After throwing away the garbage, Mao Lilan turned around and looked at Chu Tian behind her with a complicated expression in her eyes.

"Xiaolan, thank you for the dinner today. It was really delicious!"

Looking at Mao Lilan in front of him, Chu Tian smiled calmly, and then first thanked her for the dinner she had just made.

"It's nothing."

Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed by Chu Tian's praise.

"Tian, if you like it, if you want to eat it again in the future, you can come to my house and I will cook it for you at any time."

I have to say that Mao Lilan is really a very hospitable girl.

She also invited Chu Tianxia to come for dinner again!

""Okay, then I will be very rude next time and come to eat you again!"

Chu Tian smiled and nodded.

Seeing Chu Tian readily agreed, he also said that he would eat you again next time.

I don't know why, at this moment,

Mao Lilan's heart was filled with sweetness.

She didn't know how to describe this sweetness.

But she just felt very happy.

"Oh, Xiaolan.……"

Chu Tian spoke again,"I'm sorry about what happened today!

"I'm really sorry."

Hearing Chu Tian mention what happened during the day.

Xiaolan was obviously stunned for a moment. For a moment, she didn't remember what Chu Tian was talking about. But the next moment, Mao Lilan remembered it all of a sudden. She knew what Chu Tian was talking about. All of a sudden, the girl's face turned red again. The intimate contact between the two of them this afternoon suddenly emerged in her mind... This made Mao Lilan feel very nervous... Seeing Mao Lilan's blushing face, Chu Tian also knew that he shouldn't bring up that matter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this."

Chu Tian smiled and waved his hands, then said,"But there is one thing I want to make clear, you are a very good girl!"

"A good girl like you will definitely be liked by many boys!"

"Of course, that includes me!"

When the last sentence came out, Mao Lilan was stunned.

At the same time, the girl's heart was beating very hard.

What is this, a confession?

Chu Tian actually confessed to me?

How could this be? How long have I known him? Less than half a day?

How could he confess?

Such a thing made Mao Lilan feel at a loss, and the whole person was very nervous.

However, Chu Tian no longer meant to continue talking to Xiaolan.

What he said just now was very implicit.

He didn't want to do anything with Xiaolan's relationship just like this.

"I'm leaving."

Chu Tian didn't say anything, just turned around and left.

When she saw Chu Tian's back as he turned around and left

, Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment.

She vaguely felt that she didn't seem to reject Chu Tian's confession in her heart.

But, how could it be?

Wasn't the one she liked Kudo Shinichi? How could she suddenly have feelings for Chu Tian again, and they had only known each other for a short time?

Was she that kind of shameless woman?

For a moment, Xiaolan's heart really felt like a deer beating, and she was extremely entangled!


"Mao Lilan, this girl is quite interesting!"

On the way home, Chu Tian was still imagining Mao Lilan's expression just now and her inner thoughts.

In fact, Chu Tian, who had watched Conan in his previous life, still had some doubts about Xiaolan's pure image.

You know, Xiaolan in the plot is sometimes not very decent.

For example, in the movie version of the Fist of Blue Sapphire, Kaito Kid pretended to be Kudo Shinichi.

At that time, Mao Lilan had already seen through Kaito Kid's identity.

But she still had an ambiguous relationship with Shinichi.

And in the case of the bandage monster.

Mao Lilan almost had some relationship with that long-haired scumbag.

All of this It shows that this girl is not as pure and pretty as she appears.

And such a girl just left herself alone when Kudo Shinichi didn't come back for a long time.

And even in the past, she was mainly interested in reasoning.

She didn't understand the pleasure of girls.

Is she so loyal to such a reasoning-crazy lover?

To be honest, Chu Tian couldn't be sure.

So he needed to do further investigation and experiment.

This is why the current scene happened.

And Chu Tian also wanted to know what kind of rewards the plug-in system would give him if he continued to make friends with these Conan characters.

In short, she had to continue playing.


On the other side, after Mao Lilan returned home, Edogawa Conan and Mao Li Kogoro looked at her with some concern.

Although Xiaolan was not gone for too long and her clothes were intact when she came back, the two men were still a little nervous.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

""That boy didn't do anything to you, did he?"

Maori Kogoro couldn't help asking.

And this question was actually what Conan wanted to ask.

Hearing what Maori Kogoro said,

Maori Ran couldn't help but be stunned.

"What can he do to me?"

Ran Maori asked back unhappily.

To be honest, she was a little annoyed with this father.

She was just going out to see someone off, and he was still his friend.

Why did he ask her how she was all of a sudden? Didn't he trust her? Didn't he trust Chu Tian?

Hearing this, Xiaolan got a little angry.

Maori Kogoro also knew that his question was inappropriate.

So he quickly smiled and said,"I was just asking casually, I didn't mean anything else.……"

"If there is nothing else, I will do the housework first!"

Mao Lilan did not pursue the matter further.

Instead, she chose to do the housework.

However, her heart was still fickle.

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