For a moment, Chu Tian didn't care what Hirota Masami thought or looked at.

He was still panting slightly.

Feeling the feeling of killing for the first time.

Yes, this was indeed Chu Tian's first time killing.

He had never killed anyone before.

Needless to say, in his previous life, there was no chance or ability to kill people.

After coming to this world.

When he saved Hibiki Eri. He only injured those people, but did not kill them.

But now, this is indeed the first time to kill.

And it was a cut throat at such a close distance.

Chu Tian could feel the strong smell of blood.

In his previous life, he was a person who was very afraid of blood and hated the smell of blood!

But after coming to this world.

He discovered for the first time.

He was no longer afraid of blood.

On the contrary, when facing blood, he was a little excited and arrogant.

But before, he thought it was just his illusion, no big deal.

Until now, when he faced the blood at such a close distance after killing someone.

Chu Tian finally understood. It turned out that he had absolutely no rejection of blood. On the contrary, there was a strong sense of expectation and familiarity.

"This may be the numbness and excitement caused by Yan Shuangying

's countless murders!"This is the picture that Chu Tian immediately thought of in his mind.

You know, although Yan Shuangying is a righteous person in the TV series.

But he has also killed countless people.

Although he killed bad guys.

But when facing bad guys, he actually likes to kill them in perverted ways.

In particular, he likes to let others see his brains.

And this emotion, along with his martial arts, is now transferred to Chu Tian.

This is what it is now.

Chu Tian actually had a sense of obsession in the face of blood and violence.

At the moment of killing, there was no panic or fear.

On the contrary, there was only endless, an absolute sense of excitement.

This surprised him a little. He was also a little dazed for a moment. He didn't care about Hirota Masami at this time.

But this emotion, but after a moment, he reacted.

He knew what he should do next.

Not to commemorate something here.

Not to think about how bloody and violent he is here. Instead, he should take care of this woman.

Chu Tian came here for two purposes today.

The first is to Get this 1 billion yen.

He is short of money now!

This 1 billion yen can be used for his own benefit.

So he must get it.

On the other hand.

Chu Tian wants to meet Hirota Masami.

He wants to help this woman out of the sea of suffering.

After all, when watching Conan.

He is still very sad about the death of Hirota Masami.

He doesn't want anything to happen to Miyano Shiho, the sister of Haibara Ai.

So at this time, he must take action.

As for, she once robbed a bank.

This is not a big deal for Chu Tian at all.

He, Chu Tian, is not a detective, nor a righteous person. He just killed someone, so what?

He only cares about the people he cares about.

On the contrary, whoever stands in his way.

That's God killing God, Buddha killing Buddha.

So Chu Tian doesn't care at all, Hirota Masami robbed a bank or something.

Anyway, she must be protected.

And now, he has to do something.

At this time, Chu Tian's eyes looked at Hirota Masami.

Looking at the other's eyes looking at himself.

Hirota Masami couldn't help but tremble in her heart. She couldn't help but take two steps back

""You, who are you? What do you want to do?"

Hirota Masami gritted her teeth and said.

After hearing this, Chu Tian, who wanted to reveal his identity

, did not do so at this moment.

He felt a sense of play in his heart. He wanted to see what kind of reaction this girl would have when she faced him without knowing her identity.

"You ask, who am I?"

Chu Tian smiled gently.

Then, in a very fresh tone, he looked at Hirota Masami and asked,"Guess who I am?"

When Hirota Masami heard Chu Tian asking her to guess, she immediately understood what Chu Tian meant.

"You, you are indeed from the organization!"

Hirota Masami gritted her teeth and looked at Chu Tian.

She thought there was no other possibility.

After all, who could be so ruthless and kill such a big guy so powerfully?

Apart from the top killers in the dark organization, who else could do this?

It can be said that Hirota Masami has understood that it is difficult for her to survive today.

In fact, when doing this,

Hirota Masami had thought that the organization might not keep its promise and let her and her sister go.

In the end, she might die.

But Hirota Masami had no other choice.

But Hirota Masami didn't expect that it had only been a short while, and she hadn't completed the task completely. Just when she found the money, the killer of the dark organization had already come.

And he was so ruthless and killed the big guy with one knife.

Now it seems that she is in danger!

But I don't know how her sister is.

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