At this moment, the bodies and prisoners were taken away.

It was getting late.

Chu Tian felt that today's process was quite fulfilling.

"The criminals have been arrested, not bad!"

At this moment, a beautiful woman in a blue business suit and a short skirt came over.

""Hello, Officer Sato!" Chu Tian's eyes lit up when he saw the beauty in front of him. Needless to say, this policewoman was the Sato Miwako whom he had met last time. When Sato Miwako saw Chu Tian, she also smiled.

""Hello, Chu Tian!"

Obviously, Sato Miwako still remembered Chu Tian.

And the moment he saw Sato Miwako, Chu Tian suddenly thought of something in his mind.

That was the case of the death of Sato Miwako's father.

Thinking of this, he had already made up his mind.

"Officer Sato, you are here too!"

When Officer Takagi saw Officer Sato, his eyes lit up immediately.

Then he was ready to go up and talk to Officer Sato.

You know, Officer Sato is Officer Takagi's dream goddess.

But at this time, the two are not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

However, seeing this scene in front of him, Chu Tian would never give this guy any chance.

"Officer Sato, can we talk alone?"

Chu Tian stepped forward and said to Officer Teng.

"We? What are we going to talk about?" Officer Sato was stunned when she heard Chu Tian said he wanted to talk to her.

You know, she and Chu Tian are not that close.

The two of them have only met once before.

So what is there to talk about now? Chu Tian smiled and said,"I just want to talk to you about some private matters.

You should not mind, right?" Hearing that Chu Tian wanted to chat with Officer Sato, and looking at Chu Tian's appearance, Officer Takagi had to say that he felt a little worried.

After all, such a young and handsome man was walking with Officer Sato.

Even if they were not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, Officer Takagi was very uncomfortable.

But at this time, Officer Takagi couldn't stop Officer Sato from socializing normally, right? You know, Officer Sato has her own life.

At the same time, he is not her boyfriend, so what right do he have to say? So Officer Takagi was unhappy, but he had no way to do anything.

As for Sato Miwako herself, although she didn't know why Chu Tian was looking for her, as a female police officer, Sato Miwako was also very enthusiastic.

Naturally, she would not have any objections.

The two arrived at a remote corner, and Sato Miwako asked,"Okay, Chu Tian, tell me, what's the matter?" Chu Tian smiled and said,"It's actually not convenient to talk here.

I can only tell you briefly.

"(cjca)"That's about the case involving your father, Sato Masayoshi!"

"I think we need to have a good discussion!"

Sato Miwako, who had a very calm expression, was stunned after hearing Chu Tian's words.

Miwako's father died in a case.

For so many years, this case has always been a bloody case, and no one has been able to solve it. It has also become an eternal pain in Sato Miwako's heart, the pain of not being able to avenge her father.

But who would have thought that after so many years,

Chu Tian actually brought it up.

How could Sato Miwako not be surprised?

"You, what do you want to discuss with me?"

Sato Miwako's voice has become trembling.

"If I know who the real murderer is, so what?"

As soon as these words came out, it was of course a bolt from the blue for Sato Miwako.

"You, what did you say?!"

"You, do you know who the real murderer is?!"

Sato Miwako was so excited that she grabbed Chu Tian's shoulders fiercely and yelled.

She looked like a lady at all.

Her hands were very strong.

It hurt a little when she pinched Chu Tian's shoulders!

"Don't get excited. Don't get excited.……"

Chu Tian quickly pried Sato Miwako's hands apart,"Didn't I tell you? It's not convenient to talk here!"

"I already have a clue about this case."

"I want to find a place with you alone to talk about this matter, not here!"

After hearing this, Sato Miwako woke up from her dream.

"Indeed, this is not the right place!"

"How about this, let's find a coffee shop and talk slowly!"

As long as it involves his father's case, no matter what it is,

Sato Miwako must not let it go.

After hearing this,

Chu Tian certainly had no objection.

At that moment, Sato Miwako went to ask for leave from Officer Megure.

Officer Megure didn't even think about Sato Miwako's request for leave.

He agreed directly.

Sato Miwako is his proud subordinate, and she is also the goddess of countless people in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Officer Megure also treats her as his own daughter. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What's the big deal about taking a leave now? What's the matter!

Soon, Chu Tian and Sato Miwako left the house.

They found a secluded coffee shop nearby and sat down inside.

Chu Tian and Sato Miwako ordered a cup of coffee, and then started chatting.

""Do you know the identity of Chou Silang? Who is the murderer?"

At this time, Sato Miwako asked anxiously.

Chu Tian saw Sato Miwako's anxious look and could understand it.

After all, her father's hatred must be avenged.

"Yes, I think I already know who did it!"

Chu Tian nodded calmly.

"Who is the murderer?"

Sato Miwako continued to ask.

Her tone became more and more anxious.

"Don't be anxious, listen to me slowly!"

Facing the anxious look of Sato Miwako in front of him, Chu Tian felt that it would be best to remain calm and tell the truth.

"I have learned about this case through my connections before.……"

"Then one day, I was passing by the station and I saw the Roman letters on it!"

"Then I understood what the police manual your father left behind meant!"

Facing Sato Miwako, Chu Tian directly explained the case.

The reasoning was very simple, just using the words in the animation.[]

But when you talk about it, you still have to add some embellishments and make up some stories about how you discovered it.

"If my reasoning is correct, the murderer should be this person!"

"The reason why your father found out it was him was probably because he watched the surveillance video and discovered some of his habits!"

"After all, they have been good friends for many years and are very familiar with each other!"

"As for the evidence, it is actually very simple.……"

"I think he would never have spent this money back then!"

"It is impossible to take it out of the country. The most likely thing is to hide it at home!"

"So all you need is to get a search warrant and search his home!"

"I believe, there will be gains!"

Chu Tian said all he had to say in one breath.

Then he just looked at Sato Miwako.

After hearing this, Sato Miwako was stunned.

She could never have imagined that the truth of the matter would be like this.

However, Chu Tian's reasoning was reasonable and many aspects were completely consistent. If you think about it carefully, it should be like this.

Thinking of this, Sato Miwako couldn't help feeling excited.

For so many years, this case has been a stone in her heart.

Unable to avenge her father, and unable to bring the murderer to justice.

Sato Miwako has been in pain and discomfort.

But now, he has finally solved the case.

She was already unbearably excited.

"I'll call Officer Megure right now!"

The next moment, Sato Miwako couldn't bear it any longer.

She immediately took out her cell phone and called the police officer to get a search warrant.

Seeing this scene, Chu Tian smiled. This female police officer was so heroic and decisive. She was really cute and beautiful.

: Lão già gân

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