Facing such a beautiful woman like Hibari Eri, and Chu Tian who is very familiar with Conan, how could he not be moved?

Although the two of them have not been together for a long time,

Chu Tian's feelings for Hibari Eri are definitely different from those for other girls.

Whether in the past life or this life, they are absolutely different.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other here, and they were speechless for a moment.

At this moment, Hibari Eri felt a strong sense of despair in her heart.

Yes, it was really despair!

You know, in Hibari Eri's heart, she understood a truth very well.

Even if she really liked Chu Tian, the two of them would never be together.

First of all, she has a husband.

Although they are separated now, he is still her husband after all, and they have not divorced yet.

Even if she divorces, so what?

The gap between her and Chu Tian is very large. She is still so young, how old am I?

How could the two of them have a future?

It is precisely for this reason that Hibari Eri feels more and more painful.

But now, Hibari Eri can only hide such pain in her heart.

She must not let Chu Tian notice it.

Otherwise, not only would it be embarrassing, but Fei Yingli was also afraid of Chu Tian and felt disgusted.

Then he would completely cut off his relationship with her, which would be difficult to deal with.

It was precisely because of such a complicated feeling that when Fei Yingli looked at Chu Tian at this time, she felt very entangled in her heart and her face looked a little unnatural.


After the two of them were silent for a while,

Chu Tian finally spoke first.

He didn't like the atmosphere of this scene, and they couldn't just keep looking at each other like this.

So he decided to speak first to interrupt this atmosphere.

""Have you eaten?"

Chu Tian looked at Fei Yingli in front of him and asked this question.

Fei Yingli hesitated for a moment and then shook her head.

"not yet……"

To be honest, Fei Yingli has not been in the mood to eat these past few days.

After eating Chu Tian's food, she cannot say that she cannot eat food outside.

But after returning home, Fei Yingli thought of some things and was not in the mood to eat.

Now seeing Chu Tian again, Fei Yingli has mixed feelings.

Then he asked her if she had eaten.

While Fei Yingli told the truth, she also felt a very uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

After hearing what Fei Yingli said, Chu Tian sighed and nodded.

"You can't not eat!"

"I haven't eaten yet, I'll make something for you.……"

At this point, Chu Tian went to the kitchen.

Facing Chu Tian's figure heading to the kitchen, Fei Yingli was obviously stunned for a moment.

But Fei Yingli did nothing to stop him.

Chu Tian hadn't been home for several days.

At this time, Fei Yingli felt that he might leave her soon.

So at this time, no matter what Chu Tian did, it didn't matter.

It seemed that the two of them would be together soon, Fei Yingli thought so.

Whether it was cooking or anything else, as long as he could stay longer, it would be fine.


In the kitchen, Chu Tian quickly started cooking.

While cooking, Chu Tian was thinking about his own concerns.

"Is this the right thing to do?"

"Playing the long game……"

"But isn't it too cruel to do so?……"

"Sister Ying should have feelings for me too, right?"

"If I do this, will it be too much?……"

Chu Tian was thinking about it and hadn't made a final decision yet.


Let’s not talk about how Chu Tian cooks. On the other side,

Kogoro Mouri, Ran Mouri and Conan went to Mr. Hirota’s house the next day.

The reason was that Ran Mouri couldn’t get through to Hirota Masami on the phone, and they found it very strange.

So they decided to go and see.

As a result, when they arrived at the scene, they found out that Mr. Hirota was already dead.

And two bodies were found at the scene.

All of a sudden, they were all shocked.

So they hurried to the warning hall to ask Officer Megure.

According to the police officer, Mr. Hirota should have been killed by the tall man who died at the scene.

Because there were strangle marks on Mr. Hirota’s neck.

But no one knows how the tall man died.

All they know is that he was stabbed to death, and he was killed with one knife.

And Conan also wanted to use his tracking glasses to find the trace of Hirota Masami, but he found that the signal machine had been destroyed.

In desperation, there was nothing he could do.

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