Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1031: : All parties

A nearly perfect body emerged from the medicine cabin.

The magic pupil color pattern on the body, like eyes, is staring at you, touching, and the faint-hearted dare not look directly. Uniform body lines and well-defined muscles.

He walked out, letting the potion on his body soak the ground along his muscles.

Everything is full of powerful beauty.

Even the super developers around them were amazed at the data in front of them, and their eyes were full of ecstasy. They could truly feel the changes in this experiment.

At first, the fragile appearance disappeared, and it became the present appearance.

"How do you feel?" Hequier hoped to ask.

Heila shook his palms, looked around and said, "I want to go to the training ground to try it. I can't use it here."

Training Course.

Heila showed a total of three different new abilities, making everyone in the field ecstatic.

The average super player can possess two abilities at the same time, which is already a top genius. Now, Hei Luo develops three different abilities at once. Although for the armor system, these three abilities are tasteless, but he does Out of the ordinary.

This shows that their multiple super energy development technologies are effective, and Heila is evolving. He is a black-eyed person with no awakening superpowers. He only voluntarily participated in the experiment with the pursuit of power. He changed from a weak black-eyed person to what he is now.

"You are doing a good job." Hitomi nodded in satisfaction: "Heiguier, is your team still capable of separating another group to study the advanced methods of superpower? All resources are given priority to you."

With that said, Tong Qing looked yearning.

The old chief Bai Xing destroyed the planet alone, making him feel the pressure. That kind of mighty power whose life is beyond the current understanding is the goal he really pursued, and he didn't expect it to be achieved by the old chief.

It can be said that the current White Star civilization has reached an unprecedented height and cohesion.

If the White Star Civilization is allowed to master that kind of ‘god-making’ technology and develop the super-powered personnel of the White Star Civilization to that point, everyone will be their opponent.

"Yes." Heiguier nodded solemnly: "At present, the basic technology of superpower is being improved, and the door is open. Future research will be better than now. The base has enough manpower and one more team is completely fine."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Hitomi Qing patted Heiquer on the shoulder again.

After the start of super technology, everyone is catching up, hoping to take the lead in this era. It seems that the White Star civilization has temporarily taken the lead.


I didn't expect such a strong genius to appear in the Black Eye Civilization.

The old chief read the important information over the past ten thousand years and lamented the changes of the times.

I also lament that a new system is emerging.

"My method cannot be copied, and there are many restrictions. First of all, it takes too long. I only succeeded in 10,000 years. If someone else, I am not sure if I can succeed. The other is physique, which must be strong enough to withstand the gravitational pull of a black hole. Although the feeling of time is short, the process is terrifying and may die at any time. The last and most important consciousness is that without a tenacious consciousness, you will go crazy inside."

The torture of a black hole is the most terrifying torture.

To the old chief's words, the expressions of everyone on the court showed disappointment.

If they can replicate this advanced method, their white star civilization will dominate the universe.

"But you can study that extreme method, supplemented by technology, for advanced development of super-powered people, it will be much better than normal training." The old chief said.


Lin Shu's brows were clustered together, his face was exhausted.

Other people around can change shifts and rest, but she can't. She needs to coordinate the defense technology department and the armed department, and build the fortifications of the galaxy group in accordance with the original plan of the armed department.

A galaxy has hundreds of millions of stars, a group of galaxies, and dozens of galaxies.

If the Armed Forces Department did not capture a galaxy, the engineers from the Defense Technology Department would immediately set up various planetary factories to build the required equipment.

Including space interferometers, space jammers, space wavers, antimatter factories, war robots, battleships, space-based weapons, war machinery, transport spacecraft, etc., these equipment factories must be based on planets, or they can provide the required minerals. Terrestrial planet.

On average, every few hours, several planets are hollowed out and turned into required equipment.

Even with the development of nanorobots, most of the work is managed by artificial intelligence, but the rest is still choking.

And they need to complete the arrangement within the stipulated time, otherwise they will face more wars once other civilizations come over.

However, they are relatively relaxed relative to the Armed Forces.

Starting from entering this star field, the Armed Forces will fight frantically for the planned star field, and the war may be in the next second. Fortunately, after the last battle, some medium-sized civilized corps warheads found out that they were them, and they would leave with great interest.

Every time a galaxy group is captured, their technical personnel must immediately cooperate with the Armed Forces to start the construction of the defense system.

Continuous high-intensity work, even if Lin Shu's body is developed, it feels extremely difficult.

Suddenly, a prompt sound of a communication device sounded.

Seeing the message from the communicator, Lin Shu's pupils shrank half and he was overjoyed.

When the control intelligence of the defense system was activated, Lin Shu was completely relieved. The defensive arrangement of the galaxy group she is in is completed, and the Armed Forces officially takes over the space-based fortifications.

Take a break, and it's time for the next galaxy group.


The small universe of the meditation civilization.

A spacecraft passes through layers of galaxies and enters an unremarkable remote galaxy.

Since the chaos caused by Ming Tu spread to the small universe, the small universe has long lost its peace. The first time the Black Eye Civilization started, it sent a fleet into the small universe and was wrecking havoc in the small universe.

The White Star Civilization and Thunder Civilization also followed closely, intending to destroy this small universe.

Nowadays, all the defensive forces have been tuned by Ming A to fight against the black pupil civilization. Naturally, life will not care about the unremarkable position of the small universe.

But there is a big secret hidden here, a secret research and development base of the meditation civilization.

Many advanced technological researches in the Pluto civilization originate from this humble galaxy. This base is only known to the core high-level personnel of the meditation civilization.

Nowadays, the meditation civilization is in chaos, and the high-level people are trying their best to resist the destruction of the three god-level civilizations, and they have no time to pay attention to this humble galaxy.

"My lord, here it is."

Corey looked at the galaxy in front of him. After the light from the depths of his eyes flashed slightly, it quickly disappeared, becoming calm, and calmly returning to Mingdong beside him.

"Yeah." Mingdong nodded.

As the core member of the meditation civilization, he knows the location of this research base and has the right to enter this secret research base.

Because it used to be a small universe, the meditation civilization feels extremely safe, so there is no armed defense at all in this base, just a simple authentication system.

This time, after Ke Rui's reminder, he came over at the time of cosmic chaos.

With a high-level identity, Pluto will enter the R&D base without hindrance.

In this era, no one can be trusted, the most believable is the power in their own hands.

As long as he gets the technology stored in the base, he can lead his subordinates to rise up in a remote corner of the universe after the destruction of the meditation civilization and become his own earth emperor.

As for the so-called meditation civilization, he doesn't care.

His clan factions are all planning how to separate the clan from the meditation civilization, and he will naturally not miss it.

"You bring all the reserve technologies of the base and follow me. The Black Eye civilization is coming over soon, and it is not safe here." After convening the scientific research personnel, Mingdong issued an instruction to leave.

Hardly anyone questioned it.

At this point in time, they all received the news that the three major civilizations were besieging them, and they had already entered the small universe. The defenses here were not enough for the other three god-level civilizations to cram their teeth.

Seeing many scientific researchers entering the spacecraft with the core technology, Corey lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth were slightly bent.

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