096's figure also disappeared in an instant and returned to his shelter.

Mo Yu waited until 096 left, and then he opened his eyes.

"Did I really get the ability to teleport?"

Mo Yu said excitedly.

At this time, he still couldn't believe it, it was like a dream.

"Host, you have already acquired this ability. As long as someone sees your photo, you can teleport there."

"Eliminate that one or two minutes for me. I don't want to be sad for two minutes!"

Mo Yu said.

Usually, after 096's photos and videos are seen by others, he will be sad for one or two minutes before he passes.

He wants to eliminate this.

What he needs is that he can teleport there the moment the other party sees him.

"It has been eliminated!"

The system said calmly.


Mo Yu was overjoyed.

Now, all he needs is the experiment.

He looked around, there was no one, he had to find someone to experiment with.

Therefore, he passed through the fence of the playground and came to the street.

On the street, he felt the presence of many agents.

In order to test whether he had acquired the ability to teleport, he walked on the street in a swagger, deliberately revealing his whereabouts.

Soon, more than a dozen Foundation agents found him.

These agents came towards him and soon saw him.

The moment these agents saw him, Mo Yu's mind instantly had more than a dozen coordinates.

The location of these coordinates was exactly where these dozen agents were now.

With a thought, he locked one of the coordinates.

The next second, his figure disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he had come to the side of this agent.

This agent was startled and almost bumped into Mo Yu.

The next second, Mo Yu chose another coordinate in his mind and instantly disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was next to another promotion agent next to him.

This agent was also startled.

Mo Yu kept changing the coordinates, and his figure kept flashing, appearing next to one agent after another.

The dozen agents looked at Mo Yu in horror.

Watching him disappear from the spot like a ghost, and then appear next to others in an instant.


The agents were terrified. Mo Yu was like a ghost.

If Mo Yu wanted to kill them, he could kill them in an instant, and they wouldn't even have time to react.

"Are you looking for me?"

Mo Yu stopped, he stood in front of the agents, and looked at them calmly.

The dozen agents looked at each other, and they were all filled with fear of Mo Yu.

They also recognized Mo Yu, and the supreme commander had issued an arrest order.

"Can you go back to the base with us?"

An agent held back his fear and asked cautiously.

At this time, they all felt afraid of Mo Yu's ability to appear and disappear without anyone noticing.

They were all very afraid.

Even in front of Mo Yu's terrible ability, they didn't have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to take Mo Yu in.

They knew that they were just a bunch of cannon fodder in front of Mo Yu.

Mo Yu could kill them easily.

"Well, everyone, good night!"

Mo Yu said with a smile.

Finally, he turned around and swaggered away.

A dozen agents watched him leave.

Then, they picked up the communicator directly.

"Report to the commander, we found that mysterious anomaly, he is near us, request support."

These agents can't contain Mo Yu by themselves.

They can only request support.

Only those powerful agents from the base can come, there is hope to deal with Mo Yu.

They are just some ordinary agents.

When Thomas knew that Mo Yu appeared on that street, he immediately ordered all the agents in the city to move to that place, and Mo Yu must be captured.

Six hours later, Hanting City SCP Foundation Base.

Inside a three-meter-long rock cube.

In the cube, a sarcophagus was locked.

The lid of the sarcophagus was suddenly opened from the inside.

Then, Abel's body instantly sat up from the coffin.

He opened his eyes and walked out of the coffin.

He opened the cube, and there was no one outside.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Abel said murderously.

The shortest time for Abel to be resurrected was 6 hours, and the longest was 25 years.

This time, his resurrection time was the shortest, exactly 6 hours.

At this time, the sky was already bright.

The SCP Foundation was searching for anomalies, and after daytime, all agents hid.They mixed in with ordinary people, secretly looking for anomalies.

Meanwhile, Mo Yu hid for a night.

On the street, ordinary people have started to go to work.

For ordinary people, whether it was last night or today, it was a very ordinary day.

They didn't know what happened.

At this time, Mo Yu was eating breakfast in a small store next to a high school.

Last night, he met many agents, but these agents couldn't do anything to him.

He also tested his teleportation ability last night.

When others see his photos, videos or himself.

The coordinates of the other party will appear in his mind, and the longest time this coordinate exists can be 24 hours.

Now, there are dense coordinates in his mind.

They are all agents who saw him last night, and these coordinates are constantly moving.

Through these coordinates, he can accurately know the current location of these agents.

No matter where these agents go, he knows.

He sat in the small store and ate breakfast.

The hundreds of coordinates in his mind kept moving.

There were several agents on the street near him.

However, these coordinates would disappear after 24 hours.

He basically met most of the agents last night.

Now, he only needed to look at the coordinates in his mind to avoid those agents.

However, this effect could only last for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, he would not be able to know the location of his agents.

Of course, these coordinates in his mind were not only agents of the SCP Foundation.

There were also members of the Broken God Church and some people from mysterious organizations.

He didn't know who those people were, but they saw him last night.


At this time, there was a commotion in the high school next door.

Many high school students ran out of the school gate in fear.

"Run, monster!"

Many high school students screamed in fear.

The timid ones even cried.

Mo Yu also walked out of the canteen in confusion.

What happened in the high school next door? Why does it seem like there was a terrorist attack?

Suddenly, Mo Yu felt the coordinates in his mind moving, and there were more than a dozen coordinates coming towards the high school.

PS: There are five more chapters to come, a total of six chapters, all posted together

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