In the high-end apartment of Hibiki Eri.

The night is quiet and the weather is bright.

The moonlight tonight is also very perfect.

At this time, in the living room.

Coats, dresses.

And some underwear were thrown on the floor of the living room.


The person who just entered the room took off these things.

And they were thrown in a mess.

It can be said that it was very.

And in the bedroom.

Hibiki Eri's big bed.

At this time, it was also a mess.

Hibiki Eri was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt.

Her glasses had been taken off and her hair was messy.

The whole person seemed to be soft as a ball of mud.

Obviously, she had just experienced something big.

In the bathroom next to it, water was rushing.

Chu Tian, who was really with Hibiki Eri.

After enjoying it, he was taking a shower

"What a bad guy.……"

At this moment, the exhausted Eri Kisaki thought of what had just happened.

Her face was filled with shame.

At the same time,

Eri Kisaki's body seemed to have not been so relaxed for a long time.

A woman still needs a man.

If there is no man to accompany her for a long time, there will definitely be some problems.

Eri Kisaki has always had such problems.

But tonight, these problems seem to have been solved.

"Is this considered cheating?"

Hiki Eri was enjoying this moment of peace very easily.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think of this matter in her mind.

No matter from which aspect, this should be considered cheating.

But Hiki Eri did not regret it.

At this moment, Hiki Eri found that she had let go of a lot of things.

Among them was Maori Kogoro. Maori Kogoro was her first man and the only person she had ever been in love with.

But this man broke her heart.

What kind of life had she lived for ten years?

In the first few years, she retired for a long time because she got married.

So even with a high degree and the ability to make decisions, she couldn't integrate into the workplace, let alone It took a long time for her to gain a foothold in the legal field

, and she also put in a lot of hard work and perseverance.

Only then was she able to carve out a career of her own.

If she hadn't been in love back then, and had ignored her family's dissuasion and was determined to marry this Maori Kogoro, and had focused on her career

, she would never have been able to work so hard to achieve the career she has today.

After the separation, Kisaki Eri worked hard, and she had a bigger goal, which was to stop herself from thinking about this man.

And today, finally, she doesn't have to think about this man anymore.

After being with Chu Tian,

Kisaki Eri finally knew that she could let it go successfully.

Since she could let it go successfully, then Some things that had been pent up in Hibari Eri's heart for many years were completely let go.

At this moment, Hibari Eri got not only physical satisfaction, but also spiritual salvation.

She was very fortunate that she could meet Chu Tian, such a good man.

Of course, Hibari Eri had thought about it before.

Maybe Chu Tian is not a good person. Maybe everything he did was to seduce herself and covet her beauty...

But Hibari Eri found more and more that she couldn't leave Chu Tian.

She didn't know why.

She was fascinated by this man, madly fascinated.

Once upon a time, even when facing her childhood sweetheart, Maori Kogoro.

When she was in love at the most passionate time.

Hibari Eri had never had such a feeling.

But only for Chu Tian But it’s different for Hibiki Eri.

Hibiki Eri doesn’t care about anything now.

As long as she can be with Chu Tian, it doesn’t matter if they can’t get married.

In fact, even if Chu Tian wants to marry her, Hibiki Eri can’t agree.

After all, she has a daughter who is that old, and the age gap between her and Chu Tian is too big.

It’s okay for the two of them to develop an underground relationship and maintain this pace.

This is the maximum limit that Hibiki Eri can accept.

If it goes any further.

She can’t accept it, and she can’t integrate into the world. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Anyway, no matter what, it has come to this point, and Hibiki Eri doesn’t care about anything else, and she will take one step at a time.


In the bathroom.

Unlike the powerless and lazy Fei Yingli,

Chu Tian is very strong. He doesn't feel tired at all at this moment.

In contrast, because his body is too excited, he feels that his energy is unlimited.

As the hot water washes over his body.

He feels more and more energetic. He is finally with the woman he longs for the most.

Chu Tian just thinks this night is too wonderful.

It has been a long time since he came to this world.

Tonight is definitely the happiest night Chu Tian has ever had.

After finishing his work, he decided to take a shower.

Then go back and have a good time with Yingjie.

On the big bed.

After taking a shower, Chu Tian and Fei Yingli hugged each other.

"Young people are good……"

Fei Yingli was still weak.

Chu Tian held her in his arms and didn't want to move at all.[]

"Sister Ying, I love you!"

Facing the stunning beauty beside him, Chu Tian still said this very gently.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli smiled calmly.

"You men, you just talk nicely."

"I'm telling the truth!"

After hearing what Fei Yingli said, Chu Tian hurriedly explained to himself

"Okay, okay, I know, I know.........."

Fei Yingli didn't want to argue with Chu Tian

"Oh, we are like this now."

"If you like my body in the future, I can play with you anytime!"

At this time, Fei Yingli said to Chu Tian very seriously.

"That's great, Sister Ying!"

Chu Tian was very happy to hear what Fei Yingli said.

But he also knew very well that Fei Yingli would not say this so simply.

There must be other additional conditions.

But no matter what the conditions are, Chu Tian doesn't care.

As long as he can be with this woman, he doesn't care even if he has to cede land and pay compensation.

Sure enough, the next moment Fei Yingli looked at Chu Tian and said,"Although, I still have some conditions to say. If you don't agree, we can't be together."

Sure enough, things are not that simple.

Chu Tian thought so in his heart, then looked at Fei Yingli, nodded and said,"Sister Ying, you say it!"

"No matter what conditions you have, I will agree to them."

After hearing this, Fei Yingli nodded.

She knew Chu Tian would definitely say this.

"The first condition is that our relationship must not be made public, and no third person can know about it, especially my daughter."

Fei Yingli said seriously.

After hearing this, Chu Tian did not hesitate at all.

"Of course."

Chu Tian didn't want to make this relationship public.

Otherwise, it would be very troublesome in terms of public opinion. He didn't want such trouble.

"Second...when we do this kind of thing in the future, we must take safety measures, understand?"

At this point, Hibiki Eri felt a little embarrassed.

Because she was too excited tonight, she didn't take the so-called safety measures.

There was no medicine at Hibiki's house.

Hibiki's idea was to rest for another 1.6 seconds and then go buy medicine.

It will be effective before 24 hours.

Otherwise, if you get pregnant, you really can't have a baby.

Hibiki Eri has also thought about what to do in the future.

Safety measures must be taken.

"This is no problem……"

Chu Tian understood this, and he didn't want anyone to die, so he readily agreed.

"……Just these two conditions.……"

Fei Yingli sighed and said weakly.

Hearing this, Chu Tian was very happy to hug Fei Yingli

"I promise you everything, as long as we can be together……"

"……I am going to divorce Maori Kogoro now. Do you support me?"

Hiki Eri leaned on Chu Tian's arms like a docile kitten and asked

"Of course I support you. Why should you get a divorce? You shouldn't be tied down by a man like this.……"

"I support you no matter what you do, and I will never change.……"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Fei Yingli felt extremely sweet.: Lão già gân

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