Science Fiction Universe: Starting Inventory Of The Strongest Scientific And Technological Civilizat

Chapter 70: Eleven universes unfolded by Zhao Zheng, playing the civilization of stars! 【Subscriptio

[Open the mysterious reward, congratulations on unlocking the new function: the origin of universe creation!

The origin of the creation of the universe?

Zhao Zheng began to receive information.

Gradually, the information of the origin of creation of the universe appeared in his mind.

In fact, the origin of the creation of the universe is the same as the independent universe obtained before. No, it should not be said the same, because the independent universe does not grow by itself, but the origin of the creation of the universe does!

As long as it is expanded, it is equivalent to expanding a universe. It will continue to expand to form an independent universe, the space will grow infinitely, and at the same time, various creatures, even stars, galaxies, and civilizations will be born.

And such a source of creation of the universe, Zhao Zheng obtained ten!

In other words, Zhao Zheng currently has ten universes.

Together with the independent universe, there are eleven universes in total.

Zhao Zheng didn't know how to describe it.

How does the universe feel like worthless?

But it's not.

Any one of these universes is a real three-dimensional universe.

That is to say, all universes can put any creature in it.

Afterwards, Zhao Zheng suppressed his surprise and unfolded all ten origins. Like the independent universe, it became a part of Zhao Zheng's control.

When Zhao Zheng sinks his thoughts, he can directly spy on the unfolding of the ten universes.

The huge energy gathers and expands continuously.

It takes a long time to form a universe.

The aging of a universe takes a long time, and similarly, the formation also takes a long time, and even the formation takes longer than the aging!

Zhao Zheng named the eleven universes by numbers, from zero to ten.

Universe No. 0 is the universe that Zhao Zheng focused on cultivating, an independent universe. So use zero, the initial of everything.

The remaining universes 1 to 10 are slowly expanding.

The space is not yet 100 square meters.

But the expansion speed is very fast, just a few breaths, has reached 500 square meters.

Of course, this is undoubtedly very small for the vast universe.

If you want to give birth to life, creatures, civilization, and even Xingfan... you need a larger living space.

However, the universe is expanding every moment. As long as there is enough time, sooner or later life and civilization will appear just like the independent universe.

This made Zhao Zheng feel very good.

He is looking forward to what kind of civilization will these ten independent universes breed?

Will it be different?

Before he knew it, Zhao Zheng already had eleven universes. Could he also call himself the master of the multiverse... or something?

Zhao Zheng entertained himself for a while, and continued to observe the development of the ten universes.

In just half an hour, the space of Universes No. 1 to No. 10 has expanded to 79,000 square meters, and it continues to grow by 980% every moment.

This speed is really fast.

As for the emergence of civilization... that can't be so fast.

If you want the hook of civilization, you need at least living conditions, first let the creatures appear, and then there will be civilization.

Observed quietly for a long time.

Zhao Zheng returned to the No. 0 independent universe by the way, and used the universe source point to expand the No. 0 universe again.

At this time, the space of Universe Zero has reached infinity. Of course, "infinity" is just an adjective, proving that the independent universe is huge.

And in addition to the human civilization that has appeared in the Milky Way, some galaxies on the edge of the universe have also found creatures.

There is even a Star Breeding that gave birth to a civilization that is very similar to humans, and looks very similar to humans. But they call themselves the knight civilization, which is a civilization that takes the line of faith.

The human civilization of the Milky Way is taking the route of science and technology.

Zhao Zheng observed the knight civilization for a while.

It was later discovered that Hexi had found this civilization.

At this time, the knight civilization fell into civil strife, just like in medieval Europe, the regime struggled constantly, and the status of women was very low.

Hexi appeared as an angel to help this civilization and develop angelic belief.

The general process is that Hexi showed his strength and let this civilized creature believe in himself and in angels.

Anyone who is pure in mind and body, who believes in angels, and who has a certain ability will have the opportunity to ascend to the heavenly palace and become an angel.

This is a means for Hexi to develop angels.

Zhao Zheng did not intervene, but he was somewhat looking forward to what kind of angelic civilization Hexi would develop.

If it is just a replica of the angelic civilization of the super god universe, it will make Zhao Zheng quite disappointed. But Zhao Zheng believes that Hexi will not reproduce the angel civilization, because now Hexi has a scientific and technological knowledge reserve that far exceeds that of the angel civilization.

And this universe is rich in resources and fully sufficient for development.

Zhao Zheng observed that the Lone Star Research Institute, where Hexi is located, is already studying how to cross latitudes and dimensionality reduction weapons.

