The next morning, when Miyano Akemi woke up from her sleep, she found no one around her.

Then when Miyano Akemi got up, she found several stacks of brand new Japanese yen on the table in the living room. There was also a note next to it. It was left by Chu Tian.

"Use this money to rent a house, hurry up"

"I took 1 billion yuan!"

"I will contact you soon!"

This is what was written on the note.

After reading it, Miyano Akemi was silent for a while.

To be honest, Miyano Akemi's heart was very complicated.

On the one hand, she actually resented Chu Tian for taking away her first time in this way.

She made herself feel sorry for her boyfriend.

But on the other hand, in Miyano Akemi's heart, I don't know why.

It seems that she has some feelings for this man.

It can be said that she is very entangled!

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, Miyano Akemi's current entanglement with Chu Tian is indescribable.

But she also knows that now is not the time to talk about these.

The money has been taken away by Chu Tian, and she has rested well, and she has to leave here quickly.

Anyway, this is someone else's house!

Miyano Akemi can't stay in this place forever.

It's better to rent a house quickly and hide herself.


Where did Chu Tian go at this time?

He has already used teleportation to appear in the United States.

After making up his mind to go to the United States to buy weapons, he did it as soon as he said.

Chu Tian has always been vigorous and resolute in doing things, and he will never drag his feet.

And he just wanted to see whether this teleportation is as magical as in Dragon Ball.

According to the information given to him by the system plug-in, his teleportation is the same as that of Jebit, the subordinate of King Kai.

The characteristics of this teleportation are even more powerful in this world.

He can reach any corner of the earth at will, and anywhere you want to go, you can definitely go.

Because in Dragon Ball, this teleportation was originally used by Jebit to go to places.

However, this teleportation is slightly different from that in Dragon Ball.

The teleportation in Dragon Ball can be placed anywhere in the universe because the entire universe is so large.

But Chu Tian's teleportation can only be used on Earth.

But this alone is already very good, isn't it?

He did not hesitate and immediately teleported to the United States.

Of course, before going to the United States, Chu Tian would not reveal his true face.

He did not want anyone to see his true face when buying a gun.

Even though the United States is far away from Japan, no one thought that he could use teleportation.

But for the sake of safety,

Chu Tian decided to do it first.

So he quickly used the disguise technique and put on a foreigner's makeup. Now he became a foreigner.

If he went to the United States at this time, there would be no problem.


A bank in New York, Citigroup.

Chu Tian walked out of it. Of course, he looked like a foreigner, a standard white person.

He had just been in this bank. He exchanged 10,000 U.S. dollars with an equal amount of Japanese yen.

It must be said that both Japanese yen and US dollars are international currencies.

So it is relatively easy to exchange them in the bank.

Especially seeing that he is white, the bank staff are more polite.

As a result, he did not spend much effort and successfully got 10,000 U.S. dollars.

"Now I'm going to the gun store, hehehe……"

Thinking of this, Chu Tian felt very excited.

You know, guns in the United States are very rampant and powerful.

After all, this country allows citizens to legally own guns, so guns can be bought everywhere.

But such a good thing is basically impossible to appear in most other countries.

First of all, don't even think about Chu Tian's hometown, Huaxia, that is definitely impossible.

As for Japan, where Chu Tian is now, it is not as strict as Huaxia.

But it is not easy to get a good gun.

But if you are in the United States, the situation is completely different. You can have any kind of gun you want.

Even if you want most of the highly lethal weapons such as rocket launchers, there is no problem.

It's just that if these things are to be taken abroad, it will be difficult.

But Chu Tian has teleportation, so it's not too difficult.

Chu Tian's reward was exchanged for US dollars, and he was ready to buy guns.

But he did not choose to buy guns in New York, because this is a blue state after all, and the control of guns is relatively strict.

He wants to teleport to some red states, and they are more conservative red states.

It is very easy to buy a gun there, basically no one will notice it, and you can buy a lot more weapons.

Chu Tian had checked this on the Internet before arriving, and confirmed that the Americans were like this.

That is why he chose this path at this time.

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