Seeing Enomoto Azusa's happy smile and her innocent and lovely appearance,

Chu Tian's heart was also moved.

It must be said that although Enomoto Azusa is not a stunning beauty, she has a refreshing and comfortable girl-next-door vibe.

Chu Tian feels very comfortable just looking at her.!

"Haha, if I have time, I will cook Chinese cuisine for you!"

Chu Tian said to Enomoto Azusa jokingly,"I'm a great cook!"

"Thank you so much!"

Hearing this, Enomoto Azusa was very happy,"By the way, my name is Enomoto Azusa!"

"If you have time in the future, please come to our store more often!"

Enomoto Azusa reported her name.

It was roughly equivalent to knowing Chu Tian, right?

It must be said that Enomoto Azusa, the waitress, was quite good at making friends.


At noon, Chu Tian ordered some simple Western food at the Polo Cafe.

It must be said that the taste is really good! No wonder, when Maori Kogoro's family usually has no food, they would choose to solve it in this Western restaurant.

Just when Chu Tian was enjoying his simple lunch.

At this time, another person walked into the Polo Cafe.

When this person walked in, he couldn't help but attract Chu Tian's attention.

This is a middle-aged uncle in a blue suit.

About forty years old.

He looks quite good.

But between his eyebrows, there is a frivolous taste.

When Chu Tian saw the man in front of him, his heart trembled.

Although, he couldn't be sure.

But Chu Tian had roughly guessed who this uncle in front of him was.

"Mr. Maori, you are here?"

At this time, seeing this uncle walk in,

Azusa Enomoto hurried over to greet him.

Hearing Azusa Enomoto calling this uncle"Mr. Maori",

Chu Tian can already be sure.

This uncle is definitely Maori Kogoro.

To be honest.

After confirming Maori Kogoro's identity.

Chu Tian couldn't help but look up and down at the character in front of him from Detective Conan.

To be honest.

Chu Tian really felt that. Kisaki Eri had chosen the wrong person.

After all, such a perfect goddess.

Beautiful, generous, well-educated, and with a good job.

How could she choose such a person as her husband.

Maybe it's just like what their classmate Yucheng Liuli said.

At that time, Kisaki Eri, the top student in the school.

How could she be with Maori Kogoro, who scored the worst in the whole school?

It's really hard to understand.

And now after seeing Maori Kogoro himself.

Chu Tian feels that he can't understand it either.

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