Science Fiction Universe: Starting Inventory Of The Strongest Scientific And Technological Civilizat

Chapter 72: The end of art and technology! The Xenapus civilization in the universe, the question of

"That's it, art."

"The ultimate question of technology and art, music at its peak. 33

"Hey~ I seem to have seen a comment from a god-level civilization!

"This kind of music, even the gods are attracted to it!

Civilizations sighed.

The number of appearances of god-level civilization is very small.

But this time, almost every god level appeared.

This will be the most shocking concert in the universe!

"Is the performance about to start?"

Some presidents recovered from junior high school and couldn't help asking questions.

"Yes, I'm waiting for a beat," replied the mirror.

"The beat?

"The beat started four years ago, and it's coming here at the speed of light."

At this time, the sky changed dramatically, the reflection of the earth and the sun disappeared, replaced by a bright silver ripple, this ripple danced, covering the sky, the earth seemed to sink in a super ocean, the sky is from Sunlit sea surface seen underwater.

The mirror explained: "I'm blocking out a huge amount of radiation from outer space right now. I'm not reflecting this radiation completely, and you see a small part of it coming through. This radiation comes from a supernova that exploded 4 years ago."

"The first four years? That's Sagittarius." Someone said.

"Yes, Proxima Sagittarius.

"But as far as I know, that star does not have the conditions to become a supernova at all," said the head of China.

"I made it work," said the mirror lightly.

At this time, people remembered what the Mirror said. He said that he had been preparing for this concert for more than 4 years, and that was the matter. After the Mirror chose the sun as the instrument, it immediately detonated more than the "nine eight zero" neighbors. star.

Judging from the fact that the mirror has just been auditioned around the sun, it obviously has the ability to act in hyperspace, which enables it to bounce the sun at a distance of one astronomical unit, but for a star 4 light-years away, whether it Still having this ability is unknown.

Mirrors can detonate Proxima in two ways: through hyperspace action in the solar system, or by space jumping to the vicinity of Proxima Centauri in a short time to detonate it, and then jump back to the solar system again.

Either way, it's God's power for humans.

But no matter what, the light from the supernova explosion still takes 4 years to reach the solar system.

The mirror said that the sound of playing the sun is transmitted to the universe in the form of electromagnetism, so for this super civilization, the speed of light is equivalent to the speed of human sound, and the light wave is their sound wave, so what is their light? Know.

The universe is even more shocking.

"Is this the power of a god-level civilization? It's really strong!"

"Yes, it is simply indescribably powerful!"

"Shocking! The power of god-level civilization is shocking every time I look at it!"

"It's easy to detonate a supernova, is this the power of God?"

"I made it... what a confident and calm voice.

Civilization marvels.

The video continues, with countless civilizations immersed in it.

They also want to hear this stellar music.

"We are deeply shocked by your ability to manipulate the physical world," said the Beautiful Nation's president in awe.

"The stars are the rocks of the cosmic desert, the most common thing in my world. I use stars, sometimes as a tool, sometimes as a weapon, sometimes as a musical instrument... Now I use the The star made a metronome, which has nothing to do with your ancestors' use of stones. They used the most common things in their own world to expand and extend their abilities.

But the people on the lawn can't see what the two have in common, and they give up trying to communicate technically with mirrors. Humans are as far from understanding these as ants are from understanding the International Space Station.

The light waves in the sky began to dim, and gradually, people felt that it was not sunlight but moonlight that illuminated the huge sea above, and the supernova was going out.

The secretary-general said: "If the mirrors hadn't blocked the supernova's energy, Earth would now be a lifeless world.

By this time the ripples in the sky had completely disappeared, and the giant image of the Earth reappeared, still occupying most of the night sky.

"Look east!" Someone shouted.

People found that there was a straight dividing line in the eastern sky, this line traversed the whole sky, and the sky on both sides of the dividing line was two different scenes.

