That night, Chu Tian and Hibari Eri made love twice more.

Both of them were very satisfied.

Hibari Eri was completely exhausted in the end.

As for buying medicine or something, she didn't even think about it.

Because after it was over,

Hibari Eri was so tired.

She could only hope that she would get pregnant by coincidence.

And Chu Tian also knew that if no safety measures were taken , it would be a bit weird.

Although he didn't mind Hibari Eri getting pregnant, for now, if she didn't want to, he wouldn't do that in the future.

The next morning,

Chu Tian naturally got up early and made breakfast for Hibari Eri.

Facing Hibari Eri, who had just developed this kind of relationship with him,

Chu Tian's heart was filled with a sense of doting.

Last night was definitely the happiest night he had had since he came to this world.


"smell good……"

When Hibiki Eri got up with sleepy eyes and only a shirt on, she lowered her head and walked into the living room. She immediately smelled a familiar fragrance that she hadn't smelled for several days.

She knew that this must be the breakfast that Chutian made for her.

Sure enough, in the living room, Hibiki Eri saw a rich breakfast prepared in front of her.

They were all her favorite dishes. Having lived with Chutian for several days,

Chutian had already figured out Hibiki Eri's taste.

At this time, he naturally knew what Hibiki Eri liked.

"I'm sorry to bother you to get up early to make breakfast for me again."

Fei Yingli smiled slightly and said a little embarrassedly

"What is this?" Chu Tian's eyes widened as he looked at Fei Yingli, who was only wearing a shirt on her upper body and nothing on the lower body. He chuckled, walked to Fei Yingli's side, and said,"It is my greatest honor to make breakfast for my most beloved woman." Hearing Chu Tian say this, Fei Yingli's heart was filled with sweetness.

"Then I'll go wash up first, and then we'll eat together.……"

At this point, Fei Yingli gently kissed Chu Tian's cheek.

Then, she went to the bathroom to wash up.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chu Tian showed a very charming smile.

Then, he followed

"You, why are you following me in?"

Fei Yingli, who had just walked into the bathroom, was startled when she saw Chu Tian following her in.

"Sister Ying, you know, the morning is the most important part of the day.……"

Chu Tian looked at Fei Yingli with ill intentions.

When she saw Chu Tian's expression, Fei Yingli felt something was wrong.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Fei Yingli covered her body with a bit of fear and took a few steps back.

"Of course, I'd like to do morning exercises with you, hahahaha……"

After saying that, Chu Tian pounced on it like a big bad wolf facing a cute little white rabbit.

"Ah... bad guy, pervert……"

When the two bodies were entangled,

Fei Yingli cursed speechlessly.

However, she did not struggle...

More than an hour later, Chu Tiancai heated up the breakfast.

The two began to eat.

"……I was so tired just now. Are you born in the Year of the Ox?……"

Fei Yingli's hair was disheveled.

Her face was still flushed.

She ate bread and whispered.

Hearing this,

Chu Tian laughed.

Then he said jokingly:"It's because of you, Sister Ying, you are really too beautiful and attractive, right?"

"Speak the truth"

"No man can resist your temptation"

"I just made the same mistake that all men make."

Hearing this, Fei Yingli gave Chu Tian a fierce look.

"Slippery, glib"

"I don't know how to say you……"

At this point, Kiyori's cheeks flushed and she was speechless.

"Let’s get back to the topic, let’s get back to the topic!"

Chu Tian looked at Kisaki Eri with a smile, and then said,"Sister Ying, you are going to divorce Maori Kogoro, how are you going to do it?"

"What are your plans?"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli was stunned for a moment.

"What other plans are there?"

"Of course I asked him out to have a good talk."

"Isn't it enough to break up peacefully?"

In fact, Hibiki Eri is still very sure about this. Is n't it that Maori Kogoro dislikes himself the most and is annoyed with himself the most? (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then I just need to talk to him properly, and he should agree.

After hearing Hibiki Eri's plan, Chu Tian was very disapproving.

"Sister Ying, I don't think it's appropriate to do this. I don't agree!"

Chu Tian really didn't care about this idea of Kisaki Eri.

In his opinion, Kisaki Eri was too kind to Maori Kogoro. It was really stupid to break up peacefully at this time.

Chu Tian's words made Kisaki Eri a little confused.

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

Fei Yingli looked at Chu Tian in confusion, not understanding why her ideas could not get Chu Tian's support.

"This is too cheap."

Chu Tian shook his finger and said to Fei Yingli,"You know, divorce is not a small matter, Sister Ying"

"Think about it, as a famous lawyer, if you divorce Kogoro Mori at this time, you can't come up with a decent reason."

"If you just say it was a peaceful breakup, what do you think others will think?"

"I'm afraid everyone will think it's the woman's fault, that it's your fault"

"You are very patriarchal, don't you know that?"

Hearing this, Hibiki Eri agreed.

Japan is indeed a place that values men over women.

Generally, women cannot go out to work after marriage, and can only stay at home to take care of their husbands and children.

If it is a divorce case,

Hibiki Eri, as a lawyer, also knows a lot.[]

Generally speaking, public opinion tends to condemn women and be relatively tolerant of men.

Unless the fault of the man is very obvious, it is likely to be biased towards women.

And if Maori Kogoro and I break up peacefully, if we think about it carefully, it is indeed likely to cause malicious speculation from many people.

In public opinion, it will be very disadvantageous to me.

In fact, it is not that Eri Kisaki did not think of these things.

However, she was unwilling to consider these things before.

After all, the matter of divorce itself can make Eri Kisaki feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Now, I am cheating in marriage.

Morally, it should be condemned.

It is inevitable that Eri Kisaki will feel uncomfortable.

So now 743 is unwilling to care about anything else.

It is already very good to be able to divorce on the grounds of emotional discord.

Who knew that Chu Tian actually opposed this matter.

It caught Eri Kisaki off guard.

"So, A Tian, what do you think about this matter?"

Fei Yingli asked quickly.

She believed that Chu Tian would have his own ideas later.

"Isn't this easy?"

Chu Tian looked at Fei Yingli with a smile, and then said slowly,"Of course, it is solved with the simplest method."

"Isn't it enough to let Maori Kogoro stand on the side of being condemned?"

Then, Chu Tian told his idea to Fei Yingli.


After hearing what Chu Tian said, Fei Yingli's face couldn't help but slightly closed.

"So, is this okay?"

Fei Yingli felt that it was a bit unreliable and too immoral.

"What's wrong with that?"

"If you do this, not only will you, Yingjie, occupy the commanding heights of public opinion,"

"It can also make Maori Kogoro pay for the wrong things he has done over the years, isn't that good?"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli.

Chu Tian confidently expressed his thoughts

"And I'm not trying to frame him maliciously."

"As the saying goes, a man of the right character fears no slander. If he had not done those things, how could I have succeeded, don’t you think?"

"If he really did it, shouldn't he be punished?"

Hearing Chu Tian say this, Fei Yingli also felt that it made sense.

Finally, after a long sigh, she stopped objecting.

: Lão già gân

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