At this time, Chu Tian and Fei Yingli both sat at the dining table.

In front of Chu Tian, there was also a small bowl of rice.

This was a special request from Fei Yingli.

She hoped that Chu Tian could eat a little.

Chu Tian did not object to this.

Even though he was full, he still wanted to eat a little with Yingjie.

Chu Tian had no objection at all.

"It's delicious!"

After tasting Chu Tian's food,

Fei Yingli couldn't help but sigh

"A Tian, your cooking skills are really amazing!"

"It's really delicious!"

Although I have tasted Chu Tian's cooking this morning, it was just breakfast.

Chu Tian did not really show his cooking skills.

Until this moment, what Fei Yingli tasted was Chu Tian's real powerful cooking skills.

The taste was really amazing.

Not to mention Fei Yingli herself, it is impossible for her to have such cooking skills.

Even if Fei Yingli eats in a big restaurant outside, it is impossible for her to have such cooking skills.

Fei Yingli was already hungry.

At the same time, she recalled the warmth of Chu Tian cooking for her just now.

The sweetness in Fei Yingli's heart was also growing rapidly.

Therefore, this meal was particularly warm.

"I can't believe that this dish is so delicious!"

At this time, Chu Tian was tasting the dish he made.

He also felt a strong sense of satisfaction in his heart.

This meal was really great.

The beautiful lady in front of him ate so sweetly.

The food he made was so delicious.

Although Chu Tian was full and drank enough.

But he couldn't help but eat it sweetly.

After the meal,

Chu Tian smiled and said:"Are you full? Sister Ying!"

"I am full……"

Fei Yingli smiled and nodded to Chu Tian and said,"Thank you for the dinner, it was really delicious!"

"I'm sorry to bother you today.……"

When saying this, Fei Yingli was actually a little embarrassed.

She originally wanted to cook a meal for Chu Tian.

Who knew that she couldn't cook.

She actually asked Chu Tian to cook for her, which made her feel a little guilty.

Hearing that Fei Yingli was full, Chu Tian smiled and nodded:"Sister Ying, since you are full, I will go wash the dishes!"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli was suddenly startled.

"No, no!"

The next moment, Fei Yingli stopped Chu Tian

"You have already cooked for me, why should I ask you to wash the dishes? Let me do it!"

In the eyes of Hibiki Eri, Chu Tian cooked so well for her, which made her feel guilty.

How could he wash the dishes for her?

As she said this, Hibiki Eri was going to grab the job of washing the dishes.

And she was very tough, and she had to grab it.

At the same time, Hibiki Eri was confident that she could wash the dishes herself.

You know.

When she was at Kogoro Mori's house before, Hibiki Eri usually did the housework.

Hibiki Eri could still do small things like washing dishes.

After hearing what Hibiki Eri said, Chu Tian didn't know what to say.

"Then I'll help you.……"

Chu Tian said, without further ado, he cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks.

Then he helped Fei Yingli to bring them into the house.

Seeing Chu Tian helping her so enthusiastically,

Fei Yingli wanted to stop him and let him go to rest.

However, Chu Tian's movements were too fast, and he had no time to stop him. He could only watch.

However, after entering the kitchen,

Fei Yingli still forced Chu Tian to go out.

"You have helped me a lot. I really don't need your help anymore. Go and have a rest. Otherwise, I will feel uneasy! Please!"

Chu Tian had no choice but to withdraw from the dominance of Fei Yingli.

Seeing that Chu Tian finally withdrew,

Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she started to wash the dishes.

"He wants to wash the dishes for me, doesn't let me do housework, and helps me cook.……"

"I never received this kind of treatment before when I was with Maori Kogoro.……"

While washing the dishes, Eri Kisaki smiled bitterly and shook her head.

In fact, in this era, Japanese men are basically chauvinists.

They never do housework and hope that women will do things.

At the same time, they are also fond of wine, sex and gambling.

Maori Kogoro is absolutely such a person.

As for traditional Japanese women, they like to bear all this silently without resisting.

Ironically, Eri Kisaki was also such a woman.

Since separating from Maori Kogoro, Eri Kisaki has been doing business alone and being independent and self-reliant.

At the same time, she has also been exposed to the progressive ideas of other countries and some other parties.

Although it cannot be said that she has completely transformed, she is actually not as traditional and conservative as before in her heart.

She believes that women must become vassals of men.

However, although Eri Kisaki thinks so, she can't change the chauvinistic thinking of the current island men.

So she doesn't expect any man to help her, love her, and not be so chauvinistic.

But who knows, Chu Tian seems to have refreshed Eri Kisaki's current thinking.

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