For a moment, Chu Tian struggled in his heart.

He was thinking about whether he should do this or not.

After all, if he did this, although he would feel good, it would inevitably be a bit mean and immoral.

However, this struggling thought only lasted for a moment.

A moment later, Chu Tian had made up his mind.

Why not do it?

If he hadn't appeared, what would have happened to Miyano Akemi?

Obviously, she would be killed.

And his appearance guaranteed that she would not be killed.

So what's the big deal about this?

Not to mention, this woman should not be pure.

Doesn't she have a boyfriend, Akai Shuichi?

Why is there any need to pretend!

Thinking of this, Chu Tian finally stopped hesitating and decided to do this thing.

"Do you think I am here to kill you?"

After making up his mind, Chu Tian looked at Miyano Akemi in front of him, then smiled calmly.

Then he said this.

"Isn't it?"

Miyano Akemi looked at Chu Tian unhappily.

In her opinion, if this man didn't come to kill her, why would he appear here?

And just now, didn't he kill someone?

He killed this big guy so ruthlessly.

Then what is the difference between herself and this big guy?


After hearing this, Chu Tian was silent for a moment.

Then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"If I really came to kill you……"

"Do you think you can still live to this day?"

Chu Tian said to Miyano Akemi in front of him in a very sarcastic tone.


Hearing Chu Tian's words, Miyano Akemi was shocked.

What does this guy mean?

Is he not here to kill her?

Miyano Akemi was very shocked.

After hesitating for a while.

Miyano Akemi looked at Chu Tian in an uncertain tone and asked:"You, are not here to kill me?"

"So, then why did you come to see me?"

"Why do you want to kill this big guy?"

After hearing this, Chu Tian smiled slightly.

He could already hear the hesitation in Miyano Akemi's tone.

And this hesitation.

At least it can reduce Chu Tian's disgust.

If the disgust is reduced, then the subsequent communication will be smoother.

"First of all, I want to tell you one thing, that is, this is not my real face!"

Chu Tian said as he put his hands on his face and then tore off the human skin mask from his face.

Suddenly, Miyano Akemi saw a familiar face appear in front of her.

"It's you!"

Miyano Akemi recognized him immediately.

Wasn't this the young man she saw in the Mori Detective Agency that day?

"That's right, we met that day!"

Looking at Miyano Akemi in front of him, so surprised.

Chu Tian felt more and more that this game was very fun.

To be honest, he wanted to continue playing.

Now, he couldn't stop and had to continue playing.

Compared with Chu Tian's pride.

Miyano Akemi felt that her brain was not enough.

What's going on?

How could the man I met in the Maori Detective Agency that day appear here?

And he actually knows how to disguise himself.

Miyano Akemi had only heard of the art of disguise before.

It is said that there are people in the organization who know this skill.

They can change their appearance at will and become another person, whether they are male or female.

Miyano Akemi always thought that it was just a legend.

Who knew that such a thing would actually happen.

This scene alone was enough to shock Miyano Akemi.

"That day, I was ordered to investigate some things at the Maori Detective Agency. Who knew that you were there too?……"

Seeing Miyano Akemi so surprised, Chu Tian found it more and more amusing.

So of course he continued to make up lies.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Miyano Akemi had a headache.

What happened today.

Miyano Akemi felt that it was becoming more and more unreasonable.

"We are now looking at each other with our true faces……"

"I'll talk to you!"

Looking at Miyano Akemi, Chu Tian said slowly.

"I didn't come here to kill you today, because killing you is not my job, it's Gin's job!"

Chu Tian said slowly.

Hearing Chu Tian say this,

Miyano Akemi's eyes lit up.

No matter what,

Miyano Akemi didn't want to die.

Hearing that Chu Tian was not here to kill her,

Miyano Akemi's heart suddenly ignited a glimmer of hope.

But when she heard Chu Tian wanted to talk to her,

Miyano Akemi didn't understand.

"Talk to me, what to talk about?"

Miyano Akemi was very puzzled.

Judging from the other party's skills and ability to act, he must be a very high-ranking figure in the organization.

What is there for such a person to talk to her? Miyano Akemi really didn't understand

"It's very simple, just a deal!"

Seeing Miyano Akemi's surprised look, Chu Tian knew that he was becoming more and more dramatic.

So he said this slowly.


Hearing this word, Miyano Akemi frowned slightly.

"What kind of deal can I make with you? I have nothing!"

Miyano Akemi said, shaking her finger.

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