"I'm daydreaming again……"

The next moment, Fei Yingli immediately condemned herself in her mind.

"I have a husband and a daughter.……"

"I can't think about it.……"

"Not to mention, there is a huge age gap between me and A-Tian.……"

"How could A Tian have any thoughts about me, an old woman?"

"I'd better not think too much.……"

While Fei Yingli was thinking about her own strange thoughts,

Chu Tian had already started cooking.

"Okay, Sister Ying, go and have a rest first.……"

Chu Tian said with a smile while washing the pot with tap water.

Fei Yingli was sobered up by Chu Tian's words.

When she heard Chu Tian say that she wanted to go out by herself, she immediately shook her head.

"It's not right for me to go out and rest while you cook for me here.……"

Kisaragi said very seriously

"Although I don't seem to be very good at cooking, I can't compare with you……""But it's okay to help you out and give you a hand"

"Don't let me do nothing.��"

Chu Tian didn't care when he heard what Fei Yingli said.

He was quite happy. After all, it was not tiring to work with men and women.

It was really nice to let Fei Yingli help him.

"Thank you for your help, Sister Ying.……"

"I will make you a delicious meal.……"

Chu Tian smiled as he washed the pot.

The next moment, Fei Yingli really saw what real high-level cooking skills were.

It really opened Fei Yingli's eyes.

Although the meal that Fei Yingli ate this morning was made by Chu Tian,

after all, Fei Yingli did not see Chu Tian cooking with her own eyes.

So she couldn't imagine what Chu Tian's cooking would be like?

But now, Fei Yingli has seen it.

I have to say that

Fei Yingli is really convinced, completely convinced.

Chu Tian skillfully cut vegetables and cooked. He used all kinds of kitchen utensils and cooking techniques perfectly.

A series of actions, done in one go, without any drag.

It was as if he was doing something very ordinary.

Fei Yingli was really completely convinced.

As the saying goes, people are dreadful when compared to others. Why is the gap so big?

Fei Yingli really doesn't understand.

Why can't she make such a dish, can't she complete such a dish?

And the young man in front of her.

He is a man who looks only 20 years old. How did he learn such great cooking skills? It is really speechless.

However, although she was not very balanced in her heart.

However, when she smelled the fragrance of the dishes made by Chu Tian.

The already hungry Fei Yingli couldn't help but salivate. No matter how tough the Queen of Law is. No matter how strong she is in front of others, she is still a human being. This person cannot escape eating, drinking, defecating and urinating.

When facing delicious food, people are nothing special.

Soon, Chu Tian used the system plug-in to make two exquisite dishes for Fei Yingli.

In addition, white rice

"Sister Ying, try my cooking skills!"

Chu Tian, who had prepared the meal, smiled and brought the prepared dishes and a bowl of white rice to the table.

Then, he enthusiastically invited Fei Yingli to sit down and eat.

Looking at the meal that Chu Tian had prepared for her, looking at the delicious dishes in front of her, and the hot rice.

In an instant, Fei Yingli was completely stunned.

An unimaginable warm feeling.

All of a sudden, it ignited from Fei Yingli's heart.

A man who is enthusiastic about cooking for her.

This is something that Fei Yingli in the past could not imagine.

Expecting her husband Maori Kogoro to cook for her?

At this moment, Fei Yingli smiled self-deprecatingly.

She was afraid that she would never have this blessing in her life.

Let alone anything else, can Maori Kogoro cook?

He just drinks and gambles at home all day long, and does not do his job.

The reason why he broke up with her back then.

It was because he saved her.

Then she would cook him a meal..

He thought the food was unpalatable, so he broke up with me.

This is too hurtful to my self-esteem.

Even if the food I cooked is really unpalatable,

I can't hurt others so casually.

Hibiki Eri was really speechless. He is nothing like Chu Tian now.

He can talk to me so gently.

He cooks for me.

And it is so delicious.

Can you, Maori Kogoro, do it even if you mess around for the rest of your life?

At this moment, for the first time in her life.

Hibiki Eri couldn't help but start to doubt.

Was it right for me to marry Maori Kogoro?

Think about what kind of identity I have?

My family is from a famous family.

I am a genius with high education and high IQ.

But in the end.

I actually chose marriage.

I gave up the opportunity to advance my career. I was with Maori Kogoro.

But what was the result?

Hibiki Eri didn't think about this question carefully before.

But today, she couldn't help but think about it.

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