Science Fiction Universe: Starting Inventory Of The Strongest Scientific And Technological Civilizat

Chapter 73 : The power of God! The fear of the Lord of the Sky! The truth of the sacrificial gong is

[Congratulations for rewarding artificial angel x10, closeness value +100)

[Congratulations for your rewarding cutting-edge technology, closeness value +100)

【Congratulations for your reward...)

[Congratulations on reaching the level of closeness value to open the private chat function!

After a bunch of rewards went down, the master of the sky unexpectedly discovered that the private chat function had been turned on.

He immediately opened a private chat, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't know how to start.

I don't know if God saw his previous comment and was angry...

After learning about the technological power of god-level civilization, the Lord of the Sky was truly shocked beyond measure!

Feel free to cross space, latitude, and even time!

And that's just a part of it, and there's technology that's too terrifying to comprehend.

The Lord of the Sky is the recognized successor of Xenapus, and his technological capabilities are even more top-notch. But even so, he couldn't understand the cosmic energy that God-level civilization could control.

Li Bai civilization extinguished the technology of the sun at will.

The ability of cryogenic art to freeze a star in an instant.

The zero-reset energy of the universe...

Mirror civilization's ability to play the sun...

The messenger power of human civilization across time...

These are all energies that the current Lord of the Sky is completely incomprehensible!

And even these god-level civilizations can be spied on by the author, and even the Lord of the Sky has turned to many god-level civilization messages...

He was stunned!

If he knew this earlier, how could he be arrogant!

Perhaps none of the angels in Xenapus would have thought that this arrogant and arrogant Lord of the Sky would have such a nervous and fearful expression at this moment.

The Lord of the Sky is really scared!

God wants to destroy a galaxy easily.

They have no resistance at all if they want to attack Xenapus.

After thinking for a long time, the Lord of Sky was about to send a private message to God to explain.

Suddenly, the space ahead began to twist.

Lord of the Sky 06 frowned, having a bad premonition.

Under the shocked gaze of the Lord of the Sky and all the angels, a mysterious building slowly condensed.

It was a huge hemisphere with a diameter of fifty meters. It was placed in front of the gate of the palace with the bottom facing upwards. It looked like a small castle from a distance.

This hemisphere is made of an energy so powerful that the Lord of the Sky cannot comprehend. Even the man-made angels around could not understand what energy was gathered into such a precise hemispherical shape, so strong that it would not disintegrate even when the sphere was placed face down.

On the top of the hemisphere, mysterious energy condensed, and slowly appeared the four dark black fonts of the truth sacrificial seam.

"Truth Festival!"

The Lord of the Sky subconsciously exclaimed.

He remembered the name.

The truth sacrificial seam belongs to the top civilization in the universe, a major building of the civilization of danger seekers.

Entering the crevice of truth can obtain all the mysteries in the universe, even the most profound secrets.

But the price is... death.

But compared to the price, the Lord of the Sky is naturally excited!

Is he afraid of death?

I used to be afraid. But not afraid. Why is it so contradictory, because the Lord of Sky is irritated and angry with his current life, but he doesn't want to die so boringly.

But if he can obtain the mysteries of the universe, he can obtain technological heights that he has never broken through. Then even death is worth it!

The Lord of the Sky was so excited that he didn't know why the shrine of truth suddenly appeared in his own world. Is it because of God?

The Lord of the Sky sank, and did not step into the truth and sacrifice for the first time, but the entire Xenapus sent a message.

Especially which of the greatest scientists, arguably created the existence of Xenapus... Daedalus.

For a time, the entire Xenapus Sky City shook.

Countless angels and artificial angels came to the palace.

"The Ritual of Truth? Could it be..."

Inside the palace, Daedalus, a four-winged angel with long blue hair, raised his eyebrows slightly when he received the news.

Daedalus, the greatest science of Xenapus. The omnipotent angel technology she has studied has never been surpassed by anyone, not even Minos, the lord of the sky.

Daedalus heard the words "Sacrifice of Truth", as if thinking of something, his face changed slightly, he spread his wings, and the palace came flying.

ten minutes later.

Outside the palace is already surrounded by angels.

