Seeing that Maori Kogoro agreed to accept the commission.

Hirota Masami was of course very grateful and said that she would repay the detective in due time.

At this time, Chu Tian discovered something.

Edogawa Conan, this kid is not very peaceful.

He seems to want to approach him secretly, and he seems to be holding something in his hand. I don’t know if he wants to stick it on him.

This made Chu Tian think of the original plot in Conan.

That is, Conan, this kid, just got Dr. Agasa's tracker.

Then he wanted to stick this thing on Xiaolan.

As a result, he stuck it on the wrong body.

I just didn’t expect that after I arrived, he didn’t stick to Xiaolan, but wanted to stick to me.

It seems that the saying that detectives have dog noses is not without reason.

This kid should have discovered that he, Chu Tian, is not a good person?

So he wants to stick a tracker on himself to see where he will be.

But how can his little tricks deal with Chu Tian?

Chu Tian doesn’t even use his naked eyes at this time.

Just relying on physical observation is enough to deal with this kid.

The next moment, Chu Tian's legs just shook slightly.

Conan, who was already a little short, tried to stick the transmitter on his tiptoes. His whole foot slipped and he pounced on Hirota Masami who was talking.


With Conan's cry, he fell beside Hirota Masami

"What are you doing, kid?"

Mouri Kogoro was a little dissatisfied when he saw Conan suddenly slip.

"sorry Sorry……"

Conan quickly apologized to Maori Kogoro.

Then he got up again.

After getting up, Conan was surprised to find that the transmitter on his hand was missing.

He looked again.

The transmitter was actually stuck on Hirota Masami's watch when he fell just now.

This is really troublesome!

"What bad luck!"

"How could I be so careless?"

Conan regretted his carelessness!

But he didn't know.

It was Chu Tian who tripped him just now.

After all, Chu Tian's moves were quick, and his leg skills were the same.

Although Conan had good motor nerves, he was not a martial arts master after all.

How could he have the ability to see Chu Tian's movements clearly?

And now the transmitter was stuck on Hirota Masami's watch.

Even if Conan wanted to take it back, he couldn't do it.

He could only blame himself for his bad luck.

Observing Conan's emotions, Chu Tian showed a barely perceptible smile of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"mock up!"

"It's no use playing tricks like this on me."

He was very dismissive of Edogawa Conan's little tricks.

To put it bluntly, although these inventions of Dr. Agasa looked good, they were not anything great in front of the truly top-notch masters.

Just like in Conan, every time his transmitter was almost always discovered by Gin.

But he still didn't repent, and was very arrogant, wanting to challenge Gin.

If it weren't for the protagonist's halo, he might have died countless times.

But he still didn't know how to repent, and still wanted to find ways to challenge the Black Organization. He really didn't know how he died if he didn't ask for death, which made people speechless.

He didn't have time to play detective games with this kid.

In this way, Maori Kogoro took over the case of Hirota Masami.

He promised Hirota Masami that he would do his best to find his father, and then sent him away.


That night, Mao Lilan prepared a delicious meal and invited Chu Tian to dinner.

"Ah Tian, take a look at the dishes I cooked. Do they suit your taste?"

Mao Lilan said to Chu Tian with a smile.

"Of course it's good."

Chu Tian nodded with a smile.

This is not a compliment. Xiaolan's cooking skills are really good.

This table of dishes is very high-end.

Seeing Xiaolan cooking so many dishes to entertain guests.

Maori Kogoro also took out wine to drink.

Because there is wine to drink.

In addition, the dishes are good.

Therefore, Maori Kogoro, for a moment, did not care about anything else.

However, Edogawa Conan, I'm afraid he doesn't think so.

"Why do you have to prepare so many dishes?……"

While eating, Conan thought dissatisfiedly.

Actually, there are guests at home.

So it is not unreasonable for Mao Lilan to make a few more dishes.

But for some reason, Conan just felt very unhappy and felt that this matter was not right.

The most tragic thing is that Conan didn't know what to say to Xiaolan.

It seems that there is nothing to say except to eat well.

"Really, I want to change back.……"

"I really want to change back.……"

Conan couldn't help thinking in his heart.

He really wanted to turn back into Kudo Shinichi right away.

But now it seemed impossible.

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