Seeing Conan's angry face, and seeing the frightened looks of Yuantai and Guangyan,

Chu Tian shook his head helplessly.

Chu Tian didn't want to play with these three naughty kids anymore.

He snorted, and then shook his hand.

Immediately, a dagger with a cold glow appeared in his hand.


When they saw the dagger, Yuan Tai and Mitsuhiko turned pale with fear.

They thought Chu Tian was going to stab them to death with this dagger.

Even Conan couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

After all, this man had just killed the three robbers with swiftness and without any delay.

So at this time, killing the three of them would not be a big deal.

Seeing these three children so scared.

Chu Tian couldn't help but feel even more disdainful in his heart.

"Am I that scary?"

"Do you need to look at me with such a frightened look?"

Chu Tian said as he swung his knife.

Immediately, the rope on Guangyan's body broke.

Guangyan was very surprised to see that he was not tied up.

He didn't understand why Chu Tian let him go.

"Go and rescue your companions!"

Chu Tian said calmly to Guang Yan.

Then Chu Tian left.

"We are saved?"

The three children couldn't believe it when facing such a situation.

They thought they might die ugly, but they were saved just like that?

460 And Edogawa Conan, when he saw such a situation, he didn't know what happened. He felt a strong disgust in his heart.

This feeling was very uncomfortable. It was an emotion that Conan had never had before.

It was not because he saw the murder with his own eyes, nor because he did not stop the man from killing. It was because Conan could feel the other party's disdain and contempt for him.

In other words, the other party was able to let him go like this, actually with a strong sense of contempt. It was equivalent to telling himself openly that you are not worthy of being my opponent at all, and you are not a threat to me, so what's wrong with letting you go?

As a famous high school detective, Conan used to be full of vigor and vitality.

Even though he has become a child now, he still has his own self-esteem.

But the person in front of him.

He didn't take his dignity seriously at all, and he turned a blind eye to himself.

Such an insult made Conan very uncomfortable.

In addition, this person was so rampant today that he actually killed someone in front of him.

It made the high school student's heart full of unspeakable disgust.

"Just you wait!"

"No matter who you are, I will definitely arrest you!"

"I must let you know what the consequences are of killing someone in front of me!"

Edogawa Conan secretly swore in his heart that he must not let this man go unpunished and must catch him.

Let him pay the price for what happened today.

But whether he can do it or not is hard to say.


"If I guessed correctly, the boy must be thinking……"

"How can you catch me, right?"

At this time, Chu Tian had teleported back to his home.

This teleportation was really very useful.

No matter where Chu Tian went, it was very fast.

Today can be said to be a full load.

Fifteen thousand gold coins arrived.

It can be said to be a great harvest, which makes people extremely happy.

More importantly, let Edogawa Conan, this kid, suffer this time.

If the two can make do, Chu Tian is very happy in his heart.

However, at this time, how to exchange these gold coins for cash is a bit troublesome. Although these gold coins are very good.

Chu Tian will leave a lot of people as souvenirs, which looks very comfortable.

But no matter what, these fifteen thousand gold coins also need to be exchanged for some cash. Otherwise, what's the point of robbing them.

So many.

It looks very prickly.

However, the wind here is very tight now.

If you want to resell here, it seems not very appropriate.

And at this time, I just killed three gangsters, although it was to make Conan suffer.

Let him see that he has no way to kill people with his own eyes, which is quite cool.

But if you do this, it is actually provoking the Japanese police.

In the next period of time, the wind will inevitably be tighter.

It is not very appropriate to sell the stolen goods here

"It seems that I can only sell the stolen goods abroad after a while.……"(After a little consideration, Chu Tian was sure.

This thing can only be arrogant abroad, it is impossible in the island country.

According to news reports, the value of this batch of gold coins is at least 600 million yen.

Chu Tian plans to get at least 500 million yen.

Then the remaining 100 million gold coins will be kept as souvenirs.


Fei Law Firm

"well……"(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After a busy day at work, Hibiki Eri gently closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

In her heart, she felt a strong sense of loneliness.

It has been 7 days, 7 days.

Chu Tian moved out of his place.

It has been 7 days.

The house has returned to its cold appearance.

No, that is not her home, it is just the house where she lives.

How can a home be so cold and without any vitality?

"Am I thinking about him like this because I like him?"

"Yes, that's right!"

After thinking about it for a while, this question is no longer a big struggle for Fei Yingli.

Although Fei Yingli is a little ashamed to admit such a thing.

But she has to admit that she likes Chu Tian, very much.

People often know what is truly precious when they lose something.

Although Fei Yingli can't be said to have completely lost Chu Tian, she has to say that she doesn't like this feeling.

In the past few days, Fei Yingli's workload has obviously increased.

Because of the increased workload,

Fei Yingli can stop thinking about Chu Tian.[]

In comparison, the shadow of the scumbag Maori Kogoro seemed to have no feeling in her heart.

Instead, he was replaced by Chu Tian, who was handsome and young, and had saved her chastity.

He was also very considerate to her, like a close friend and the most intimate lover.

In the past few days, whenever Kisaki Eri was free, she would involuntarily think about the short time they were together.

It seemed ridiculous and incomprehensible, but Kisaki Eri just couldn't control herself.

"Should I call him?"

Fei Yingli couldn't help but take out her phone.

She could easily find the number she had been thinking about for a long time.

As long as she called it, she could find Chu Tian and meet him.

But should she do it?

Fei Yingli was undecided and didn't know what to do?

And now, after hesitating for a moment.

Fei Yingli gritted her teeth and dialed Chu Tian's number.

She couldn't help it.

She just wanted to meet Chu Tian. It's okay to talk to each other.


's okay to have a meal.

There's nothing else to say, right?

Thinking of this, Fei Yingli finally couldn't help it.

She wanted to call!.

: Lão già gân

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