At this time, at Fei Yingli's home,

Chu Tian had already prepared a table full of sumptuous meals.

This time he really cooked it seriously, and he cooked a lot.

It was delicious, needless to say.

Such a meal would make people salivate at the sight of it.

Fei Yingli and Chu Tian sat together to eat.

Both of them chewed slowly, but did not speak.

"really tasty……"

I don't know if it's because I haven't eaten Chu Tian's cooking for several days.

Or because Chu Tian's cooking is so delicious.

Or maybe I'm hungry.

Anyway, today, Fei Yingli ate especially sweetly.

The delicious taste of the food made her linger.


Halfway through the meal, Chu Tian suddenly spoke

"What's the matter?"

Hearing Chu Tian was about to speak, Fei Yingli put down her bowl and chopsticks.

"I haven't been back these few days because I have something to do outside. I hope you don't mind!"

Chu Tian took a deep breath and said

"I don't mind it."

Hearing Chu Tian's question, Fei Yingli smiled and said,"You are free to go out, there is no need to tell me anything."

This is indeed the fact.

But in Chu Tian's ears,

Fei Yingli's words at this time seemed to have some resentment.

And the expression of this resentment can just show that Fei Yingli has feelings for him.

In this case, Chu Tian has made up his mind.

It's time to say some things.


Looking at Fei Yingli in front of him, Chu Tian's eyes showed a complex expression, hesitant to speak.

Seeing that Chu Tian seemed to have something to say, Fei Yingli listened very carefully.

She did not take the initiative to ask Chu Tian what he wanted to say.

She did not continue eating.

Instead, she just waited quietly.


"……I might have to move out!"

Finally, Chu Tian gritted his teeth and said this.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli was silent.

She felt like something was broken in her heart and felt very uncomfortable.

""You found a job?"

Fei Yingli said nonchalantly, as if it was not a big deal.

But Chu Tian could feel that Fei Yingli was reluctant to leave him.

This feeling made him feel comfortable, and he liked this feeling. He was able to make Fei Yingli, the queen of the legal world, feel this way about him.

Although he didn't say it, he didn't want to leave in his heart.

This in itself was a great sense of accomplishment.

But of course he would not write such joy on his face.

That would be too stupid.


"I found a good job……"

Chu Tian still answered Fei Yingli in a nonchalant tone.

"I have some money now, so I can live somewhere nicer and stop bothering you here.……"

After hearing this, Kiyori fell silent.

""I'm really sorry for disturbing you for so long!"

Chu Tian looked at Fei Yingli in front of him and continued slowly.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli was speechless.

She could hear that Chu Tian really didn't want to disturb her.

It was as if leaving this place would be a huge loss for her.

But to be honest.

In fact, it is indeed a very big loss.

After all, such a good house is letting Chu Tian live in it for free.

And Fei Yingli is a married woman.

At the same time, she is the queen of the legal world.

If people find out that there is an extra man in the house.

Once some dirty rumors are made, the loss will undoubtedly be huge.

So at this time, Chu Tian chose to leave, to maintain his reputation and not cause trouble for himself.

In essence, he is really taking care of himself and helping himself.

Fei Yingli is such a shrewd woman.

How could she not think of this?

But it is precisely because of this truth, it is easy to think that it is a very shallow truth.

Fei Yingli's heart.

Will feel more and more uncomfortable and uncomfortable

"I'll probably leave after I finish my meal.……"

"Sorry to bother you for so many days.……"

"But I can leave you my phone number. If you have any problems in the future, you can call me anytime!"

"As long as I can help, I will help……"

Chu Tian said to Fei Yingli very politely

"……I see……"

Fei Yingli had nothing to say about this.

In fact, she also had her own impulses in her heart.

She also wanted to keep Chu Tian and let Chu Tian continue to live here.

But the question is, what is the reason?

What reason does she have to let Chu Tian stay?

Fei Yingli didn't know.

For now, she could only watch Chu Tian leave.

After the two of them, they were speechless.

The meal was finally finished.

Chu Tian took the initiative to ask to help Fei Yingli wash the dishes.

Fei Yingli did not refuse.

After everything was cleaned up, Chu Tian took a breath.

Then he waved to Fei Yingli.

"I'm leaving, Sister Ying……"

He said to Kisaki Eri calmly and with a hint of reluctance.

"Well, take care of yourself!"

Fei Yingli tried her best to be calm and said goodbye to Chu Tian.

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