Finally, all the dishes were washed.

Fei Yingli came out of the kitchen.

He could see that Chu Tian was sitting in front of the sofa, playing with his mobile phone.

Seeing Fei Yingli coming out, Chu Tian quickly raised his head and stood up.

"Sister Ying, are you done washing?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Fei Yingli nodded with a smile

"Ah Tian, how was your job search today?"

Fei Yingli asked this question.

She knew that Chu Tian went out to look for a job today.

Now, she was very eager to know the details of Chu Tian's job search.

Hearing Fei Yingli's question, Chu Tian couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

He didn't go out to look for a job today?

Now that people asked, he really didn't know what to say.

And then, before Chu Tian could answer.

Fei Yingli seemed to remember something again.

Looking at the mobile phone in Chu Tian's hand

"Did you buy a cell phone that day?"

Looking at Chu Tian's cell phone, Fei Yingli asked

"Yes, I still have some money, so I bought a mobile phone today."

"It will be more convenient to find a job this way!"

Seeing that Fei Yingli finally noticed his phone, Chu Tian quickly replied to Fei Yingli

"Then give me your number."

Hiki Eri made this request calmly.

"No problem!"

In fact, even without Fei Yingli's request, Chu Tian would definitely give the number to Fei Yingli.

So Chu Tian quickly told Fei Yingli the phone number.

Fei Yingli recorded the phone number in detail in her mobile phone address book.

"By the way, Tian."

After recording the phone number,

Hibiki Eri asked again,"You haven't answered my question yet."

"How is your job search today?"

After hearing Fei Yingli's question, Chu Tian naturally knew that if he didn't answer this question, it would definitely not work.

"It’s still difficult!"

Chu Tian sighed, shook his head and said to Fei Yingli,"It’s really not easy to find a job now."

"I went out all day today, but didn't get much."

Hearing this answer, Fei Yingli's eyes could not help but flash a glimmer of joy.

She, in fact, did not want Chu Tian to find a job.

At least he shouldn't find a job so soon!

You know, if Chu Tian found a job, he would have a place to live.

Then he would leave here.

But Fei Yingli did not want Chu Tian to leave her so soon.

Not to mention anything else.

It was Chu Tian's superb cooking skills.

Fei Yingli did not want Chu Tian to leave so soon.

Now hearing that Chu Tian has not found a job yet.

Fei Yingli is naturally very happy.

"There is no need to be discouraged if you haven't found a job. Just stay here and you'll be fine."

Fei Yingli walked to Chu Tian's side very easily and comforted him kindly,"The economy in Japan is not doing well now, so it's not easy to find a job. Don't be discouraged, there will definitely be opportunities."

"Don’t worry about food and daily necessities, I’m here to take care of everything!"

"You live here peacefully and take your time to look for a job."

Hearing what Fei Yingli said, Chu Tian inexplicably imagined a plot in his mind.

That is, facing the wealthy queen of the legal world in front of him, he should not be anxious and look for a job slowly.

He should take care of his own food and drink. When he said this, he really leaned in this woman's arms very docilely, and said to her in a puppy voice:"Sister Ying, I don't want to work hard anymore."

Although this thought only flashed through his mind, it was enough to make Chu Tian blush.

Fortunately, Fei Yingli did not notice anything unusual.

"Sister Ying, I feel so embarrassed when you say that. I live and eat for free in your house.……"

Chu Tian pretended to be modest.

Naturally, Fei Yingli responded politely.

"Ah Tian, don't be so reserved."

"This kind of thing is nothing."

"You saved me, this is what I should repay you for"

"Not to mention, you also help me cook, such delicious food, I really don't want you to leave."

After hearing what Fei Yingli said, Chu Tian hurriedly smiled and said:"Sister Ying, I dare not say anything else"

"But I am confident in cooking."

"I can also cook many kinds of dishes. As long as you like them, I can cook for you every day, for the rest of your life!"

After hearing these words

, a hint of surprise appeared on Hibiki Eri's face.

Cooking for yourself, cooking for yourself every day, for the rest of your life... these words came out and entered Hibiki Eri's ears.

In fact, this 37-year-old beautiful and mature woman blushed on the spot, and her body trembled slightly

"Haha, stop joking, okay?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Fei Yingli sighed.

"How can you possibly cook for me all my life?"

"These things can't be said casually."

While speaking, Fei Yingli's tone became a little cold.

There was no way, what Chu Tian just said was too easy to be misunderstood.

This made Fei Yingli's heart beat wildly and her face flushed.

If it couldn't be passed a little bit, it would be clear that this was impossible.

Fei Yingli was really afraid that she and Chu Tian had misunderstood.

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