Hello, Hirota Masami……

"Or maybe I should call you Miyano Akemi?……"At this moment, a very cold voice came over.

Miyano Akemi turned around and saw a tall man with long silver hair walking over.

Behind him was a burly man wearing sunglasses.

Needless to say, these two people were none other than Gin and Vodka.

After seeing these two people, Miyano Akemi took a deep breath.

It was finally time.

It can be said that Miyano Akemi no longer felt nervous at this moment. Maybe she felt nervous at the beginning. But now, she no longer felt nervous.

"You're really cruel.……"

When Gin saw Miyano Akemi in front of him, he sneered and said,"I originally wanted to give you some poison to kill that big guy.……"

"Who knew you would take the initiative to solve it?……"

"I didn't realize before that you are such a cruel person.……"

To be honest, the news of the big guy's death.

Gin was a little surprised when he knew it.

Originally, their idea was to lie to Miyano Akemi that they gave the big guy sleeping pills.

In fact, they wanted to put poison in the sleeping pills and poison the big guy to death.

Anyway, for the organization, all the people who participated in this operation must die.

Who knew that things were not so troublesome anymore.

The big guy and Mr. Hirota died at home.

Miyano Akemi disappeared.

So who else could kill the big guy? There must be no one else except Miyano Akemi!

When Gin got the news, he still couldn't believe it.

This Miyano Akemi could actually be so cruel, it really doesn't matter what you see.

Hearing what Gin said, Miyano Akemi showed a helpless bitter smile at the corner of her mouth.

She had thought about it a long time ago.

The organization would think that she killed the big guy.

And who can she complain to about such an injustice?

Forget it, this is not the point anyway, don't worry about it

"Stop talking nonsense.……"

Miyano Akemi interrupted Gin with a sneer

"I'm not here to talk nonsense with you today, you have to understand……"

After hearing this, Gin nodded.

"Indeed, this is not the time to talk about these things today.……"

Then, Gin's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Hand over the money, hand it over quickly!"

After hearing this, Miyano Akemi's eyes were also cold.

"I didn't bring the money.……"

Miyano Akemi said coldly to the gin and vodka in front of her

"What did you say?!"

Vodka, who was standing next to him, was a hot-tempered guy.

When he heard what Miyano Akemi said, his eyes widened.

Gin, on the other hand, was very calm.

It was obvious that he had expected this situation to happen.

"Didn’t we agree on this?"

Miyano Akemi looked coldly at Gin in front of her,"After this operation, let my sister and I leave the organization!"

"Where is my sister?"

"Bring her here!"

"I'll tell you where the money is!"

After hearing this, Gin sneered.

"Don't even think about it……"

"Your sister is the top scientist in the organization.……"

"She is different from you, but she is a popular person in the organization!"

"How could I let you take it away?!"

When these words came out, Miyano Akemi's eyes could not help but glare.

Gin in front of her said this, obviously telling Miyano Akemi that they would not keep their promise.

At this moment, Miyano Akemi had to believe that Chu Tian was right.

This group of people had never thought about keeping their promise from the beginning, and they were ready to regret it.

She felt a strong sense of despair in her heart.

But at the same time, she felt a sense of rebirth.

"Fortunately, I met that bad guy……"

Miyano Akemi couldn't help but think of Chu Tian's voice and appearance in her mind.

If she hadn't met him, she might have been completely deceived by the organization.

At that time, not only would it be impossible to rescue her sister, but she might also be completely finished.

At the same time, her sister might never have the hope of leaving the organization in her lifetime.

She might even lose her life for her.

Thinking of this, Miyano Akemi felt an unimaginable sense of relief in her heart.

But now Gin didn't know what Miyano Akemi was thinking at this moment.

He directly took out his pistol

"This is your last chance.……"

Gin sneered at Miyano Akemi and said,"Tell me where the money is.……"

"If you tell me now, I can spare your life.……"

This is indeed the truth.

His relationship with Shirley in the organization is not bad.

Or to put it bluntly, he likes Shirley and hopes to become her boyfriend.

So if possible, he hopes to save Miyano Akemi's life.

"I can't give you the money!"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun,

Miyano Akemi was not afraid at all.

""Shoot if you dare, bastard!" Gin was furious when he heard Miyano Akemi call him a bastard.

"In that case, you asked for it!"

Gin's eyes showed a strong murderous intent.

The next moment, he pulled the trigger.

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