The lord of the sky, Minos, stood in front of the sacrificial gong of truth, with a ruddy face and agitated excitement. Many angels have not seen the Lord of the Sky show such an expression for so many years, and they can't help but talk about it.

"What happened?

"Sacrifice of truth? What is this? Why is there this thing in our palace..."

"I haven't seen it."

The angels were talking.

Until a figure in the sky fell, all the sounds stopped instantly.

Long blue hair, only four wings.

This is... Daedalus, a being whom the angels fear very much. An existence that even the Lord of the Sky would not dare to command.

Really "It's the festival of truth!" Daedalus came over excitedly.

The gong of truth!

This is from the hands of the universe god-level civilization. As a top scientist, Daedalus was also invited to join the universe network of the heavens, and she joined a year earlier than the Lord of the Sky.

Zhao Zheng, as the most popular author of the universe network, Daedalus naturally pays attention to it, and even waits for the update every day! Urge the update!

Daedalus even learned the wormhole jump technology from the video, and is preparing to install it on the new generation of almighty angels to create an absolutely powerful almighty angel!

"Xenapus, I'll leave it to you." The Lord of the Sky, Minos, walked to Daedalus and looked up at the honorary sacrifice.

His curiosity about the mysteries of the universe and the peak of technology cannot be blocked!

Daedalus looked at Minos and fell silent. She also wanted to pry into the truth of the universe.

Civilizations like them standing at the top of the universe, plus they have lived for many years, almost lost their desire to survive. They want to obtain the mysteries of the universe and know the deeper secrets in the universe. Even at the cost of life.

"Daedalus! I need you here. If I can, I will hook up the news that can convey the rhyme, but Xenapus can't be without a leader." The Lord of the Sky said with a smile. Although he is not a good angel, he still has certain feelings for Xenapus.

If two of Xenapus' top scientists were to die, the consequences would still be grave.

The angels looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

From the conversation between the Sky Lord and Daedalus, the angels learned that the Sky Lord seems to be leaving?

The artificial angels did not join the cosmic web of the heavens, so naturally they did not understand the meaning.

But Daedalus and Minos understood.

They even make it clear, "Life is a small price to pay when the harmonious beauty of the universe unfolds before oneself at a glance!"

Even if you only have a few minutes to live after seeing this beauty!

Even without these few minutes, just going through the process of seeing that ultimate beauty is worth it.

Just like when the author of the gods took stock of the civilization of the universe's risk-seekers, that sentence...

"When the problem of survival is completely solved, when love disappears due to the alienation and integration of individuals, and when art finally dies due to excessive refinement and obscurity, the pursuit of the ultimate beauty of the universe becomes the only sustenance for the existence of civilization."

Minos climbed the crevice of truth, and its figure disappeared completely.

In the air, there is only sound.

"I want to know, what is our present universe?"

Daedalus pricked up his ears, wanting to hear the answer.

But she couldn't hear anything, couldn't see anything, as if she was isolated.

"Play the truth sacrificial gong picture." Zhao Zheng said.

The screen switches and enters the truth sacrifice.

There was no one in front of the Lord of the Sky, only the ethereal voice sounded.

"The universe you are currently in is just the embers of the big bang fireworks. The stars and galaxies are just drifting soot that still remains a little warm. This is a low-energy universe, the quasars you see Such high-energy celestial bodies only existed in the distant past. In the current natural universe, the most advanced energy processes, such as massive objects falling into black holes, also have energy levels many orders of magnitude lower than the Big Bang.

"To sum up, the universe you are in is a very ordinary low-energy universe, and the upper limit of your civilization is limited to this."

The Lord of the Sky was silent, as if he was expecting it.

Compared to the universe shown in the author's video, the universe I live in is indeed a low-energy universe...

The Lord of the Sky was a little unwilling, but relieved.

"Then, may I ask how the unified model of your universe is created?"

The Lord of the Sky did not ask about his own universe, because his own universe was too small, and he wanted to know how the higher-level universe, the unified model, was produced.

As the voice fell, a virtual projection appeared in front of it, projecting an entire universe, and at the same time began to introduce.