Dimensionality reduction weapons are naturally not strong for the universe. It's just a tool to clean up low-level civilizations.

But if a civilization wants to break through, latitude weapons must also be contacted.

Light speed, super-light speed, space transition, latitude weapons... (agbi) These are the necessary processes for the third to fourth level civilization.

No civilization can skip basic development and step into a god-level civilization.

As a god-level civilization said: We were once the weakest bugs in the universe, but we grew up.

Bugs also have a future, but it is more difficult for bugs to get up.

Zhao Zheng observed for a long time and withdrew from the universe.

Eleven universes, changing every moment.


The smash fell from the sky.

Smash has been very busy recently, because Zhao Zheng's manor is relatively remote, and there are always many malicious guys trying to sneak in, so Smash is busy cleaning up these guys.

I have to say, it would be nice to have a security robot like Smash. At least Zhao Zheng doesn't have to do it himself.

"Well, you did a good job." Zhao Zheng reached out and touched the shattered mecha. Today's smash has been modified by Zhao Zheng to become stronger and stronger.

In terms of combat power, smashing can easily destroy a provincial city.

What? Some people say this is also called strong?

Naturally, it is nothing to the heavens and the universe... but it is already very knowledgeable when placed on the earth.

And it's not just that the Earth is strong. Compared with those similar Transformers, crushing can also be directly rolled.

Moreover, Zhao Zheng is constantly improving the energy of smashing. As long as the energy limit is broken, it is not a problem to destroy a planet with a single blow.

Zhao Zheng has feelings for his own works.

Smash is no longer the Decepticon it once was. After more than a year of company, coupled with Zhao Zheng's continuous transformation, she has already become Zhao Zheng's most trusted guard.

Shatter looked at Zhao Zheng, his scarlet eyes flickering slightly.

Smash was implanted with feelings by Zhao Zheng, and it has its own feelings.

"Exactly, let me modify the energy for you."

"Okay, master."

Shattering lay down and played a piece of music, letting Zhao Zheng operate without the slightest guard.

Zhao Zheng smiled, listened to the music, picked up the tools and started to work. With the knowledge gained from the independent universe, begin to further strengthen the shattered energy.

For robots, the stronger the energy, the stronger the fighting strength.

Smash is not only Zhao Zheng's most trusted guard, but also Zhao Zheng's "experimental product"

Zhao Zheng had never been exposed to any technology before, and smashing was the first. So there is no problem with the test product.

Hmm... In order to prevent himself from making a wrong rhyme, Zhao Zheng also backed up a smashed information in advance, if the smashed body accidentally "exploded" or something like that. As long as information is injected into the new body, it is still alive.

Smash know this?

Of course it knows, but it still chooses to become a test subject unconditionally.

It took dozens of minutes for Zhao Zheng to complete the transformation.

Smash started rebooting and everything was fine. Then Zhao Zheng started to produce new inventory content with confidence.

Listening to the music, Zhao Zheng suddenly wanted to take stock of a god-level civilization related to music!

Play the civilization of stars!

Smashing and playing music is because Zhao Zheng likes to listen to music when he is working, and he has a tacit understanding.

[Playing the music of stars—a god-level mirror civilization]

[Ability: Detonate supernova at will, cross latitude at will, and play stars. 】

[Manipulation Dimension Level: Eleven Dimension]

[Space Navigation Capability: Time and Space Jump, Faster Than Light]

[Characteristics of civilization: Advocating music and art, there is no distinction between individual groups. "

[The god-level civilization in the universe no longer needs to worry about resources and survival, and those who are equal to zero, Li Bai civilization...)

After the video was made, Zhao Zheng was sure that there was no problem, so he uploaded it directly to the Zhutian Universe Network.

Afterwards, he turned on the universe mirror and searched for the universe where Liu Peiqiang, who kept leaving messages under the video, was located.

Observe the wandering earth universe.

"Again... a god-level civilization?"

Li Bai, who was looking for art in the universe, stopped at the moment when he heard the prompt.

When seeing the title of the video, it froze for a moment.

Another god-level civilization as powerful as himself?

In the universe, there are so many beings as powerful as themselves?

Li Bai was shocked to the point of numbness, and even no longer shocked. Rather, it feels habitual.

To say shock and curiosity, it is even more shocking with this author!

How does the author exist?

Li Bai can't imagine it, even a god can't imagine it.

Li Bai also thought of asking through the universe network of the heavens.

But its message did not get a response...

