The girl who came in front of him was very beautiful.

She had a student's braid and wore a pair of glasses. She looked simple and unsophisticated.

However, the moment he saw this girl,

Chu Tian found something wrong.

He now had the martial arts and wisdom of Yan Shuangying.

In addition, with the disguise technique of Hei Yu Daoyi, his observation ability was greatly improved.

He could tell at a glance that the girl's actual age was completely inconsistent with her dress.

In other words, she would never be so young, like a student.

Instead, she should be an adult woman in her twenties.

But perhaps for some purpose, she dressed like this.

At the same time, the beauty of this girl made Chu Tian's heart beat fast at first sight.

In terms of beauty, this girl is definitely not inferior to Mao Lilan.

She can be said to be a stunning beauty. She actually wears glasses.

But it can't hide her natural beauty at all.

Such a stunning beauty, but dressed like a student.

And she came to Mao Li Detective Agency.

What is her purpose?

In an instant, Chu Tian couldn't help but think of a very famous episode in Detective Conan.

It was also a character that he liked very much and was considered a main character.

The way she appeared in the comics also overlapped with the image of the girl now.

Could it really be her?

In an instant, this thought suddenly popped up in Chu Tian's mind.

Immediately, Chu Tian's heart was filled with excitement.

He urgently wanted to confirm the identity of this girl.

After the girl came in, Maori Kogoro saw that she was a beautiful student girl. He immediately became very polite.

Then, the girl began to say that the purpose of her coming here

"My name is Hirota Masami, please help me find my father!"

Hirota Masami cried loudly when she said this.

Seeing the beautiful girl crying so heartbreakingly,

Maori Kogoro, Conan, and Maori Ran all felt distressed.

They all hoped to help this girl.

Among them, only Chu Tian did not care about what her father was like when he heard the girl's name.

Because he knew that Hirota Masami had no father at all.

In fact, from the moment the girl walked in.

When he saw her appearance, Chu Tian already knew her identity.

It's just that Chu Tian couldn't be completely sure.

But now this girl has reported herself. Home, Hirota Masami.

Chu Tian has completely confirmed her identity.

Hirota Masami, or you can say Miyano Akemi.

A member of the Black Organization, and the second female lead in Conan, Huihara Ai, is Miyano Shiho's biological sister.

Chu Tian's heart is full of sympathy for this character.

Having watched Conan, he was really heartbroken about the death of Miyano Akemi.

It's just that he didn't have any ability to change all this in his previous life, and could only bury his pain in his heart.

But the situation now is completely different.

Now that he has come to this world and has such a powerful plug-in, how could he let this girl make the same mistake again?

"I will never let anything happen to you, Mingmei, absolutely not."

Chu Tian swore secretly in his heart.

At the same time, Chu Tian really wanted to learn from him.

What kind of person is Gin, the top master in the dark organization?

Now he has the martial arts of Yan Shuangying, but he has not really found someone to compete with.

Now seems to be an opportunity, this guy Gin.

He really wants to see how good he is! But to get to that point, he still needs to wait.

So there is no need to speak now, just listen to them carefully.

At this time, facing Detective Maori,

Hirota Masami briefly explained her situation.

In short, her father, Mr. Hirota, is missing.

I hope Detective Maori can help her find him.

They have been sad since childhood, and she only has her father as a relative.

If I say this to my father, I really don’t know what to do.

These words are very distressing to hear.

And they were said by such a beautiful and pure girl.

Naturally, they greatly infected Maori Kogoro, Conan and Maori Ran’s sympathy.

"Don't worry!"

Mouri Kogoro patted his chest and said to Hirota Masami in front of him,"Leave this matter to me. I will do my best to help you find your father. Don't worry."

"Thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Detective!"

After hearing what Maori Kogoro said, Hirota Masami was very happy and excited to thank Maori Kogoro.

Seeing Hirota Masami's pure expression of gratitude and tears at the same time

, everyone present was moved by the filial piety of this girl.

Even Chu Tian, who knew the truth in advance, was no exception.


Chu Tian thought to himself,"This acting is too good!"

"If I hadn't known her true identity in advance, I would have been fooled by her."

To put it bluntly, the Miyano sisters are both top-notch actors. They can perform the crying and other things very realistically.

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