"Long, long ago, our universe was much smaller and hotter than it is now, and the stars hadn't been discovered yet, but already matter had precipitated out of their energy, forming the nebula that permeated the red glowing space."

"Life was already emerging, a force field and thin matter that looked like a tornado in space. 99

"This nebula creature evolved as fast as lightning, and soon gave birth to a highly advanced civilization that spread throughout the universe. When the nebula civilization's desire for the ultimate truth of the universe was at its peak, all the worlds in the universe agreed, risking a vacuum to decay. The danger of experimenting with the creation level to explore the grand unified model of the universe.93

"The way nebula creatures manipulate the physical world is completely different from life in the present universe, and because there isn't enough matter to work with, their individuals evolve into what they want on their own. After the final decision is made to hook, certain worlds Some of these individuals evolve very quickly, evolving themselves to be part of the accelerator."

"In the end, millions of such nebula creatures lined up to form a high-energy accelerator that can accelerate particles to the creation level. After the accelerator was activated, a dazzling blue light appeared in the dark red nebula. Aura."

"They were well aware of the dangers of this experiment, and while the experiment was going on, they hooked up the results obtained by launching gravitational waves, which are the only information carriers that can survive vacuum decay.

"After the accelerator runs for a period of time, vacuum decay occurs. The low-energy vacuum sphere expands from the size of an atom at the speed of light to an astronomical scale in a blink of an eye, and everything inside evaporates. The expansion speed of the vacuum sphere is greater than the expansion speed of the universe. Although it took a long time to dry, it finally destroyed the entire universe.

"Long years passed, and in the empty universe, evaporated matter slowly re-precipitated and condensed, and nebulae reappeared, but the universe was dead silent until stars and planets appeared, and life revolved around the universe. Meng 980 rounds.

"At this time, the gravitational waves emitted by the long-destroyed nebula civilization were still reverberating in the universe, and the new rhythm of physical matter caused it to decay rapidly, but just before it completely disappeared, it was reverberated by the earliest civilization in the new universe. Received, the information it carried was deciphered, and from this ancient experimental data, the new civilization got a grand unified model. They found that the most critical data for establishing the model was one ten thousandth before the vacuum decay. produced in seconds."

"Let our thoughts go back to the nebula universe in destruction. Because the vacuum sphere expands at the speed of light, all civilized worlds outside the sphere are outside the light cone horizon. It is impossible to predict the arrival of disaster. Before the vacuum sphere arrives, These worlds must be intently receiving data from accelerators."

"The vacuum ball destroys everything in the ten-thousandth of a second after the nebula receives enough data to build a grand unified model. But be warned: Nebula creatures think at an extremely high frequency, and ten-thousandths of a second are to them. For quite a long time, so they derived the grand unified model in the last moments of their lives.

"It was the nebula civilization of our universe that lifted the veil of the universe, but they themselves were destroyed without a glimpse of the ultimate beauty of the universe.

Even more "honorable" is that they may have thought of this possibility before starting the experiment, sacrificed themselves, and passed the data containing the ultimate secret of the universe to civilizations in the distant future.

Nebula Civilization, Nebula Creatures?

Creation universe?

The Sky Lord was amazed. It turns out that the other party's universe level is so high.

And that Nebula civilization actually has such powerful technology, they are definitely not weaker than the god-level civilization!!

The Sky Lord was amazed.

"So, finally, I want to know what is the pinnacle of technology in my universe?" The Lord of the Sky said again.

Daedalus outside the sacrificial tent of truth was burning with anxiety. She was not worried about the Lord of the Sky, but looked at the sacrificial tent that was close to the truth, but could not get close.

She also has many, many questions to ask.

I don't know how long it took, the Lord of the Sky walked away.

He had a satisfied expression on his face, even a little excited.

Looking at Daedalus, he slowly opened his mouth and said something that could rhyme.

"Our universe is too weak, it's just a low-level universe. Xenapus wants to become stronger, to break through, he must go to a higher-level universe. 19

"Everything here is worthless.

As the voice of the Lord of the Sky continued to fall, his figure slowly dissipated into the air with the sacrifice of truth, as if he had never been hooked.

Only Daedalus muttered to himself.

"Low energy level universe..."

"Go, higher universe?

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