
"Don't do that, there are a lot of people watching.……"

Feeling that he was being held by Fei Yingli.

After enjoying it for a while, Chu Tian finally stopped

"Don't worry, I won't do anything irrational.……"

Afraid that Kisaki Eri would worry about herself and do something irrational.

And then not let her go.

So Chutian quickly added a sentence.

After hearing this, Kisaki Eri remembered.

This is the street. It would be so embarrassing if people saw it.

It was just that she was worried that Chutian would be irrational and go to beat up Maori Kogoro and get into trouble.

So she had to hold on to Chutian.

But now, Chutian has said that he will not go to Maori Kogoro.

Then Kisaki Eri can naturally let Chutian go.

After letting Chutian go.

Chutian turned around and looked at Kisaki Eri


Looking at Fei Yingli in front of him, Chu Tian smiled calmly and then said,"I know……"

"You look down on me……"

"I won't force it.……"

"But I hope you understand���No matter what you need or what difficulties you have"

"Even if you don't like me, I will try my best to help you."

After hearing this, Fei Yingli's body couldn't help but feel a strong tremor.

She never thought that

Chu Tian would actually say that he looked down on her. Such words made Fei Yingli's heart suddenly feel like a knife cutting.

Because Fei Yingli knew very well that she definitely didn't dislike Chu Tian.

On the contrary, she liked him, absolutely liked him.

But for many reasons, she couldn't say it out loud.

Or didn't want to say it out loud.

Who would have thought that now the other party actually said that he looked down on him, which made him seem very humble.

Hesitant and analyzing made her feel even more uncomfortable. Things shouldn't be like this, absolutely not like this

"Oh, don't say that.……"

Fei Yingli felt guilty, took a step forward, gritted her teeth and looked at Chu Tian and said

"Don't comfort me, Sister Ying.……"

Seeing that Fei Yingli's face had changed,

Chu Tian was filled with joy.

Needless to say, he was using the old trick of playing hard to get.

In Chu Tian's opinion, this trick was always effective against women like Fei Yingli.

Facts proved that it worked immediately.

He continued to pretend.

"I really like you, Yingjie, but I know you don’t like me, so you don’t have to comfort me. I know who I am.……"

"I don't deserve you, and I don't need your pity.……"

"I'm not angry at all, you don't have to worry too much……"

Although he said so,

Hibiki Eri clearly saw the traces of tears in Chu Tian's eyes.

Obviously, Chu Tian didn't care.

He cared too much.

Thinking of this,

Hibiki Eri felt a strong sense of guilt in her heart, as well as her love for Chu Tian.

In addition, the disgusting scene of Maori Kogoro fooling around with those women just now, all of which are now intertwined.

Hibiki Eri's heart is filled with hatred and various complex emotions.

And all of these seem to need the man in front of her to heal.

"Ah Tian! Don't say such things again!"

The next moment, Fei Yingli finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She didn't care about the impact or not. She just hugged Chu Tian from the front.

"Don't leave me, don't leave me……"

"I know you like me, I know I like you, I like you too……"

When this sentence came out,

Fei Yingli felt relieved.

Fei Yingli had been holding this sentence in her heart for a long time. She had never been able to say it.

But today, she finally said it out. For a moment, Fei Yingli felt extremely comfortable all over. Chu Tian was a little dazed when he heard Fei Yingli's confession of love to him. Although he had a premonition that Fei Yingli would confess to him, but when the real thing happened, Chu Tian couldn't help but still a little bit unbelievable in his heart. But no matter what, at this moment, he couldn't back down.

"Sister Ying, you...you are not lying to me, are you?"

Chu Tian pretended to be surprised, gently put his arms around Fei Yingli's slender waist, and then whispered,"You really don't have to comfort me, really"

"I'm not sad, you just don't like me, I'm fine……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm telling the truth!"

Hearing that Chu Tian still believed that he was lying to her,

Fei Yingli was really anxious.

"I really like you, I really like you, I'm not lying to you……"

"If you don't believe me, you just don't love me!"

After hearing this, Chu Tian was overjoyed.

He was getting closer and closer to his goal.

But he knew it was not the right time yet, and he needed to prepare for it a little longer. It would take a little more time.

"Okay, Sister Ying, I believe you, I believe you, okay?……"

"You are my important sister, I believe you whatever you say……"

Although Chu Tian said this

, his tone was full of casualness.

This tone basically told Fei Yingli that I don't believe you.

Fei Yingli is such a smart woman.

How could she not hear the distrust in Chu Tian's tone?

"If you say that, you still don't trust me!"

Fei Yingli leaned on Chu Tian's arms, her tone gradually became colder.

She seemed to be making some kind of decision.[]

Chu Tian did not say anything, nor did he intend to let go of Fei Yingli.

He just waited quietly, waiting for this woman to make the final decision.

"If you really don't believe me……"

After a short while, Fei Yingli���With a frown on his face, he began to speak.

"Then I will...I will……"

"What do you want?"

Chu Tian pretended to be confused.

But to be honest, in his heart, he had roughly guessed what this woman wanted to do.

And this was exactly what Chu Tian wanted most...0 0

Fei Yingli seemed to have finally made up her mind.

Then she gritted her teeth in his arms and whispered,"Then I will prove it to you!"

After hearing this, Chu Tian's heart trembled violently.

"You, what do you mean?"

Fei Yingli's words really shocked Chu Tian completely.

Her question now was no longer pretended.

It was real, the emotions in his heart bursting out.

After hearing Chu Tian's words, Fei Yingli smiled slightly, and then whispered:"A Tian, you are an adult, don't you understand this?"

"Come home with me, Tian, tonight, I will give you everything……"

"I want to prove to you that I am not kidding you, I really love you!"

"you are my only!"

"Let that scumbag Kogoro Mouri die!"

""I, Hibiki Eri, want to be your woman."

This sentence was said with absolute certainty, and no doubt was allowed.

After these words came out

, it was as if a big stone fell from Hibiki Eri's heart.

Some things that she had insisted on for so many years, and some stupid behaviors, seemed to have completely disappeared at this moment.

Hibiki Eri could feel that she would get a new life.

"……Sister Ying, are you serious?"

After hearing this, Chu Tian was silent for a while, and then asked

"It’s true, don’t you dare?"


"I, Chu Tian, am such a great man, how could I not dare?"

"Sister Ying, I have been thinking about this day for too long!"

"Let’s go!"



Hahaha , now you call this a pervert? When we get home later, I'll let Sister Ying know what a pervert is!".: Lão già gân

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