""Who is it?!"

When this voice came out, both Hirota Masami and the tall man were shocked.

The tall man shouted subconsciously, with a look of horror on his face.

He couldn't figure out why there was someone else in the room.

He had just checked and there was no one else!

At this moment, a black shadow flashed out.

This black shadow had an ordinary appearance and was wearing sunglasses.

Neither Hirota Masami nor the tall man knew this person.

"Who are you?"

The tall man stepped forward and asked viciously.

His eyes showed a strong murderous intent.

It can be said that no matter who the man in front of him is, the tall man will never let him go and will kill him to silence him.

Facing the words of the tall man in front of him, the man in front of him did not care at all.

Even his face did not change at all.

Obviously, he did not take this tall man seriously.

And Hirota Masami next to him did not speak, but she also understood that she must not let this man leave here alive.

Although she was unwilling to kill again.

But now there is no way out.

For herself and her sister.

At this time, there is no other way to go except to continue walking.

The person in front of him is none other than Chu Tian.

But at this time, Chu Tian did not reveal his true face.

He used the disguise technique.

The disguise technique given to him by the system plug-in is enough to make him easily change into another person.

Facing the tall man in front of him, Chu Tian sneered.

"Who am I? Do you need to know?"

Chu Tian said to the tall man in front of him with a very disdainful tone.

There was a strong sense of disdain and contempt in his tone.

Obviously, Chu Tian did not take this tall man seriously at all.

It was as if he was just a very pitiful and humble insect in front of him.

His tone completely angered the tall man.

""Damn it, I think you are looking for death!"

How could this tall man endure such humiliation?

The next moment, this tall man rushed towards Chu Tian in front of him.

He wanted to strangle Chu Tian to death just like he strangled Mr. Hirota just now.

Let this guy know what the consequences of despising himself will be.

Seeing this guy rushing towards him.

There was no fear on Chu Tian's face.

On the contrary, there was only a strong sense of disdain.

Obviously, he had no fear of such a person at all.

The next moment, a cold light flashed.

The tall man stopped.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

And Hirota Masami next to him was also completely stunned.

He could clearly see.

There was a A blood mark appeared, a very scary blood mark.

There was blood flowing in the blood mark, lots and lots of blood.

The blood was too scary.

At least for this tall man, it was extremely scary.

This meant that his throat had been cut.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for so much blood to flow out.

And once the throat was cut, it meant that his life had entered the countdown and there was no way he could be saved.

And what about Chu Tian next to him! At some point, a gleaming dagger appeared in his hand. The dagger was dripping with blood. It was obvious that it was Chu Tian who killed the tall man.

The tall man, even though he was extremely unwilling.

But the injury to his throat made it impossible for him to wait calmly. He had a chance to counterattack.

The next moment, the tall man's strong body collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

Just like that.

His life is gone.

And Hirota Masami, who was standing next to him, couldn't believe it when she saw the scene in front of her.

It was so simple.

The tall man was originally very tall, and his martial arts were also pretty good.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to rob a bank with them.

But it was so simple, the man in front of him, who didn't look particularly tall, was easily knocked down.

Although this man had a dagger in his hand.

But it was so simple, he knocked him down.

How can it be believed?

It can be said that at this time.

Hirota Masami really felt a strong fear.

He could feel it.

After killing this man, the other party probably wouldn't mind killing him too. Who is this person? Who is he?

Why is he here?

And he has such strong skills?

At this moment, Hirota Masami suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that this person is from the organization?

Waiting for him here today, ready to kill him at any time and take the money away?

Thinking of this, Hirota Masami's eyes showed an even greater fear that was unimaginable.

Not only because of the fear of death.

But also because of the worry about what would happen to his sister after his death?

Thinking of this, Hirota Masami seemed to be trembling slightly.

She really didn't know what would happen next.

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