At this time, Inspector Megure, Conan, and several other police officers ran outside.

As expected, they found the child at the door.

He was holding a cat in his arms.

"Look, there is blood on the cat!"

Conan pointed at the blood on the cat and said.

After hearing this, Inspector Megure came over to take a look.

"Sure enough, there is blood!"

The child still looked confused.

""What happened?"

He was also very nervous when he saw the police, and asked weakly.

At this time, Officer Megure's face gradually became solemn again.

The blood on the cat did not come from the cat.

But it was abnormal to have so much blood on the body.

It seemed that there might really be a body.

The question was, where was the body? They searched the whole house but couldn't find it.

"Officer, do you want to ask the forensic team to come over?

Officer Takagi, who was standing next to him, had already stepped forward.

After hearing this, Officer Megure nodded.

"This is the only way now!"

Since the body cannot be found, we can only call the forensic team to identify whether there was a lot of blood in the bathroom.

Officer Takagi quickly took out his mobile phone and called the warning department for reinforcement.

About 15 minutes later, the forensic team arrived.

They took out the various tools they had prepared, entered the bathroom first, and sprayed luminol everywhere.

This is the simplest way to identify bloodstains. As long as this thing is sprayed where bloodstains have appeared, it will emit a blue light, which is called the luminol reaction.

As long as this reaction occurs, it means that bloodstains have appeared.


Soon, the forensic team discovered the problem.

"There was indeed a lot of blood here!"

"And judging from the distribution and density of the blood, it should be the amount of blood of an adult!"

After hearing this, Officer Megure finally confirmed that there must be a body.

"But where is it?"

Inspector Megure was at a loss,"We have searched the house thoroughly, but found nothing!"

At this time, Chu Tian came over.

Behind him, Tomofumi Tanaka looked like he had accepted his fate.

He looked calm and motionless.

"Inspector Megure, since you can't find the body, just ask his elder brother!"

"Just think about it, he was the only one in the room at that time!"

"Then the only person who could have killed someone is him!"

"Since a lot of blood was found, we must find him to verify the problem!"

After hearing this, Officer Megure slapped his forehead.

"That’s right, that’s right!"

"Go up and find him now!"

"Let's see how he explains the bloodstains!"

At this point, Officer Megure took the lead and went upstairs.

Conan, the rest of the Junior Detectives, and Officer Takagi and other police officers followed.

"Let's go!"

Chu Tian pulled Tomofumi Tanaka next to him

"Your elder brother might have killed someone. Go up and see how he explains it."

When Chu Tian said this, he looked at Tomofumi Tanaka with a mocking look on his face.

When Tomofumi Tanaka looked at Chu Tian's expression, he always felt uncomfortable in his heart.

He always felt that this kid actually knew the truth.

But for some reason, he didn't point it out on the spot.

Instead, he led the police to this point step by step.

But if this is the case, Tomofumi Tanaka's heart is full of resentment towards Chu Tian.

Are you kidding me?

If you knew the truth earlier, wouldn't it be over if you just said it? Anyway, give me a quick answer.

But it's really cruel to tease him like this now.

Tomofumi Tanaka was extremely indignant in his heart.

But no matter how angry he was, what could he do?

The powerful martial arts that Chu Tian just showed made him daunted.

He knew that he was not Chu Tian's opponent.

So what else could he do except endure it?

Inspector Megure and Conan went upstairs.

Then they went directly to the second floor, the room of the brother Tanaka Kazuyu.

Tanaka Kazuyu was still sleeping like before.


"Even after killing someone, he can still sleep so soundly!"

"I've been a policeman for so many years, but this is the first time I've seen a suspect who can sleep so well!"

Inspector Megure muttered, and then walked forward.

At this time, Conan had already discovered something was wrong.


"With so many of us walking in together, the noise was quite loud, and it was even louder after we opened the door!"

"Logically speaking, it is impossible for someone who sleeps in this position to sleep so soundly!"

"And he has been sleeping in this position for about two hours now, right?"

"How could there be no change at all?"

Thinking of this, a very scary thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

"Could it be, could it be that this is……"

At this time, Officer Megure had already walked to Tanaka and You

"Hey, hey, wake up, wake up, don't sleep anymore……"

Inspector Megure put his hand on Tanaka Kazuyu's shoulder and shook it a few times.


Inspector Megure suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The man seemed a little cold.

And shaking him a few times should have woken him up.

But why didn't he react at all?

Inspector Megure quickly put his hand on the man's nose and checked.

No breathing!

Inspector Megure's face changed drastically.

"This... this……"

He put his hand on the man's pulse again and checked it.

There was no pulse either!

"This man is dead!"

Inspector Megure shouted in surprise.

The policemen nearby were all stunned, and the members of the youth group were also stunned.

They didn't expect that this big brother would die just like that!

"Someone come quickly, someone come quickly!"

""Forensic doctor, come and check!"

Officer Megure knew something was wrong and quickly called the forensic doctor over.

The forensic doctor came over and confirmed it after a quick check.[]

"Report to the officer, this person is dead!"

"And the time of death has been at least more than two hours!"

"So, this is the body we are looking for!"

Inspector Megure finally understood. It turns out that the body they have been looking for is here!

But this is not right!

If this person has been dead for more than two hours, then who was that person they saw when they came here just now?

Thinking of this, no matter how stupid Inspector Megure is, he can think of the problem. It should be with that Tomofumi Tanaka!

"Quick, bring in that Tomofumi Tanaka!"

Inspector Megure didn't care about anything else at this time, and quickly gave the order to bring this person in.

Needless to say, that person was pushed in by Chu Tian.

"Explain to me, what's going on?"

Officer Megure looked at the guy in front of him seriously, pointing at the body of Tanaka Kazuyu next to him and said

"I never thought that I would be defeated by a bunch of little brats like you!"

Seeing this scene,

Tanaka Tomofumi already knew that this matter had been completely ruined, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Then he lowered his head and pleaded guilty.

"That's right, it was me who killed my brother!"

After hearing this, Chu Tian next to him smiled.

Then, Tomofumi Tanaka told how he killed his brother, how he disguised himself as his brother, and then used a telephone recorder to make a sound.

After hearing this, Officer Megure suddenly realized.

It turned out that the sound they heard outside just now was like this.

The first time they saw the brother, it turned out that it was his younger brother pretending to be him.

Now the truth is finally out.

Needless to say, Tomofumi Tanaka was arrested directly by the police, and the body was taken away by the police. This case can be regarded as a successful solution.

: Lão già gân

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