To the west of the demarcation line is still the image of the earth, but it has been cut off by this line; to the east of the demarcation line is the splendid starry sky, many people have seen it, this is the starry sky that the northern hemisphere should have, not A reflection of the starry sky in the southern hemisphere.

The demarcation line is moving solemnly from the east and the west, the part of the starry sky is gradually expanding, and the image of the earth is being erased by the east and west.

"The mirror is flying away!" exclaimed the secretary, and people soon knew he was right, the mirror was leaving the earth, its edge soon disappeared below the western horizon, and people were standing again in what they had seen countless times before. Under normal starry sky.

No one has seen the mirror since then, and it may have flown to its harp—near the sun.

The people on the lawn looked at the familiar world around them with a hint of relief. The starry sky was still there, the lights of the city were still the same, and even the fragrance of the buds on the lawn was still in the air.

The beat appears.

The white book came down in an instant, the blue sky burst out, the sun shone brightly on the earth, and everything around it stood out brightly; but the day calamity lasted for a second, and then went out, and the night that had just revolved was restored, and the starry sky and the city's The lights appeared again.

This night only lasted for one second, and the white book appeared again, and a second later it was night again; then, white book, night, white book, night, white book, night... at a frequency equivalent to the pulse, it appeared alternately, as if the world It's an image of two slideshow hooks that are constantly switching.

This is the rhythm of white painting and night.

People have been sluggish.

Can't understand such music.

The heavens and the universe are even more immersed in endless shock.

Music played by the stars, they can feel the shock, unable to see its truth.

Only a few god-level civilizations fell into a kind of deep contemplation.

Art is really the best way of expressing power in the universe.

Even if it is separated from the heavens and the universe, the creatures who hear it can understand the meaning it expresses.

Wandering Earth Universe.

"Playing music with the sun... What a powerful civilization! 39

Liu Peiqiang couldn't help but marvel.

Especially when he looked back and saw the sun in his universe.

Such a huge amount of energy, such a terrifying sun, can actually be reduced to a "qin played by civilization"


This shock is beyond words!

After being shocked for a long time, Liu Peiqiang couldn't help but sighed slightly, looked at the sun, and fell into contemplation.

It would be great if the human beings on their earth also possessed such a powerful force.

In other words, even if they only possess one-tenth of the power of gods, why would they wander in the vast universe?

Every time I watch advanced civilization, Liu Peiqiang always has a sense of shock and envy that is not enough.

Envy the scientific and technological power of advanced civilization, but also feel silent for the powerlessness of human beings.

After being silent for a long time, Liu Peiqiang exhaled a breath of diligence, sank into the universe net of the heavens, and left a message again, hoping to get a reply from the mysterious author.

In fact, Liu Peiqiang is also thinking about rewarding to increase the closeness value.

However, it really does not have something that can be used as a reward.


Could God be short of such things as money? Obviously not.


Nowadays, the technology of the wandering earth universe is very poor, and it is absolutely impossible to interest the gods. Liu Peiqiang doesn't even know what to reward.

It sometimes thinks that it would be nice if it could reward the sun that endangers the solar system...

Of course, this is just an idea. Liu Peiqiang has no ability to control the sun.

The Earth civilization, including this universe, does not have the ability to manipulate the sun.

And the solar system cannot be without the sun.

In other words, human civilization cannot survive without the sun.

"Wandering Earth Universe."

Zhao Zheng used the immersive mode to watch this universe.

Aware of Liu Peiqiang's thoughts, Zhao Zheng wanted to realize the truth sacrifice, but after thinking for a while, he did not realize it.

Because this universe did not have the technology and existence that attracted Zhao Zheng.

Zhao Zheng casually flipped through the comments of the universe.

One day, Zhao Zheng paid more attention.

Lord of the Sky: "God-level civilization? How can we prove that this so-called god-level civilization is real? It may be just a video! If you let me make it, I can do it too! 33


In fact, there are not many people who question Zhao Zheng's civilization.

After all, in the eyes of some civilizations, what Zhao Zheng published was just a video, and they could not verify whether the existence in the video was real, so naturally they would not believe in the so-called god-level civilization.

