There was no need for Chu Tian to explain too much, Miyano Akemi already understood it all.

The reason why the organization didn't attack her directly and killed her as a common traitor was because they took her sister's ability into consideration.

She was sure that her sister, Miyano Shiho, was a top brain and genius in the organization, and a senior scientist. She was currently researching a special drug for the organization, so she couldn't be touched easily.

It was for this reason that they had to be cautious when dealing with her.

It was also for this reason that they couldn't kill her easily.

But up to this point, Miyano Akemi couldn't figure it out.

"What does that have to do with my robbery of 1 billion yuan?"

Looking at Chu Tian in front of her, Miyano Akemi asked this question.

So far, Miyano Akemi still doesn't quite understand.

That is, what does my robbery of 1 billion yuan have to do with this matter.

After hearing this, Chu Tian was stunned for a moment.

He thought that this woman did not look particularly smart.

Otherwise, she would not have been deceived by Akai Shuichi like that.

Was she used as a stepping stone to enter the organization?

"Don't you understand this?"

Chu Tian smiled bitterly, then looked at Miyano Akemi in front of him and continued,"The reason you chose to carry out this plan is that you hope to get your sister out of the organization.……"

"But once you succeed, the organization will definitely not agree to let your sister leave.……"

"I will give your sister the excuse that she is the top scientist in the organization to reject your request.……"

When Miyano Akemi heard this, her face became very ugly.

Although Chu Tian's words were very unpleasant, Miyano Akemi didn't find it strange.

This kind of immoral and completely untrustworthy thing can only be done by a dark organization.

Chu Tian didn't even need to say it online, how could Miyano Akemi not understand it?

"At that time, you will make me hand over the money, and it will be unconditional!"

Miyano Akemi gritted her teeth and looked at Chu Tian in front of her.

"But there is absolutely no way I would agree to it!"

"That would be disobeying the organization's orders!"

"When that time comes, you can kill me with a legitimate reason!"

"Am I right?"

Chu Tian was stunned for a moment when he heard Miyano Akemi say this.

Then he smiled and nodded at Miyano Akemi in front of him.

"It seems that you are not stupid……"

"That's right, that's the case!" There

's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's the truth.

After hearing what Chu Tian said,

Miyano Akemi was trembling all over.

She could never have imagined that these people were so cruel.

Not only did they want to kill her, but they also wanted to kill her with a reasonable reason.

It was as if the fault was all hers.

This was really a heart-breaking murder, a heart-breaking murder!

What do you want Miyano Akemi to say?

"Until now, I finally understand!"

Looking at Chu Tian in front of him, Miyano Akemi gritted her teeth, with a look of hatred on her face.

"Now, what are you going to do to me?"

Miyano Akemi looked at the money on the ground, then at the body.

"Are you going to kill me, take the money, and then report to the organization, just like you just said?"

When he said this,

Akemi Miyano no longer had any fear.

He also understood that things had come to this point.

Even if he was afraid to beg for mercy, it would be useless.

There was no point in resisting.

The man in front of him could kill the tall man so easily.

So it would not be too difficult to kill him.

He was a weak woman without a weapon.

He had no way to resist, which was tantamount to humiliating himself.

If he wanted to beg for mercy, it would definitely be useless.

So now Akemi Miyano had thought it through.

Facing the man in front of her, she also accepted her fate.

It was just that Akemi Miyano was still very sad that she could not rescue her sister and could not let her sister leave the organization.

But things had come to this point and she had tried her best.

Anyway, there was nothing to say, so she could only do this.

Seeing Akemi Miyano say this, he thought that he might kill her.

Chu Tian showed an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth.

I don't know why, in Chu Tian's heart, he suddenly had a very crazy idea.

And when this idea came out, he couldn't stop himself.

I really wanted to give it a try.

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