It stands to reason that this is disrespectful to God. But Li Bai was not angry, because he knew that the other party might not take it seriously at all.

Even, Li Bai-Tian can post a comment, and there is no way to change it...

Even gods have to follow rules.

Li Bai shook his head slightly, suppressed his infinite thoughts, and watched the video.

"Mirror civilization? What kind of god-level civilization is this? 97

Li Bai was also curious about the god-level civilization of the same level. Compared with those low-level civilizations, the natural god-level civilization is more attractive to it.

Then, the video slowly unfolded.

That's a blue star.

Above the blue star, a concert of the United Nations is being held.

Li Bai also appreciates art, so he is curious about concerts.

But the music of this concert did not make it amazing.

The video keeps advancing, and the first half is a bit dull.

until the next moment.

The scene in the video screen changed drastically.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, a human secretary pointed to the zenith and said that in order not to disturb others, his hand was only raised to eye level.

"Of course the moon.

The president glanced from above and said, seeing the Chinese leader next to him slowly shaking his head, he looked up again, this time doubting his own judgment.

At first glance, the semicircular thing in the middle of the sky looks like a half-full moon, but it is azure blue, as if a small piece of white book had been glued down when the blue sky receded.

The President looked up at the blue semi-circle in space, and once he focused, his keen observation rhymed, and he stretched out a finger and used it as a ruler to measure the blue moon, saying : "It's expanding.

The sound of the band tuning instruments on the open-air stage came to an abrupt end.

At this time, it was already certain that the blue hemisphere was not the moon, because its diameter had expanded to about twice that of the moon, and its other hemisphere in the dark also appeared dark blue.

Some detail can be seen in the bright hemisphere, and it is found that its surface is not all blue, with some areas of tan.

"God, isn't that North America?! Someone exclaimed, he was right, people saw the familiar shape of the continent, it was at the junction of light and darkness in the sphere at this time, I wonder if anyone thought that this It is consistent with where they are now. Then, people recognized the Asian continent, the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Strait...

"That's... the Earth!!

The president of the beautiful country withdrew his finger. At this time, the expansion of the blue sphere in space can be seen without the help of a reference object. Its diameter is now at least 3 times that of the moon!

At first, people thought it was like a balloon that was quickly inflated in space, but another exclamation from the crowd immediately changed people's imagination.

"It's falling!!"

This provided a plausible explanation for what people saw, and whether it was correct or not, they immediately had a new sense of what was happening before them.

Another Earth in space is smashing them down! The blue sphere is approaching, it has taken up a third of the sky, and the details of its surface can be seen more clearly!

The brown land is covered with the wrinkles of the mountains, and the clouds seem to be clinging to the remnant snow of the land, and the shadows cast by the clouds on the earth frame them with a black border; the North Pole also has a layer of white, some of them. Some parts gleamed, it was not a cloud, it was an ice layer; on the blue sea, there was a vortex-like object, turning lazily, white and white, looking weak and beautiful, like a flower attached to a crystal The white velvet flower on the wall of the blue glass bottle is a typhoon that has just formed...

When the blue giant ball occupied half of the sky, almost at the same moment, people's vision changed again wonderfully.

"Oh my God, we're falling!

The reversal of this feeling happened in an instant. The surface of the giant sphere, which occupies half of the sky, suddenly had a sense of height. People felt that the earth under their feet no longer existed, and they were in the high sky, just as the earth fell and fell. go down...

The surface of the earth can be seen in finer detail. Not far from the dark side of the boundary line between light and dark, people with good eyesight can see a faint fluorescent band, which is the light of the cities on the east coast of the beautiful country. A little fluorescent is New York, where they are.

The earth from space came head-on, and soon occupied two-thirds of the sky. The two earths seemed to collide in the blink of an eye. One or two screams were heard in the crowd, and many people closed their eyes in fear.

At this moment, everything stopped suddenly, and the earth in the sky no longer fell, or the earth under my feet no longer fell towards it. This giant sphere, occupying two-thirds of the sky, hangs quietly above, and the earth is shrouded in its blue light.

At this time, there was a commotion in the city, and riots began to appear. But the people on the lawn are, after all, the strongest group of human beings in the face of unexpected events. Facing this nightmarish scene, they quickly controlled their panic and thought silently.

The immersive civilizations of the universe are even more surprised.

Even Li Bai was thinking, and then it seemed to think of something.

Li Bai slowly raised his head and looked at another earth.

"That is, a big mirror.

Reflect "a mirror of everything on the planet.

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