Mississippi is one of the states with the most lax gun control in the United States.

Because it is a deep red state, it is the most relaxed in the sale of guns.

Although there should be some laws as a prohibition, basically the shop owner does not care.

Many gun stores will trade with you immediately as long as you have money and they have goods.

In fact, gun control in the United States, that is, gun control, has always been what many people want.

The so-called gun control and gun ban are not the same thing.

Gun control refers to strict control of the procedures for purchasing guns to ensure that no one can buy guns.

And these measures are generally stricter in blue states.

This is why Chu Tian chose a bank in a blue state to exchange money, because the economic conditions there are good and it is easy to exchange money.

But he will never buy a gun there.

Because buying a gun in a blue state requires a lot of procedures.

Chu Tian is an illegal immigrant who smuggled here. Although he teleported instantly, he was still smuggled.

He can't be carried in these places.

So after the money exchange, Chu Tian immediately teleported to Mississippi.

He quickly found a pretty good and upscale gun store.

And he successfully bought several guns he wanted there through a bearded clerk.

He bought a total of five powerful pistols, two rifles, three submachine guns, and a large sniper rifle.

These guns are basically not available in Japan.

These are high-end products of high-end arms companies in the United States, and they are very expensive!

In addition, he bought about 300 rounds of bullets, plus a bulletproof vest.

The total cost was about 8,000 US dollars.

In fact, this price is not expensive.

If these guns flow into Japan and are resold on the black market, they should be worth at least 80,000 US dollars.

Among them, the price of bulletproof vests is not cheap.

Because the United States prohibits people from owning bulletproof vests.

But the owner of this store seems to have a way.

There are bulletproof vests, but the price is very expensive.

One set costs 4,000 US dollars.

The other guns and bullets together are only 4,000 US dollars.

Chu Tian was very generous and bought everything.

This made the store owner very happy.

Few people would buy so many weapons in his gun shop.

Especially sniper rifles.

This thing is not simple and very complicated to use. He might not sell one in a whole year.

But today someone actually bought one.

Although I don't know what he will do with it.

But there is business coming, so he has to do it anyway!

"The Americans are worthy of being Americans!"

After walking out of the store with the gun, Chu Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now in the gun store, Chu Tian looked at many other weapons.

The big one was a rocket launcher.

Chu Tian believed that the ammunition equipped with it could blow up a building if it was fired.

However, the price was also terrifyingly expensive.

Chu Tian did not need it at the moment, so he did not buy it.

In addition, there were various other firearms and weapons, which opened Chu Tian's eyes after his first visit here!

If possible, he needs to buy more guns.

But this time he only exchanged 10,000 US dollars.

If he wanted to exchange more, he was afraid of causing Others’ suspicion.

So I only bought this much this time, and I’ll use it temporarily.

When I need it in the future, I’ll come back and buy new ones.

With so many weapons, Chu Tian is not afraid of anything.

It has to be said that with teleportation, his family has money and can get a lot of arms from the Americans.

At least in the short term, even if the dark organization sends dozens of people, he can deal with them.

With a gun in his hand, he is like a tiger with wings!

After leaving the location, Chu Tian found a secluded place.

Then he hid all the guns in his own space.

"It's time to go back……"

Chu Tian muttered.

Then he used teleportation to leave here.

In an instant, he went from the United States to Japan.

After returning, he still had a lot of guns in his hands.

That confidence was different.

After all, although he was a martial arts expert, the dark organization he faced was not vegetarian.

They also had guns in their hands.

So if Chu Tian had a gun himself, he would be more confident in fighting against this group of people, right?

When he came back, Chu Tian estimated that Miyano Akemi's apartment had been rented.

After all, he left her a lot of money!

There are still many apartments for rent now.

As long as you have money.

If you want to rent a good apartment, it should be no problem.

Not to mention Miyano Akemi, I also know that I must rent a house as soon as possible so that I can have a place to stay.

So I should be very diligent in looking for a house.

Sure enough, after returning, Chu Tian called Miyano Akemi.

This number was given to her by Chu Tian last night.

Don't use her previous mobile phone for the time being, just use your own mobile phone.

Regarding this.

Miyano Akemi certainly has no objection.

She was very clear about the organization's methods. It's better to be safe than sorry.

She didn't want to fail to rescue her sister and then capsize.

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