At around 7 o'clock in the evening.

Although it was already evening.

But this time is the peak of many restaurants.

All kinds of people come out for dinner at this time.

Some of them are out on dates.

Some are out to meet friends.

But no matter what the reason is.

The restaurant will have better business at this time.

At this time, in a restaurant in Faguo.

Chu Tian and Fei Yingli are dining here.

To be honest, when Chu Tian saw Fei Yingli tonight, he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Fei Yingli tonight was wearing a snow-white dress.

If this dress is worn on her, it can definitely be described as stunning.

And this is not the most important thing.

The most important reason is.

Fei Yingli's so-called snow-white dress is still a bit revealing.

The hem of the skirt is short.

Fei Yingli also wore stockings.

The top is also low-cut.

And this dress is very tight.

Fei Yingli's graceful figure can be said to be clearly perceived.

To be honest, this dress was bought by Eri Kisaki many years ago, at least about three years.

But she dared not wear it.

Anyway, Eri Kisaki is still quite conservative.

After separating from her husband, Kogoro Maori, she lived a very conservative life. After buying these 27 dresses, if you wear them casually, it would be too...

But today...

I don't know why.

Maybe she wants to show something to Chu Tian.

It may also be because she is a little depressed and wants to wear something cooler.

But in short...

Eri Kisaki still put on this dress and came to see Chu Tian.

In fact, Eri Kisaki had thought about it before she came.

Wearing this dress should be enough to attract Chu Tian and make him look straight.

Sure enough, the effect is very bug.

When Chu Tian saw Eri Kisaki wearing this dress, he was stunned.

At this moment, Chu Tian understood one thing.

That is why Kogoro Maori can never become a famous detective.

He can only be a confused detective.

How could he bear to be separated from such a beautiful wife for 10 years?

With such an abnormal mind, it would be a miracle if he could become a famous detective.

Chu Tian slandered Maori Kogoro in his heart.

He did not comment on his speechless behavior.

At the same time, he also swore in his heart

"belong to me……"

"belong to me!"

"This woman must belong to me!"

Chu Tian swore secretly in his heart that he would never let Fei Yingli slip away from him.

"Does my dress look good?"

His face was a little red.

Especially when facing Chu Tian's burning eyes, she felt even more ashamed.

No matter how she thought about it,

Hisika is a married woman.

Dressed like this and meeting other men.

Although Hisika repeatedly told herself that it was just a meal and nothing else would happen.

But in her heart, she couldn't lie to herself.

After all, dressed like this and with a young man.

Even if nothing was done, it might not be a particularly good thing.

Therefore, Hisika inevitably felt shy.

But she also wanted to know more.

What did Chu Tian think of her dress? Chu Tian did not hesitate at all when he heard Hisika's question.

"Beautiful! So beautiful!"

Chu Tian praised Fei Yingli's dress.

"Sister Ying, you are so beautiful"

"Plus this outfit, I really don't know what to say"

"I really completely……"

"I don't understand your husband at all."

"How could he bear to let go of such a beautiful woman like you for such a long time? I can't understand it."

After hearing this, Hibari Eri lowered her head in embarrassment.

Being evaluated like this by a young man who is more than ten years younger than her.

Hibari Eri's heart was full of shyness.

It seems that although this woman is 37 years old and is the queen of the legal world, she is inevitably a little bit of that in terms of feelings.

It is easy to be embarrassed by Chu Tian.

At the same time ,

Hibari Eri felt very comfortable with what Chu Tian said.

Once upon a time, Hibari Eri looked at herself in the mirror. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She could also feel her own beauty, which was incomparable to ordinary people.

Sometimes she would even indulge in her own beauty.

And that Maori Kogoro really has no vision.

He can even separate from such a beautiful woman like himself.

It is really unreasonable.

So after listening to Chu Tian's words, Hibari Eri was particularly convinced

"How could I be as good as you say?"

After being shy for a while, Fei Yingli smiled foolishly.

Chu Tian could see that Fei Yingli was in a good mood.

"Absolutely, absolutely!"

Chu Tian immediately continued to flatter and praise the beauty of Fei Yingli.

Of course, this praise was sincere.

Because Fei Yingli was indeed too beautiful, no one could question it.

"I can't describe the beauty of you, it's too good, too beautiful"

"Being able to meet Sister Ying is the greatest happiness in my life!"

Hearing Chu Tian say this, Fei Yingli's face turned even redder, and her little heart was pounding.

"Ah Tian, it is my happiness to know you……"

Fei Yingli smiled and responded to Chu Tian.

The ambiguity between the two people talking like this was already sufficient.

Chu Tian could feel that his relationship with Fei Yingli was getting closer and closer.[]

If things continue like this, even if it's impossible to hit a home run tonight, there will be a good chance...

And Hibiki Eri, she doesn't think as much as Chutian.

She just thinks that the meeting between the two of them tonight is very interesting and very happy.

The depression of the past few days seems to have disappeared.

Instead, there is only endless happiness.

At this moment, the waiter came over with a food cart.


This is the dish ordered by Chutian and Hibiki Eri.

Or to be precise.

Hibiki Eri came here first to order the dishes, and then Chutian followed the host's wishes. He didn't care much about what food to eat tonight.

Because he was not interested in eating tonight.

His biggest interest tonight was eating people.

Eat this stunning beauty in front of him.

This is what Chutian wants now.

"Come on, let's have a drink!"

Fei Yingli poured out the red wine, one for Chu Tian and one for herself.

Then she gently picked up the wine glass, shook it and said with a smile

"I didn't drive tonight, my home is close, you know...

Fei Yingli added.

She said she would not drive drunk.

Then he didn't care what Chu Tian thought.

He raised his head and drank the glass of red wine that had just been poured into the glass.

Seeing Fei Yingli drinking the red wine, Chu Tian was not to be outdone. He also picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in it.

Good wine and beautiful women are the best.

Combined with high-end cuisine, the taste is really good.

The two began to eat and chat.

Fei Yingli's alcohol tolerance is still okay.

And the degree of this red wine is not particularly high.

As for Chu Tian, needless to say, his alcohol tolerance was originally very good, at least it was like this after crossing.

It is precisely for this reason that the two people are very happy to drink and eat, and there will not be any excessive trouble.

Soon, they drank several glasses, and they were not too drunk. But red wine is still quite fun in some ways.

The more the two people drink, the hotter their bodies become.

At this time, whether it is Fei Yingli or Chu Tian, when they are talking.

They all have a stronger flavor. And below is the theme of the two people, when they officially start.

: Lão già gân

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