"Maori Kogoro, and Chu Tian……"

"They compare the two of them……"

While washing the dishes, Eri Kissing thought about the gap between the two.

To be honest, after a brief thought.

In fact, the gap is really obvious!

There is no comparison between the two!

Even when Maori Kogoro was young, in terms of appearance.

It is absolutely impossible to be compared with Chu Tian.

In terms of appearance, he has already lost.

In addition, the personalities of the two.

Maori Kogoro was not particularly good in character when he was young.

When he was in school, although he was not a bad student, his grades were particularly poor.

When he was in love with me, I was in love with him.

At that time, many people couldn't understand why I fell in love with Maori Kogoro.

My parents also disagreed with me being with Maori Kogoro.

They thought that this person was not reliable at all and would not have much future.

But at that time, Eri Kissing would not listen to anyone. She also had a bit of rebellious thoughts.

So she got married to Maori Kogoro in a fit of anger.

Thinking about it now, it was really too stupid.

At that time, for the so-called love, I completely gave up everything.

For example, she didn't care about her career at all, and chose to get married instead of continuing her studies.

Although she later devoted herself to her career and achieved today's glory, if she hadn't given up her career at that time, her achievements would not be so limited.

It can be said that when facing the appearance of Chu Tian, Kisaki Eri had to think about some issues that she had deliberately avoided before.

That is, whether her choice of Maori Kogoro was correct.

For now, Kisaki Eri has to admit that it was completely wrong to choose Maori Kogoro. She shouldn't have chosen a very incompetent, alcoholic and lustful man.

As a result, she delayed her youth and her career.

In comparison, Maori Kogoro's treatment of her is really not as good as Chu Tian, the man who has only known her for two days.


"I started to think wildly again……"

After thinking about these questions, Hibiki secretly mocked herself in her heart.

She is already a woman who is almost 40 years old.

Her daughter with Maori Kogoro is already 17 years old. She is getting old.

This is how her life is anyway. There is no other choice.

Even if Maori Kogoro is really incompetent.

What about Chu Tian's excellence?

Meeting the wrong person at the wrong time, no one can change this fact.

""How great it would have been if Chutian had been my classmate!"

To be honest, at this moment, Hibiki Eri couldn't help but think so in self-abandonment.

In fact, Hibiki Eri has had such thoughts for a long time, but she just didn't express them before.

Ten years of single life have already made Hibiki Eri's heart bored, very boring and uncomfortable.

However, Hibiki Eri can only suppress such emotions by force.

Let herself devote herself to work and work hard for her career.

Only in this way can Hibiki Eri feel a little better.

At least, she can squeeze out some of it.

If she hadn't met Chutian, it is possible that Hibiki Eri would have continued like this.

But now, since she has met Chutian.

And here in Hibiki Eri's Chutian, she sees another way of life, a kind of good man that she has never seen before.

So Hibiki Eri really needs to think about whether she and Maori Kogoro still have a future?

Am I really going to do this for this man?

Am I really going to spend my whole life with him?

I know that although I have separated from Maori Kogoro, I have not divorced.

His real name is still Maori Eri.

Not Kisaki Eri.

Kisaki Eri had never thought about changing her name before, but now, she really started to think about it.

So, do I like Chu Tian?

Kisaki Eri pondered this question in her heart.

Well... there is no answer yet.

However, Kisaki Eri also knew one thing.

There is absolutely no way that she and Chu Tian will have a result.

You know, she is old enough to be Chu Tian's mother.

At the same time, she has a daughter and is a married woman who has not divorced.

A young man like Chu Tian is handsome.

There is definitely no shortage of young and beautiful girls to accompany him.

How could he fall in love with me?

Kisaki Eri thought to herself while washing the dishes.

"I can't believe that I will get old one day, right?……"

"I used to think I would never get old and would always be like this, but now I know I am really old.……"

"Maybe I am just unlucky, this is how my life is.……"

The more she thought about it, the more disappointed Kisaki Eri felt with Maori Kogoro.

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