From the strength of these coordinates, he knew which ones were agents.

At this time, many high school students around Mo Yu saw him.

Therefore, many coordinates were formed in Mo Yu's mind.

These coordinates in Mo Yu's mind were strong and weak.

The weak ones were the ordinary high school students around him.

And the strong ones were agents.

Mo Yu could judge the identity of the other party from the strength of the coordinates.

Generally, the strong ones were agents hiding nearby.

The coordinates of ordinary people had similar auras and were relatively weak.

Mo Yu was also glad that he had eliminated 096's ability to kill others when they saw him.

Otherwise, if so many high school students saw him, the consequences would be disastrous.

Now, he can ignore this ability, and he doesn't need to kill these people when they see him.

After he walked out of the canteen, he walked towards the gate of the high school.

Of course, in order to hide his face, he wore sunglasses, a mask, and a baseball cap, making his face basically invisible.

Even if there were wasps flying by, they couldn't find him.

There were chaotic high school students all around. They ran out of the school gate and scattered on the street in fear.

Started running towards home.

At the school gate, soon, all the high school students ran away, and there was no one.

However, Mo Yu heard a heavy sound of footsteps walking in the campus.

Dozens of agents also came to the high school gate, and they evacuated the surrounding students.

Then, some people stayed at the school gate, and some people entered the campus.

Soon, a fierce gunfight broke out in the campus.

Mo Yu heard a roar.

"SCP-082, how did he run to the campus!"

Mo Yu was puzzled.

SCP-082 should have been taken away by those agents, why did he appear here?

At the same time, Mo Yu frowned.

At this time, there were still some high school students in the campus.

They were trapped in the classroom by SCP-082.

SCP-082 was in a rage and was attacking these high school students.

"Please, save my son!"

"Save my daughter, she's only fifteen years old!"

At this time, a group of parents came to the school gate.

These parents cried and begged the agents at the school gate to let them rescue their children.

"We are trying to rescue them, don't worry!"

"We will definitely do our best to rescue them, please believe us!"

The agents at the school gate also comforted these parents and told them not to worry.

At the same time, they also urged the agents in the campus to contain SCP-082 as soon as possible.

"SCP-082 containment failure, should it be terminated!"

The agents in the campus found it difficult to calm SCP-082 down.

Although they used tranquilizer bullets, SCP-082 seemed to be immune to tranquilizer bullets.

Their tranquilizer bullets could not calm SCP-082 down.

Therefore, the agents in the campus were also panicked.

Unable to control SCP-082, it can only be executed on the spot, otherwise, it will hurt the high school students inside.


At the school gate, an agent who looked like a captain said in a deep voice to the agents inside the campus.

Then, a more intense battle broke out inside the campus.

There was even the sound of artillery explosions.

The agent was executing SCP-082.

"Why is there a sound of artillery? Is our child okay?"

"Yes, are there terrorists inside? Will they kidnap our children?"

Hearing the sound of gunfire, the parents outside became more worried.

If it weren't for the agents stopping them from rushing in, they would have wanted to go in and save their children.

The agents also tried their best to calm them down.

Tell them that there is a madman inside who is trying to attack the children.

However, their people are trying their best to control this madman, and if they can't control him, they will be shot on the spot.

The parents also calmed down quietly after hearing the comfort of the agents.

Although they were worried in their hearts, they could only believe these agents.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew out from the campus and hit the school gate heavily.

A headless body covered in blood fell to the ground.

His head seemed to be bitten off by a beast.

Seeing such a bloody scene, all the parents were horrified.

They were more worried. Although they were afraid, they rushed towards the school gate frantically.

"No, there must be some terrible beast inside. He wants to eat our children!"

"Don't stop him!"I want to save my son. "

All the parents were crazy. For their children, they would go through fire and water.

Even though they knew there were terrible beasts inside that could eat people's heads.

But they still rushed in without hesitation.

Because their children were still inside.


At this moment, a headless corpse hit the closed iron gate of the school heavily.

It directly bent the iron pillar on the iron gate.

The blood of the headless corpse dyed the school gate red, and the ground was flowing with thick blood.

All the parents were stunned by this scene.

"No, my child!"

"Let us in! "

The next second, they became even crazier.

There were such terrible beasts eating people's heads inside, and their children were in there and could be eaten at any time.

So, they ran madly to the school gate.

Even though the agents tried to stop them frantically, they couldn't.

Finally, the agents had to shoot into the air.

The gunshots quieted down the parents.

The agent used a gun to signal the family to retreat, and said in a deep voice.

"We will use our lives to rescue your children. It will be dangerous for you to go in, please trust us! "

The agent said in a deep voice.

Under the threat of the black muzzle of the gun, the parents also quieted down. They were in tears and filled with infinite worries.

Looking at the two headless bodies on the ground, they finally nodded heavily.

I hope the agents can rescue the people as soon as possible.

The agents at the school gate also went in again.

Only two agents were left at the door.

Mo Yu was on the opposite street, watching everything happening in front.

At this time, the people around this high school had been evacuated.

These parents ran in from nowhere, and Mo Yu saw a team of human law enforcers coming.

They were going to take these parents away. These parents begged frantically, but they were still taken away by human law enforcers.

"You are not safe here. We will do our best to rescue your children. When they are rescued, we will let them meet you!"

"Now, please leave here with me! "

This team of human law enforcers forcibly took all the parents away.


Author has something to say:

There are four more chapters to come

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