When he saw his cell phone ringing, especially the number that was very familiar to him, in an instant,

Chu Tian's heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

Fei Yingli called him.

When this thought rang in Chu Tian's heart , he felt an unimaginable excitement.

He couldn't contain his excitement.

Chu Tian could never forget Fei Yingli, this woman.

Although they had only been separated for a few days, Chu Tian couldn't help it.

He originally wanted to find Fei Yingli in person, but he always felt that it was inappropriate.

But now, the call came.

It means that it's not Chu Tian who wants to find Fei Yingli, but Fei Yingli who wants to find Chu Tian.

In this case, it will be much easier.

He didn't think about anything else and quickly answered the phone.

"Hello, is this A Tian?"

From the other end of the line, there came the voice of Fei Yingli,"327".

Chu Tian was delighted when he heard Fei Yingli's voice.

"Of course it’s me, Sister Ying!"

"How have you been lately?"

Chu Tian smiled and said to Fei Yingli on the phone.

"Well, it's okay……"

Hearing Chu Tian's caring tone,

Fei Yingli felt a strong sense of sweetness in her heart.

At least, someone still cares about me, right? As soon as this somewhat desperate thought came out,

Fei Yingli thought that her emotions would become more unpredictable.

"What do you want to talk to me about? Sister Ying?"

Chu Tian asked.

When she heard Chu Tian asking her what her purpose was,

Fei Yingli was a little nervous.

Should she make it clear?

Feeling that Fei Yingli was silent,

Chu Tian did not urge her. Chu Tian's patience with Fei Yingli was very strong.

And Fei Yingli also knew that she could not continue to remain silent.

Some things should be said, and they must be said.

"Ah Tian, are you free today?"

After thinking for a while, Fei Yingli finally asked this question.

Hearing this, Chu Tian's heart trembled.

He thought of the reason why Fei Yingli called him.

"Of course I am free!"

Chu Tian quickly replied to Fei Yingli.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli nodded.

It's good to be free.

In an instant, Fei Yingli felt very happy.

"Then, can I invite you to dinner today?"

Fei Yingli quickly invited Chu Tian.

Hearing Fei Yingli wanted to invite herself to dinner.

Tell me, can Chu Tian refuse?

Fool, only tm will refuse!

No problem, I will definitely go there. Where?

Facing Fei Yingli's invitation, Chu Tian would never refuse.

Hearing Chu Tian agreed to her invitation.

In an instant, Fei Yingli felt an unimaginable sense of relief, and it seemed that the depression and discomfort of the past few days disappeared a lot at this moment.

So Fei Yingli suggested that they eat at a restaurant near their home.

Hearing the location of the restaurant.

Chu Tian was stunned.

Then, he kindly reminded Fei Yingli

"Sister Ying, that restaurant is quite close to your home.……"

"There won't be any trouble if we eat there, right?"

Upon hearing this, Hibiki shook her head and said on the phone,"A man of integrity has nothing to fear!"

"I had a meal with my friend and lifesaver, no problem!"

"There is no reason for anyone to say anything!"

"If anyone dares to spread rumors……"

"I will let that person know what defamation is and make him pay the price!"

After hearing this, Chu Tian couldn't help but accept it.

She is worthy of being the queen of the legal world and a famous lawyer!

She knows how to use legal weapons to protect herself.

Since she is so tough.

What is Chu Tian afraid of?

"In that case, Sister Ying, we'll see you there.……"

"Okay, see you there.……"

After the two hung up the phone, each of them had their own concerns.

Among them. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Fei Yingli's thoughts were relatively simple.

Finally, she could see Chu Tian.

She hadn't seen him for several days, and she didn't know how he was doing.

Is his work going well? Is he eating well?

Is he short of money?

Thinking of these, Fei Yingli felt that she was thinking too much.

These were other people's business.

She didn't seem to have any right to intervene.

But at this time, Fei Yingli couldn't control her emotions.

Moreover, she was going to dress up well.

Dress more beautifully to meet Chu Tian.

So Fei Yingli immediately prepared to go home, dress up well, and meet Chu Tian.

Compared with Fei Yingli's little woman's considerations,

I'm afraid Chu Tian has a lot more ideas.

"It seems that playing hard to get is working.……"

After Chu Tian hung up the phone, the first thing that popped into his mind was this..........

That's right.

When Chu Tian moved out and left Fei Yingli's house, the idea in his mind was actually to play hard to get.[]

He likes Fei Yingli in his heart.

He can also see that Fei Yingli has feelings for him.

Although Fei Yingli has a daughter and a husband.

But Chu Tian doesn't care about these.

As long as he likes it, he must get it, and no one can stop him.

At the same time, they thought of another thing in their hearts.

That is, at this time.

Should we try the effect of the earth book!

"If this plug-in for controlling the forest is that powerful,"

"He should be able to do what I want to happen.……"

In an instant, Chu Tian had a rough plan in his mind.

He was so eager to be with Kisaki Eri.

These few days of separation.

Not only Kisaki Eri, but Chu Tian himself seemed particularly anxious.

He really wanted to be with Kisaki Eri.

And tonight, he hoped to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

But now.

Just relying on his current friendship with Kisaki Eri.

Maybe the heat is still a little short, and there is no guarantee of 100% success.

If there could be an icing on the cake.

Something happened to stimulate Kisaki Eri.

Then the situation would be completely different.

For this reason.

Chu Tian decided to give the Dishu plug-in a try.

See if he could help himself get this icing on the cake... and the target of this icing on the cake was none other than Kisaki Eri's husband, Maori Kogoro.

"Uncle Maori, hehehehehe……"

"Whether I can do that with your wife tonight depends on whether you can give me a powerful divine assist.……"

Chu Tian thought so in his heart.

Then he used the plug-in of the Earth Book and began to make some preparations for dinner tonight.

If his plan goes well, Fei Yingli will definitely have a wonderful day today.

At the same time, she can truly understand.

Who is the best and most suitable man for her.

Some scumbags do so many bad things and should be abandoned directly.

They should not continue to linger.

Chu Tian hopes that Fei Yingli can understand this truth. She can be reborn tonight and truly enjoy the happiness of being a woman.

Fei Yingli, just wait, you belong to me!.

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