"By the way, Mr. Maori……"

Chu Tian took another bite of the food. Then he looked at Maori Kogoro next to him and asked,"How are you going to help Miss Hirota Masami find her father, Mr. Hirota?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words,

Conan and Xiaolan couldn't help but look up and look at Maori Kogoro.

Obviously, they had the same question in their hearts.

"Well, I'll go to his taxi company and ask tomorrow!" said Kogoro Mouri,"He has to go to work no matter what!"

"If we go and ask, we should be able to find some clues, right?"

After hearing what Maori Kogoro said,

Conan and Xiaolan thought about it and realized that this was indeed the only way.

However, Chu Tian, who was standing next to him, remained silent.

Because he knew very well that it might not be so easy to find the person.

According to Conan's plot, Mr. Hirota took the 1 billion cash that was robbed and wanted to hide.

In this case, it would not be easy to find him easily.

In the end, he found this guy at the horse racing field.

Chu Tian estimated that the reason why this guy wanted to rob was because he didn't know how much money he lost in horse racing, so he did this kind of thing.

This kind of single rotten gambler.

It can only be found in places like the horse racing field.

But at this time, Chu Tian naturally would not tell the matter.

He only needs to secretly monitor the occurrence of this matter.

As for the others, don't worry about it.

Anyway, in the end, he can protect the safety of Miyano Akemi, then it's okay.

As for the others, he doesn't want to care.

But to be honest, Chu Tian suddenly thought, if he could get the 1 billion yuan.

It would feel very good!

He doesn't have much money now.

If he can suddenly get 1 billion yuan more, it would be really great!

After eating and drinking.

Chu Tian looked at the time and it was indeed time to leave.

"Mr. Maori, Ran, Conan……"

At this time, Chu Tian smiled slightly, and then said to the three people

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first.……"

"Xiaolan, thank you so much for the dinner today. It was delicious!"

Hearing that Chutian was finally leaving,

Edogawa Conan was the first to breathe a sigh of relief.

It's good that he's gone, it's good that he's gone.

I don't know why, as long as Chutian is here,

Conan has a sense of oppression that he can't explain.

This sense of oppression makes Conan feel a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

He doesn't like this feeling.

So he hopes that Chutian will leave quickly.

And Maori Kogoro also breathed a sigh of relief.

He actually regrets making friends with Chutian now.

Mainly because he is afraid that something will happen to his daughter in front of such a handsome guy.

Conan and Maori Kogoro both hope that Chutian will leave.

Among them, only Xiaolan felt a little uncomfortable after hearing that Chutian was leaving.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. In short, she felt that if this person just left like this, it would feel very weird.

But Xiaolan had no reason to keep Chutian.

"Oh my god……"

After hesitating for a while, Xiaolan took a step forward, looked at Chu Tian in front of her, and said,"It just so happens that I'm going to take out the trash."

"I'll take you there!"

Hearing Mao Lilan actually say that she was going to take Chu Tian there,

Mao Li Kogoro and Conan were both surprised.

Especially Conan.

His face suddenly became very ugly.

"That's it, okay, let's go!" Chu Tian was delighted to hear that Xiaolan wanted to send him off. He naturally couldn't refuse such a thing. As for Maori Kogoro and Conan. Although they were not very willing to see such a thing happen, especially Conan, they didn't want it. But they didn't seem to have any reason to refuse Xiaolan.

"That, Xiaolan sister, you don't……"

But in the end, Conan couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to stop Mao Lilan.

"What's the matter? Conan?"

Seeing that Chu Tian agreed, Mao Lilan, who was about to go out with Chu Tian,

heard Conan's somewhat anxious call and immediately turned her head to look at Conan.

Conan was about to say something.

In an instant, when he met Mao Lilan's eyes, he felt that his whole body shrank.

"Nothing, nothing."

Conan lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Xiaolan anymore.

Maorilan retracted her gaze, picked up a bag of garbage, and went downstairs with Chutian.

Maori Kogoro and Conan both looked out the window unhappily.

These two guys were actually quite similar. At this moment, they both felt very unhappy for Xiaolan.

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