She was very self-aware.

In this situation, she was completely on Chu Tian's knife board. She had no ability to resist at all.

What kind of deal could the two of them discuss? Miyano Akemi couldn't imagine it at all!

"First, you need to know……"

Hearing Miyano Akemi's doubts, Chu Tian smiled and slowly answered her,"You have no way out now.……"

"Once you meet Gin, you are basically doomed to die. You can't be your sister Shirley, that is, Miyano Shiho, right?"

Hearing this, Miyano Akemi was silent for a while, then nodded.

After the conversation with Chu Tian just now, plus the understanding of the dark organization,

Miyano Akemi certainly knew that what Chu Tian said was true.

"So now I want to say that no one can help you except me!"

Chu Tian smiled and looked at Miyano Akemi in front of him, saying this in a plain but domineering tone.

"What do you mean?"

Miyano Akemi was getting more and more confused the more she listened.

What did this man mean? Help her?

Could it be that he wanted to help her?

Miyano Akemi was extremely confused and couldn't believe it.

But she had to admit that she was still a little worried.

If this man could really help her, then maybe she would have a chance of survival.

But was this what he meant?

Miyano Akemi wasn't sure.

"I mean, I can help you, and only I can help you……"

Seeing Miyano Akemi so surprised, Chu Tian took the trouble to explain to him

"If I help you, I can hide you and make Gin unable to find you!"

"And I can also promise that I will do my best to rescue your sister Miyano Shiho!"

"And after you are rescued, I will guarantee your safety so that you will not be hunted down by the organization, what do you think?"

Chu Tian looked at Miyano Akemi in front of him and told her slowly what he wanted to do.

And Chu Tian's words were enough to shock Miyano Akemi.

She couldn't believe her ears!

This person is not here to kill her, but to save her?

Not only saved herself, but also saved her sister, so that they can get out of the organization and get safe?

Was she dreaming? Or did she meet a liar?

Although she thought so.

But seeing the corpse on the ground, Miyano Akemi knew that this man could not be a liar.

So this man, is he really here to help her, can there be such a good thing?

Miyano Akemi was horrified in her heart, a little bit unbelievable!

Seeing Miyano Akemi's surprised look.

Chu Tian was not in a hurry.

He knew that this kind of thing might not be easy for Miyano Akemi for a while. Accept it.

Anyway, he has plenty of time, no need to rush, he can wait slowly.

Wait until Miyano Akemi digests what he said, and then make a decision.

However, Chu Tian believes.

Miyano Akemi will make a decision that satisfies him.

After all, at this time.

The most important thing for Miyano Akemi is to protect her own life.

She also has to rescue her sister from the organization.

To escape from the sea of suffering, the conditions I have given are absolutely the best. There is no possibility for her to refuse.

Sure enough, it was just as Chu Tian expected.

Miyano Akemi was stunned for a moment.

Then, a strong light appeared in the eyes of this woman.

This light means.

Faced with Chu Tian's conditions, Miyano Akemi has been moved.

After all, Chu Tian's conditions are too tempting.

At this time, for Miyano Akemi facing this situation, it seems that there is no possibility of refusal.

"What are the conditions?"

The next moment, Miyano Akemi took a deep breath, then looked at Chu Tian and said with gritted teeth.

You know, Miyano Akemi is not a fool, she knows that there is no free lunch in this world.

Chu Tian helped her so much, kept her secrets, and helped her save her sister.

How could there be no conditions?

So at this time, there must be conditions.

And Chu Tian just said that he wanted to trade with him.

Then there must be conditions.

But what are these conditions?

Miyano Akemi really couldn't think of what she could give Chu Tian.

She was just a grassroots member of the organization and had not received any training.

And the reason why she became a member of the organization.

In fact, it was more because The reason for his own sister.

So for Chu Tian, such a big man in the organization, what can he give to make him take such a big risk?

You know, if Chu Tian really helps him fight against the organization and rescues his sister.

In fact, it is equivalent to betraying the organization.

How big is the risk of betraying the organization.

How could Miyano Akemi not know?

What can he give to this man to make him willing to betray the organization?

Miyano Akemi really can't imagine it!

After hearing what Miyano Akemi said.

Chu Tian showed a smug smile.

Everything is the same as he thought.

Miyano Akemi will not refuse his conditions.

In this way, the following things will be easy.

"Can I understand that……"

Chu Tian took a deep breath and said calmly

"What you mean by this is that you agree to let me help you?"

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