"Conan, you're back?"

Hearing the voice of Edogawa Conan coming back, Mao Lilan immediately came out of the kitchen and looked at the child with a smile on her face.

"Sister Xiaolan……"

Conan looked at Mao Lilan, then pointed at Chu Tian in confusion and said,"Who is this big brother?"

Hearing Conan's words, Mao Lilan quickly said,"This is Chu Tian, a friend of mine and my father, who came to our house for dinner."

"Chu Tian?"

Hearing this name, Conan knew that this person should not be from Japan.

At this time, Chu Tian smiled slightly, then stepped forward and said to Conan:"You must be Edogawa Conan, I have heard from Xiaolan that"

"Hello, I'm Chu Tian, from Huaxia, nice to meet you!"

After saying that, Chu Tian stretched out his hand and shook hands with Conan

"Hello! Brother Chu Tian, please give me your guidance!"

Conan's heart was full of doubts about Chu Tian.

But facing Chu Tian's handshake, he would not refuse.

Seeing the expression in Conan's eyes.

Chu Tian could feel that he was resistant and rejected by himself.

It might be the intuition of a detective's nature, which was more accurate.

So he might be wary of himself.

But for Chu Tian, this was not a big deal, nothing strange.

At this moment, a voice immediately popped up in Chu Tian's mind.

【Congratulations to the host for successfully meeting Conan】

【Successfully captured Mao Lilan's first kiss】

【The system plug-in continues to reward two new gifts】

【Please check the host】

【1. Give 10 Senzu beans inside】

【2. Kuroba Toichi's disguise and voice changing skills】

【Hope the host has a pleasant experience, thank you.]

When this news rang in his mind, Chu Tian was surprised and happy.

He was just wondering!

Although it was an unintentional mistake, since he got Xiaolan's first kiss, how could he not get a reward?

But now it looks good.

The system rewarded me, okay!

At this time, Conan had put down his schoolbag.

His eyes couldn't help but peek at Chu Tian.

I don't know why, Conan always felt that this person was a little weird.

At the same time, he gave himself a very strong sense of oppression and crisis.

Conan didn't know why he had such an idea, maybe because of intuition!

The intuition of the famous detective is more sensitive and the sense of smell is more powerful.

Otherwise, it would not be able to scare criminals.

It is because of this intuition that Conan has an indescribable sense of vigilance against Chu Tian.

But to be honest.

It is also difficult for Conan to imagine in his heart, what kind of threat can such a young man pose to himself?

What unspeakable danger will appear?

Although he can't say it, Conan has made up his mind.

You should pay more attention to this person, and you can't be careless.

My current situation is not very good.

I took the medicine of those damn black people, and then I became like this.

Now I live under someone else's roof and depend on others for my life. This life may not be easy.

In any case, I have to be more careful and vigilant.

As for Maori Kogoro. In his heart, he is also a little wary of Chu Tian.

However, this is entirely because Maori Kogoro is completely worried.

Such a young boy.

If something bad happens with his daughter, it will be difficult to deal with.

Out of concern for his daughter, Maori Kogoro also began to pay special attention to Chu Tian.

As for Maori Ran herself.

While she was cooking, she was still thinking about strange things in her heart.

Although she had already condemned herself in her heart.

She obviously already has Shinichi, although Shinichi is not her boyfriend yet. But it is certain that she likes Shinichi, and she must not question it.

Because of this, how can she think about other men while thinking about Shinichi?

Mao Lilan only wanted to drive Chu Tian out of her mind and not have him again.

However, the more she wanted to drive these thoughts out, the more they kept coming to her mind.

Mao Lilan felt extremely irritated.

But there was nothing she could do.

In short, this family seemed a little restless and agitated today because of Chu Tian's arrival.

"Ding Dong!"

At this moment, suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Conan, go open the door!"

"Maybe it's the client!"

After hearing the doorbell, Maori Kogoro said subconsciously."I know."

Conan also felt in his heart that the person who came at this time might be the client.

He hurried to open the door.

Chu Tian heard the doorbell. He couldn't help turning his head.

He also thought that it might be the client.

But who would come to the door at this time and entrust Kogoro to handle a case?

Chu Tian was really curious!

In a blink of an eye, the door opened.

When he saw the person who came in.

For a moment, Chu Tian couldn't help but be stunned.

His heart was pounding.

Because he had a hunch.

The person coming from outside the door.

Is the person he has been looking forward to and always wanted to see.

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