At this time, since he has already met Maori Kogoro,

Chu Tian naturally has to go up and get to know him. After all, since he has come to the Conan world,

Chu Tian has also established contact with Maori Kogoro's wife.

That means he should get close to the people in the Conan world.

So at this time, it is right to go up and get to know Maori Kogoro. As for how to get to know Maori Kogoro, Chu Tian has already thought about it.

Having watched Conan's anime, Chu Tian is very familiar with Maori Kogoro's personality. So Chu Tian is still very experienced in dealing with such a person.

"Hello, are you the famous detective Maori Kogoro?"

At this time, after walking to Maori Kogoro,

Chu Tian smiled and nodded.


Hearing someone calling him,

Maori Kogoro suddenly raised his head.

He saw that it was a young man.

He did not know him.

However, the other party said that he was a famous detective.

This title greatly satisfied Maori Kogoro's vanity.

So he immediately smiled and said:"Yes, I am the famous detective Maori Kogoro."

Maori Kogoro likes it most, that is, others call him a famous detective.

Chu Tian came up and called him the famous detective Maori Kogoro, of course he was happy

"It's really an honor to meet you."

Chu Tian saw the proud look on Maori Kogoro's face and knew that what he just said had touched him.

So he continued with a smile and said:"I have heard of your name a long time ago and I admire you very much!"

"I am glad to see you, Mr. Maori, here today. I wonder if I can have the honor to make friends with you?"

"Making friends? Of course there is no problem with that!"

Hearing that Chu Tian not only thought he was a famous detective but also admired him very much,

Maori Kogoro was even happier.

How could Maori Kogoro not agree to Chu Tian's request to make friends with him ? Seeing Maori Kogoro being so familiar, Chu Tian was secretly laughing in his heart.

This uncle is indeed a famous confused detective.

He just praised him a few words.

He made friends with him.

He didn't even know his name.

He just contacted him so simply.

I really don't know if he is really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

But it was so simple that he got in touch with Maori Kogoro.

It's not bad

"Great, Mr. Maori, we will be friends from now on."

Speaking of this, Chu Tian waved his hand.

"That, Miss Enomoto." Chu Tian waved his hand and asked Enomoto Azusa to come over.

"Mr. Chu, is there anything I can help you with?"

Seeing Chu Tian asking him to come over,

Enomoto Azusa hurried over.

Seeing Enomoto Azusa coming over,

Chu Tian pointed at Maori Kogoro and said with a smile,"Mr. Maori, I will pay for his lunch today."

Maori Kogoro was surprised to hear this.

"Hahaha, how can I be so embarrassed?"

Seeing that Chu Tian was going to pay for his meal,

Maori Kogoro's eyes showed a hint of joy.

Obviously, he did not object to others paying for his meal.

But no matter what, he still had to pretend.

This was just a simple courtesy.

But obviously, he did not mean to refuse.

Maori Kogoro liked to take advantage of others.

Chu Tian also knew that this person was very confused.

I remember that once he and Conan went out to handle a case.

Then on the way, he actually picked a mushroom on the roadside and ate it.

It turned out to be a poisonous mushroom.

It can be said that he not only liked to take advantage of others, but also had a stupid brain.

For such a person,

Chu Tian knew how to control him at that time.

Hearing Maori Kogoro's ridiculous courtesy,

Chu Tian already had a plan to deal with it.

"Mr. Maori, look at what you said……"

Chu Tian laughed and looked at Maori Kogoro,"Aren't we friends anymore?"

"Friends paying each other's bills, what's the big deal? Don't you think so?"

Hearing Chu Tian say this, Maori Kogoro naturally felt very useful.

He liked to take advantage of small things.

Today someone helped him pay for the meal, so he naturally wouldn't refuse.

And Chu Tian said it so nicely that he didn't lose face.

Maori Kogoro was really happier.

"That is that"

"We are good friends, hahahaha……"

Obviously, Maori Kogoro already regarded Chu Tian as a good friend.

Although he didn't even know Chu Tian's name.

Azusa Enomoto, who was standing by, was slightly surprised when she heard that Chu Tian was going to help Mr. Maori pay the bill.

However, he didn't say anything.

Then, the two chatted for a long time.

After having contact with Maori Kogoro,

Chu Tian had a rough understanding of this guy.

In fact, he was a very stupid person. He was easy to get along with people.

Especially, people who had taken advantage of you.

And such a person, once you take advantage of you.

Then, maybe, in the future, you can bite off a piece of his meat.

For this point, Chu Tian couldn't help but think of an episode in Detective Conan where Maori Kogoro accepted a commission.

He could get a reward of 10 million yen.

As a result, before the case was solved, he had actually spent 8 million.

And the most serious thing is that 3 million of it was spent on eating, drinking and having fun with neighbors.

This is enough to show that Maori Kogoro not only has a low IQ, but also likes to show off and enjoy himself with people close to him.

To be honest, such a person is very easy to control.

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