Seeing that Hibari Eri's face was a little red,

Chu Tian sighed silently in his heart.

To be honest, it has been about two days since I came to this world! I don't know many people in this world.

Hibari Eri is the first one.

And the person that Chu Tian is most reluctant to let go.

Looking at Hibari Eri who is so young and beautiful.

If he didn't know her age.

Chu Tian believed that it would not be an exaggeration to say that Hibari Eri is less than 30 years old.

But such a woman, at this age, lives alone.

How can it not make people feel distressed? Today, the real reason why

Chu Tian went to the Maori Detective Agency. He wanted to see it with his own eyes. To see what kind of person Maori Kogoro is , who could delay a good woman like Hibari Eri for ten years. After seeing it for real. Chu Tian couldn't accept it. A good woman like Hibari Eri could actually be hurt for so many years by such a man. The more he thought about it, the more indignant he became.

"Sister Ying shouldn't be hanged on this scumbag!"

"Absolutely not!"

This is what Chu Tian thought after meeting Maori Kogoro.

However, Chu Tian is a very cautious person.

He will not do anything that he is not sure of.

Now, he has finally become a roommate with Kisaki Eri.

Two people living under the same roof can be considered friends.

It is for this reason that Chu Tian can't act rashly.

Lest he handle it poorly at that time, he will get into big trouble.

For example, he can't even be friends with Kisaki Eri.

Therefore, although he resents Maori Kogoro, the scumbag, in his heart. He also hopes to comfort Kisaki Eri well.

Let her get the happiness that a woman deserves.

But he must not act rashly, but proceed step by step.

At this time, he said that he would cook for Kisaki Eri for the rest of his life.

It was to further test Kisaki Eri's reaction.

Seeing Kisaki Eri blushing and refuting in her tone.

Chu Tian couldn't help but feel happy.

Kisaki Eri doesn't reject him too much.

This means that he still has a chance, there must be a chance

"Sister Ying, maybe what I said about my whole life is too exaggerated!"

"But I promise you, I will do my best to help you!"

"As long as anyone dares to bully you, or you have any trouble, I will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

"I will do what I say!"

Facing Fei Yingli in front of him, Chu Tian assured her in a very steady voice.

Hearing Chu Tian's sincere assurance,

Fei Yingli couldn't help but tremble.

At this moment,

Fei Yingli seemed to feel a strong sense of security burning in her heart.

For many years, the loneliness of living alone has made Fei Yingli feel very uncomfortable.

It's just that because of her strong woman character,

Fei Yingli will never expose her weaknesses to anyone.

But this weakness has always existed.

Now, facing the sense of security brought by Chu Tian's strong oppression,

Fei Yingli's weakness in her heart seems to be exposed.

She suddenly had an impulse, an impulse to throw herself into Chu Tian's arms and cry.

Any woman Everyone longs for a strong shoulder to serve as a shield for themselves, to protect themselves in it, so that they can happily enjoy all the security.

In the past, Eri Kisaki also had such a desire.

But it is obvious that Kogoro Maori cannot give Eri Kisaki such a sense of security.

Now, such a sense of security seems to have emerged in Chu Tian.

At that moment, Eri Kisaki really wanted to.

Immediately, she threw herself into Chu Tian's arms and had a good cry, acted like a spoiled child, and then... anything was fine.

But at this moment, Eri Kisaki still forced herself to suppress her feelings.

As the queen of the legal world.

Eri Kisaki's self-discipline is still very strong.

She could not do such a thing, and she knew that it was not realistic for her and Chu Tian.

"That, Atian……"

The next moment, Fei Yingli laughed dryly, then stood up and said,"I'm tired today and want to rest. You can do whatever you want.……"

After hearing what Fei Yingli said,

Chu Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He had thought about it just now.

Maybe Fei Yingli would tear off all her disguises as a strong woman in an instant.

Then throw herself into his arms and cry.

At that time, anything can be done.

But now it seems impossible.

The queen of the legal world is indeed worthy of being an ordinary person. She will not let herself fall into a passive position because of such a small matter.

It seems that we need to wait for a while.

"Okay, Sister Ying, then you should go and have a rest first.……"

This is not the time to lose your composure.

Chu Tian said this calmly to Fei Yingli.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli felt relieved.

At this moment, she was really a little scared. She was afraid that Chu Tian would do something extreme.

Then would she really do something out of line?

Fei Yingli was not sure, nor did she dare to gamble.

Fortunately, Chu Tian did not do anything extreme!

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