SCP-058, Heart of Darkness.

He looks like a cow's heart, but he is huge, almost as big as a tank.

SCP-058 has four crustaceans and many sharp tentacles, and there is a long and sharp thorn behind him.

SCP-058 can freely extend its tentacles, and swing them at high speed to destroy everything around it.

SCP-058 escaped from the base once and attacked a small town.

Killed some people and destroyed most of the buildings in the town.

Although it was later shown that the main reason for the destruction of these buildings was the fire disaster caused by the venom it sprayed.

However, it also proved that he was very lethal to buildings.

Moreover, SCP-058 can speak in English, and his voice sounds like an old middle-aged man.

The maximum movement speed of SCP-058 can reach 90 kilometers per hour.

And its attack speed is more than 320 kilometers per hour.

SCP-058's tentacles are like a whip. If the target is within 3.2 meters of him, SCP-058's tentacles will attack the target at a speed of more than 320 kilometers per hour, thus killing the target. SCP-058 is very unfriendly. He will take every opportunity to attack and destroy all objects around him. SCP-058 has a high degree of adaptability to trauma. If you see that SCP-058 has lost its ability to move, no one can be careless. It may be disguised, so you must approach carefully. At this time, SCP-058 is in the dark, approaching the subway entrance at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. Moreover, SCP-058 can move vertically and horizontally at a very fast speed. Hundreds of agents continue to attack SCP-058. However, they were all avoided by his super high speed. "Shoot!" Thomas also gave an order in a deep voice, and iron net bullets were fired one after another. After the iron net bullet is fired, it will instantly stretch out, forming a thick iron net up to 10 meters wide, rushing towards the target.

At this time, the agent sprayed these iron net bullets, trying to catch SCP-058 with the iron net.

Unfortunately, the iron net bullet can't catch up with SCP-058 at all.

SCP-058 is too fast.

"Here it comes!"

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

SCP-058 finally came to the street closest to the subway entrance.

Appeared in front of everyone.

Suddenly, SCP-058 stopped on the street 300 meters away from everyone.

He just looked at everyone quietly, although he seemed to have no eyes.

"He is brewing!"

Thomas had a gloomy face.


Suddenly, hundreds of agents dispersed.

They were too close together, and if they were so close, they would be killed by SCP-058.

SCP-058 will be killed by his tentacles as long as it gets within 3.2 meters of him.

If they get too close together, they will be slaughtered.

Therefore, all the agents are divided into groups of ten and dispersed.

Although SCP-058 suddenly moved, he rushed towards the subway entrance at an ultra-high speed of 90 kilometers per hour.

However, he had just rushed past 100 meters.

The mines buried by the agents on the ground exploded.

Where SCP-058 ran, mines exploded one by one.

Although it stepped on these mines, it left the place at the moment the mines exploded.

His speed was terrifying, faster than the speed of the explosion.

This block was surrounded by dense mines laid by agents.

At this time, explosions continued to occur where SCP-058 passed.

However, none of them could hurt him.

Seeing SCP-058 so terrible, many agents were sweating in their hearts.


After SCP-058 approached 100 meters, Thomas gave the order again.

Suddenly, everyone's attack was directed at SCP-058.

At such a close distance, although SCP-058 was very fast.

However, his body was very large.

Many shells also hit his body, and he was directly blown away dozens of meters by a shell.

His limbs stepped on the ground, constantly triggering mine explosions, but he quickly dodged them.

"SCP-058 is just a bait!"

Thomas said in a deep voice.

Although SCP-058 is very powerful, he is notThe protagonist of the night.

He is just the vanguard of those supernatural organizations.

Although SCP-058 put a lot of pressure on them, if they attack intensively.

SCP-058 can't rush into the subway entrance.

They only need to defend strictly here to repel SCP-058.

At the same time, Thomas and Wang Ming's eyes are also staring at the darkness.

They know that the people of those supernatural organizations must be watching them in a building in the dark.

If SCP-058 breaks through their defenses, then the people of these supernatural organizations will rush out.

If SCP-058 is damaged in their hands, then these supernatural organizations will send other anomalies.

"How do they make SCP-058 listen to their commands?"

Thomas and Wang Ming have such a doubt in their hearts.

They have contained SCP-058 for so long, but they have not found a way to make SCP-058 listen to them.

However, these supernatural organizations in the dark actually let SCP-058 take the lead willingly.

This made them very confused, but they could never understand.

Because the other party was an enemy and could not tell them the reason.

However, they could also guess what method the other party used, and they must have used some method of bewitching to control SCP-058.

Just like SCP-035, he could control others by appearing on other people's faces, using the power of bewitching.

Moreover, SCP-058 could communicate with people in English.

Perhaps those supernatural organizations promised SCP-058 some conditions, and SCP-058 agreed.

"Do you want to let 096 come and kill him!"

Wang Ming said to Thomas next to him.

SCP-058's speed was too fast, and their ordinary eyes could not keep up, so the weapons in their hands naturally could not hit it.

And for this kind of abnormality with a particularly fast speed, the most effective way is to let 096 come over.

Because 096 can instantly appear in front of the target and kill the target.

If you want to kill 058, you can use 096.

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