Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1030: : Divided Cooker Level Civilization

Solar system.

The giant marching ant group is operating at full capacity.

The War Department is gathering in various galaxies.

The entire marching ant group star field is immersed in the killing.

In the Venus War Department, an extremely large holographic star map is displayed in front of many generals.

Even Lan, no longer the easy-going style of the past, sits upright, but still has a confident smile on his face, and his narrow eyes are as sharp as a blade.

At the meeting in front of him, Ming Tu, Wang Hai, Zhu He, Wat Mu, Damazu, Xiaoli, Black Eagle, Qu Shu and others sat in a neat and serious scene.

They are all generals who can stand alone, but in this conference room, they dare not relax.

Ming Tu and Wang Hai sat in Lan's deputy position.

In the war with the Ming body civilization, Ming Tu used his butcher knife to prove his strength.

This war has increased the reputation of Lan and Ming Tu.

In the past, Lan had killed the Dahe Civilization and had the title of ‘Silver Hair’. Before now, he defeated the Pluto Civilization once again. The fighting style he showed made people feel very strange and justified him.

At the same time, Ming Tu’s bloodthirsty and cruel means in this war also spread the name of Leng Dao Ming Tu, and many civilizations around him were afraid to win the war of the Ming civilization. Tu's position in the marching ant group.

"Zhu He, you said." Lan motioned Zhu He to start.

Zhu He nodded slightly, stood up from his seat, and took out the prepared information seriously: "Just an hour ago, Black Eye Civilization started."

Ok? ?

The generals in the war department began to commotion, their eyes bursting brightly, implying the intent to fight.

This is a group of militants and excellent generals. They are very clear about the current situation. They know what it means to take action with the black pupil civilization.

Pluto civilization is over.

"Instructor, what do we do?" Da Mazu said with a loud voice, and his voice echoed in the entire war room.

Others looked at Lan. Except for Ming Tu, the other generals had all been taught and trained by Lan. It can be said that Lan was their teacher and superior, and they never questioned Lan's orders.

Every star has eagerness in his eyes.

Xiaoli, Qu Shu and others also spoke up one after another.

Lan was watching all this.

The black pupil civilization launched a war against the meditation civilization, which means that the god-level civilization wants to dismember the meditation civilization.

A giant beast fell, and a gluttonous feast of sharing and eating officially began.

Today's Pluto civilization, the division of internal power, and the emergence of Hongqiao, completely changed the state of the Pluto civilization's military deployment, causing him to be surrounded by powerful forces.

The wars and chaos within the Netherworld civilization have become more frequent after the first battle of the marching ants.

After winning the battle of the Great Wall of Sloan, Lan was not in a hurry to invade the Underworld Civilization, because in that case, they might become the power of the Underworld Civilization to vent its anger and target, and it would be them that would consume it.

Now that the black pupil civilization takes the lead and the god-level civilization participates, they don't have to be afraid of being paid attention to by the meditation civilization.

The surrounding civilizations will not give up such a good opportunity, they can follow the black pupil civilization and divide the meditation civilization.

Lan looked around the conference room and was very satisfied to see the fiery eyes of the generals on the field. It's been a long time since I felt this way. The last time this kind of request appeared was the same year.

Back then...

A strong sense of war also burned in Lan's eyes.

Seeing Lan's situation, Takiyu blinked his eyes wide and passed the documents in hand to the generals on the field.

"This is a prepared battle plan, and then follow the plan." Lan licked her silver lips, smiling coldly like a knife: "We don't need many star fields, and we mainly prepare for strategic depth. So with The galaxy group where the fortress is arranged is the main one, the 1,383 galaxy groups marked in the picture."

The 1,383 red dots in the star map are centered on the white fog Hongqiao of the Great Wall of Sloan, distributed in the surrounding star field of 3 billion light years, forming a certain mutual echo between each other.

"Understood." All the generals on the court agreed, and a breath of killing spread.


Outside the Hongqiao of the Sloan Great Wall, the battleships are assembled in space like a swarm of bees, magnificent. Such a large-scale armed operation is the first time since the establishment of the Marching Ant Group.

With the expansion of the star field of the marching ant group, the required defensive power has been greatly improved.

Therefore, in addition to the elite of the main war divisions, the marching ant group has also expanded the sub-war divisions under the jurisdiction of the war divisions, with divisions on each living planet, and expanded intelligent robots to serve as part of the work.

This is the first time that the marching ant group made such a large-scale operation.

Lin Shu is the head of the Defense Technology Department. This little girl has grown into a strong woman who stands alone. Because it is the core of the first batch of veterans of the marching ant group, no one dares to doubt her qualifications no matter how large the marching ant group is.

Lin Shu is still single now.

In her heart, there was always that figure, that man, who brought her out, she had already given everything about herself to the marching ants. She is truly seeing Chen Mo mistake all his life.

Lin Shu is full of fighting spirit when he thinks of the big cause that can help him.

On each battleship, there are personnel from the Defense Technology Department. They set out with the team to quickly build defensive fortifications.

In space war, the scale of fortifications is based on stars and even galaxies. The defense base needs to build a space interference environment to prevent dimensionality reduction attacks by space weapons and light speed weapons.

In this way, the real defensive purpose can be achieved.

The talents in the marching ant group network star domain are given the best treatment and R & D environment, so that the marching ant group's technical staff can grow in the shortest time.

They prepared for the expansion of the star field for a long time, and now they finally acted.

Suddenly, a piece of information came into her hands, making her instantly lift up her spirit and open the team channel. The originally noisy team channel immediately became quiet after she appeared.

"The fleet has started to set off. You remember that once the galaxy is occupied, fortifications will be built. According to the predetermined plan and standards of fortifications, the space interference system and interference system will be built first..."


The main star of Pluto civilization.

The peace of the past is gone here, and the faces of the people are more worried and fearful. After the marching ant group invaded the small universe, wars spread wildly here, and space weapons were even dropped into the main galaxy, but the defense system eliminated the spread and damage of space weapons.

But all this has caused the morale of the meditation civilization to fall to the bottom.

Give them a few years, and they may be able to wipe out these effects.

But now in a special period, the cosmic situation is in chaos, coupled with the internal cloth patterns of the Pluto civilization, and the appearance of the rainbow bridge in the star field, they have caused many wars. Now those forces, seeing their weakness, are besieging them frantically.

And the participation of the black pupil civilization is like the last grass that crushes the camel.

On the day after the Black Eye Civilization started, the Thor Civilization and the White Star Civilization also joined the cake-sharing battlefield and quickly launched an attack on them.

It was once a god-level civilization, but now the blades are facing each other.

With the participation of three god-level civilizations, this feast of dividing god-level civilizations ushered in the craziest moment. The civilization that was at war with the meditation civilization began to attack fiercely.

The god-level civilization takes the lead, and the meditation civilization is in a state of embarrassment on all sides.

They all know that there is no chance.

The Black Eye Civilization, the White Star Civilization and the Thor Civilization will not let them live. If there is no miracle, they will die and be eaten, which is their ultimate destination.

The terrifying war is unfolding in the various galaxies of the Pluto civilization, and the entire star field is filled with fear and despair.

Various factions in the Pluto civilization began to have their own plans.

They know that this god-level civilization that has been maintained for hundreds of millions of years is exhausted.

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