Sincerely apologize to the man in front of her.

Mao Lilan, who was already feeling ashamed, didn't know what to do for a moment.

Although this matter is quite embarrassing.

But strictly speaking, Chu Tian can't be blamed, right?

After all, the earthquake was not caused by Chu Tian, right?

It was all because she didn't stand firmly. When the earthquake came, she accidentally fell into Chu Tian's arms.

Although she lost her first kiss, if she blindly blamed others... and the other party also apologized...

Although Mao Lilan had learned karate.

On weekdays, she would never show mercy to some criminals and gangsters.

But by nature.

Mao Lilan is a very kind girl.

It is precisely because of Mao Lilan's kindness.

She would never vent her anger for no reason.

Therefore, facing the current situation.

Mao Lilan hesitated for a while, and had to swallow her anger.

"Forget it"

"A Tian……"

Mao Lilan gritted her teeth, looked at Chu Tian in front of her, and whispered,"It was my fault just now. I didn't notice the earthquake.……"

"Let's just pretend this never happened, and you mustn't tell anyone about it.……"

Hearing this, Chu Tian naturally had no objection.

"Of course, of course, I will definitely not tell you!"

Chu Tian quickly assured Mao Lilan.

Seeing that Chu Tian's assurance was so sincere,

Mao Lilan felt a little relieved.

"Well, then you take a rest.……"

"I, I'm going to cook first.……"

After saying this,

Mao Lilan turned around and ran into the kitchen as if escaping...

When she returned to the kitchen,

Mao Lilan was panting.

Her pretty face was blushing.

"I, I...why, why am I thinking of him?……"

In an instant,

Mao Lilan's heart was beating like a deer.

And an irresistible thought suddenly ignited in Mao Lilan's heart.

She couldn't deceive her heart. She had just had such a contact with Chu Tian.

Although she was shy and ashamed, she did n't know why. She did n't feel disgusted in her heart.

Instead, her heart was full of Chu Tian's shadow.

This made Mao Lilan confused.

"He, he took advantage of me……"

"How come I still think about him and don't reject him?"

"Could it be that I like him?"

When this thought came to Mao Lilan's mind, she was trembling.

"Impossible Impossible"

"How could I possibly like him?"

"We just met, less than half a day ago"

"And, and, don’t I like Shinichi?"

"I can't possibly like him, absolutely not."

Mao Lilan tried desperately to drive these thoughts out of her mind.

She could never admit that she liked Chu Tian so much and betrayed Kudo Arata.

But people seem to be like this.

The more you want to forget something, the clearer it becomes, and the less likely you will forget it.

Mao Lilan was shaking all over.

She really wanted to forget this thing, but she just couldn't...

This beautiful 17-year-old girl was speechless now.


After a while, Maori Kogoro came back from buying cigarettes.

He was cursing as he walked back.

He said it was a damn earthquake.

It delayed his purchase of cigarettes for a while, otherwise why would he come back so late?

However, Maori Kogoro could never have imagined that in such a short time, his daughter had been taken advantage of by someone else...

If Maori Kogoro knew what his daughter had done with Chu Tian,

he would probably get mad on the spot.


"Sister Xiaolan, uncle, I'm back."

After a while, there was a sound of a door opening.

A boy about 7 years old, wearing a pair of big glasses, came in with a schoolbag on his back.

As soon as he came in, the boy saw a young man sitting on the sofa.

He was a stranger, whom he had never seen before.

When the young man saw the child, he immediately narrowed his eyes and stared at the boy.

The two people's eyes met in an instant.

"This person, this person's eyes……"

When the boy made eye contact with this person, he was startled.

His intuition as a detective made him realize in an instant that the person in front of him was definitely not simple.

Needless to say, the boy was Edogawa Conan, also known as Kudo Shinichi.

Needless to say, the young man was Chu Tian.

When he saw Conan,

Chu Tian still felt a little excited.

This must be the Elementary School Student of Death.

He was a person he had watched grow up in his previous life.

Now, he finally saw him alive.

Chu Tian couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions in an instant. At the same time, he remembered that if the Elementary School Student of Death knew that he had taken his girlfriend's first kiss, he really didn't know what he would do?

To be honest, Chu Tian really wanted to see this scene...

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