Of course, even if some technologies can be proved to be true and effective, there are still arrogant civilizations, and I don't believe this is true.

Zhao Zheng used the universe mirror to find out the universe where the title is King of the Sky.

"Search for the location of the King of Sky and narrow the distance."

"Okay, master."

With the continuous shrinking, the picture came to a constantly moving sky city floating in the sky.

Looking at the angel walking by in the castle, Zhao Zheng recognized it.

It turns out that this is the sky descending from the universe.

It's an anime, something that falls from the sky.

This city in the sky is called Xenapus.

And the person who spoke was the king of Xenapus, the lord of the sky.

At this moment, the Lord of the Sky is sitting on the throne, with a very disdainful expression on his face.

The Lord of the Sky has a very arrogant character.

Not long after he entered the universe network of the heavens, the Lord of the Sky has always maintained doubts about the contents of this so-called website.

Especially when one sees today a so-called god-level civilization using stars to play music.

After watching the video in an immersive way, Lord of the Sky was stunned for a long time, and then directly commented, saying that this is absolutely impossible!

He does not believe that such a terrifying civilization exists in the universe.

- A mirror, capable of destroying super planets at will, playing the sun at will, how is this possible!

But after the comment was sent out, when Lord of the Sky watched many of the author's updated videos, he suddenly regretted it...

Immersive viewing experience, god-level civilization, god-level technology makes the Lord of the Sky addicted to it.

After a long time, he saw his comment again and fell silent.

He felt as if he had offended God...

I don’t know if God will be angry when he sees his comment.

The Lord of the Sky wanted to send another message to explain his previous comment, but due to restrictions, he was unable to leave a message.

The Lord of the Sky was stunned.

This... is this not going to be cold?

In case the author gets angry and throws away a cleaning tool, such as a dimensionality reduction weapon such as a two-way box, their Xenaps will be finished...

The Lord of the Sky hurriedly turned around in place, thinking about solving the problem.

From disbelief at the beginning, to shock, awe, and now fear after watching all the videos!

This is really scary!!

"God, shouldn't you be so careful?"

The Lord of the Sky thought so, in fact, to comfort himself.

He doesn't know if the other party will be careful...

After all, judging from those videos, those god-level civilizations are not without emotion. They are even as emotionally rich as the weak human boa constrictor.

In the eyes of the Lord of the Sky, humans are ants. Because its world also has worms and many pythons.

The arrogant Lord of the Sky looks down on the weak, and even likes to satirize the weak 1.8.

But I never thought that because of my arrogant character, I accidentally offended God...

In fact, from the moment he entered the cosmic web of the heavens, the Lord of the Sky had already suspected it. Because the universe network of the heavens does not exist on a certain software, but is directly linked to his brain and cannot be detected or deleted!

This single hand of technology has already crushed the Lord of the Sky.

At first, the Sky Lord thought it was Daedalus.

Daedalus, the only existence in Xenapus with more technological capabilities than the Lord of the Sky.

Facts have proved that he was wrong, very wrong.

The Lord of the Sky thought for a moment and felt that he needed to make up for his fault. At least don't let God hate yourself.

So he looked at the reward function.

Decided to reward some of Xenapus' technological products, as well as those artificial angels... This is the only thing that the Lord of the Sky can rhyme with.

After all, for God, there must be nothing lacking...

And what the Lord of the Sky can hold rhyme is also his most valuable thing.

Immediately he began to act.


Zhao Zheng quietly observed everything that happened, and couldn't help showing a smile.


Not so.

In any civilization, doubt is normal.

But as long as you bring a little IQ and test it, you will be able to distinguish between true and false.

It's just that the Lord of the Sky is too arrogant. After watching a video, he immediately started spraying, like a network keyboard warrior.

After spraying, when I learned the truth, I began to regret it, and even became afraid.

Zhao Zheng came to be interested and decided to realize the truth festival in this world.

The target, chosen at Xenapus,

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