There were at least more than 300 agents at the subway entrance.

They formed three lines of defense and were staring at the dark streets, as if some terrible existence was about to appear at the end of the street.

Everyone clenched their weapons.

Moreover, in the darkness on all sides, agents kept coming here and joined the defense.

Thomas ordered all agents to gather at the Time Train.

At this time, Hanting City was hunting down agents with abnormal or supernatural members.

They all put down their work and came to the Time Train subway station.

Thomas stood in the crowd, directing the defense.

His expression was very solemn, and Wang Ming was beside him.

Wang Ming also frowned and looked into the darkness.

He seemed to be thinking about something in his heart.

"Are you sure they will really come here?"

Thomas whispered to Wang Ming beside him.

"My undercover sent a message that they will bring some abnormalities and force their way into the Time Train."

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

"These supernatural organizations are really annoying."

Thomas also frowned.

Although the time train is controlled by the Foundation.

However, other supernatural organizations are also very envious of the time train.

Even, they constantly send people to attack the subway station, trying to pass through the defense line behind the foundation and enter the time train to find out.

However, the time train has been controlled by the Foundation for so many years.

All the people from the supernatural organizations failed.

However, this time these supernatural organizations attacked the Hanting City Foundation Base and released many anomalies.

They caught these anomalies, and the anomalies have terrible destructive power.

So, these supernatural organizations are ready to use anomalies to attack the subway station again.

They want to use the power of anomalies to open the passage to the time train.

After receiving this news, Thomas naturally summoned all the agents in the city here.

Any anomaly cannot be underestimated, and their abilities are very powerful.

Especially many anomalies that escaped from the base have extremely strong destructive power.

So, this is why Thomas attaches so much importance to this operation.

Moreover, the reason why the supernatural organizations are so interested in the time train is that there is a certain probability that some strange passengers may get off the time train every night. These passengers may come from the past or the future. The places they come from are all unknown places. However, some strange passengers have very mysterious origins. Moreover, they have powerful powers. Although the Foundation has controlled all the passengers who got off the time train for so many years, sometimes some passengers are too strong and the Foundation cannot control them. However, although they cannot control these passengers, they still force them back into the time train. The purpose of the supernatural organization is also to target these passengers. Not only the Foundation is interested in these passengers, but other supernatural organizations are also very interested. Especially for those passengers with mysterious abilities, other supernatural organizations are more interested. Hanting City is the place where other supernatural organizations have attacked the most. Because many supernatural organizations want to control this city and drive the foundation out. Then, control the time train alone. Whoever controls the time train, then he controls some unknown power.

For so many years, the foundation's routine rule is to control the passengers who get off the time train as much as possible.

If the other party is an ordinary person, they will be amnesiac and then let them live in society.

If they are not ordinary people, they will be imprisoned for life and not allowed to appear in the ordinary world.

However, many supernatural organizations think that the foundation's approach is incorrect.

They should make use of those passengers with unknown powers.

Especially some supernatural organizations headed by the Chaos Insurgency, they really want to use those passengers with mysterious powers.

To achieve some of their ulterior purposes.


Suddenly, in the darkness, a building suddenly exploded.

And it collapsed with a bang.

In the silent darkness, the sound of a building collapsing is huge and can be heard far away.

All the agents at the subway entrance heard it.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were fixed on the collapsed building.

"Be on guard!"

Thomas said solemnly.

In response, all agents put down their weapons.The weapon was aimed at the block where the building was located.

In the darkness, something like a phantom came towards the subway entrance at an extremely terrifying speed.

"What is that!"

"I can't see it clearly!"

Many agents saw this figure, but they couldn't lock it at all.

Even if they wanted to attack, they had to lock the target.

Shooting blindly would not hit it at all.

The speed of this phantom was too fast.


This phantom moved quickly on the building.

Or it moved madly on the flat ground.

Wherever he passed, the buildings were destroyed, and even caught fire.


Seeing this figure getting closer and closer to the subway entrance.

Thomas also ordered that he had to attack now regardless of whether he could lock the target.

Otherwise, if the target rushed over and rushed into the crowd at the target's speed, they would suffer heavy losses.

Suddenly, everyone opened fire.

Bullets, shells, and flying missiles were madly killing the target.

However, the target moved too fast, and almost all of their attacks missed.

The shells fell on the building next to it, directly destroying the building.

"Did you see what was abnormal?"

Wang Ming asked in a deep voice.

Thomas was the highest commander of the Hanting City base.

He should know the most about various abnormalities.

Thomas's eyes also stared at the moving figure through the darkness.

From the opponent's moving speed and appearance, an abnormal number instantly appeared in his mind.

"SCP-058, Heart of Darkness!"

Thomas shouted.

When Wang Ming heard that it was the Heart of Darkness, his face changed.

The destructive power of the Heart of Darkness is very strong, and it is very lethal to agents.

The most important thing is that the speed and attack speed of the Heart of Darkness are very terrifying, and it is difficult to deal with him.

Several incidents of Heart of Darkness failing to contain the enemy resulted in the deaths of a large number of D-class personnel and agents.

At this time, Heart of Darkness was moving at high speed above the buildings.

The venom sprayed from his large organs directly destroyed these buildings.

The buildings were on fire, caused by the venom he sprayed.

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