In a flash, when she saw Gin pulling the trigger,

Miyano Akemi suddenly felt nervous.

No matter what, anyone would be nervous when facing this situation.

"Will he save me?"

Instantly, this thought popped up in Miyano Akemi's mind.

She didn't know whether Chu Tian would save her.

Although rationally,

Miyano Akemi believed that Chu Tian would save her.

But it didn't really happen, so who could know?

At the moment when Miyano Akemi's mind was buzzing, suddenly, a cold light flashed.

"Not good!"

Gin, a first-rate killer, was shocked at this moment.

He knew that the situation was not good.

The next moment, it was too late to shoot.

He quickly stepped back, along with Vodka, and took a few steps back.

Then, Gin saw a flying knife on the ground, stuck straight into the soil.

Obviously, someone had just shot a flying knife at him.

If he had not dodged quickly, he would have been stabbed by the flying knife.

The moment he saw the flying knife, Miyano Akemi's body could not help but tremble slightly.

He is coming, he is coming!

He is here to save himself!

"Who is it?!"

At this moment, Gin already felt a strong sense of crisis.

As a top killer of the dark organization, his intuition about certain things is better than that of ordinary people.

He has discovered that there may be a great master who has appeared here.

He doesn't know who this person is yet.

But years of life and death experience have told him that this person is definitely not simple and should never be underestimated.

At this time, Vodka has already taken out his gun.

Obviously, although his intuition is not as strong as Gin's, he is a very great killer.

He also saw the flying knife just now, which means that there must be a master here.

So who is this person?

Why is he going against the organization?

Vodka doesn't know.

But he knows that he must not be careless now.

Otherwise, it would be a big loss to lose his life in this place.

At this moment, suddenly, Gin's face changed.

"Get out of the way!"

The next moment, Gin jumped to the side quickly.

Vodka was still a little confused, not knowing what happened.

But he immediately understood what happened.

A black shadow rushed over from behind him. The next moment, the black muzzle of the gun burst into flames.


Vodka screamed.

His right arm holding the gun was injured.

Although he was wearing a bulletproof vest, the bullet did not penetrate his arm on the spot.

But his arm was broken by the strong impact of the bullet.

His gun fell to the ground.

He was pushed back by the force of the gunshot. Gin, due to his years of vigilance, predicted that the other party might appear behind them and dodged in time.

That's why he was not injured on the spot.

The next moment, the other party's gun was pointed at Gin.?

"Not good!"

Gin quickly hid behind the container of the dock.

With two gunshots, two bullet holes appeared on the ground beside him.

The next moment, Gin was not to be outdone. He quickly stuck his head out and fired two shots at the person in front of him.

At the moment of shooting, Gin saw that this was a tall man with a mask on his face and wearing a black armed tights.

Although he couldn't see the true face of this person, Gin could feel that the other party was a master.

Apart from anything else, the strong murderous aura on his body was enough to make Gin feel incredible.

He had never seen such a strong murderous aura on a person.

Who is such a powerful master?

Why did he help Miyano Akemi?

Gin couldn't figure it out.

But he didn't need to figure it out.

At least not now.

He fired two shots.

It also had no effect on the other party.

At the moment of shooting, the other party also hid behind the container.


Gin gritted his teeth, quickly rushed out with his gun.

He knew he couldn't hide like this because they had already opened fire.

The sound of gunfire could easily attract the police.

So no matter who the other party was, he had to end the fight as soon as possible.

"Big Brother……"

At this time, Vodka had already picked up the gun with his left hand. His right arm was in excruciating pain and he had no strength.

But he was a trained professional killer after all, so he could still endure the pain.

He also saw that the person who came was a top master.

Now he had to stay with his eldest brother, and the two of them would work together to deal with this master.

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