If you call him mother, SCP-1010 looks like a white male!

It seems that calling him father is more appropriate!

As for the D-class male who was pregnant with him, he died when he was dissected out.

"I think I should rescue him!"

SCP-1010 is theoretically his father, and he decided to go to the SCP Foundation's shelter to rescue him.

SCP-1010 was contained in a secret base of the SCP Foundation.

He now has a goal, he wants to go to this base.

Therefore, he changed direction and began to head towards this base.

Poor him, he grew up in the base in the Rattlesnake Desert all his life.

He has never left the base in the Rattlesnake Desert, he has been doing research in it.

Of course, he is also a subject of research.

Therefore, he has never set foot in the world outside the Rattlesnake Desert.

"The SCP Foundation can tamper with human genes, and even set up gene bombs. I left the Rattlesnake Desert without any problems, which means they didn't set up gene bombs in my body."

Mo Yu was relieved. He was also afraid of gene bombs. After all, he was killed inexplicably.

However, he looked at the SCP-682 that was chasing him behind him.

SCP-682 is most likely a clone of the real SCP-682. Now it is chasing him, which means that there is something in his body that attracts SCP-682.

He took a look at his body. Because of two consecutive explosions, his clothes are basically gone.

Except for the private parts that are wrapped, there are no clothes anywhere else.

On the surface, he looks like a wild man running out of the primeval forest, with messy hair and even blood on his body.

"SCP-682 has been chasing me, so there is something in my body!"

"System, check my body to see if you can find a locator or GPS tracker!"

Mo Yu said to the system.

"Host, your body is normal, and there are no trackers!"

"Impossible, have you checked it carefully?"

Mo Yu frowned, not believing it.

"Host, I can't check your genes. If it is really tampered with, it means that your genes have been installed with something that attracts SCP-682!"

When the system said this, Mo Yu's heart trembled.

The SCP Foundation is best at tampering with human genes.

They contain anomalies, extract abnormal DNA, and clone anomalies.

So, what's the big deal about tampering with his genes?

Therefore, he is also very sure that his genes have been tampered with by the SCP Foundation.

So, SCP-682 can keep chasing him.

"System, can I swallow SCP-682!"

"Host, the probability of you swallowing SCP-682 successfully is one in a thousand. You can't even get close to him, and you will be torn to pieces by him."

The system told Mo Yu seriously that he couldn't swallow SCP-682 yet.

SCP-682 is extremely dangerous, a terrifying anomaly that the SCP Foundation cannot kill.

If it can be easily devoured, it is no longer a big shot!

"Is there any way?"

Mo Yu did not give up.

SCP-682 has been tracking him from behind, and his position will always be exposed.

He is sure that if the SCP-682 behind him is really a cloned product of the SCP Foundation.

Then, the SCP Foundation must have installed a locator on this SCP-682.

They only need to track SCP-682 to catch up with him.

Therefore, if this SCP-682 is not solved, the SCP Foundation will always know where he is, and he will never escape the pursuit of the SCP Foundation.

Perhaps, there are more task force soldiers chasing him behind SCP-682.

Even, the SCP Foundation can predict his position in advance through the direction of SCP-682.

Perhaps, in front of him, there are people from the SCP Foundation ambushing him.

"If it is SCP-682 in containment, the host has a 1% chance of devouring it. If it is SCP-682 in sleep, the host has a 1/3 chance of devouring it!"

When Mo Yu heard the system say this, he rolled his eyes.

If SCP-682 is contained, it must be contained by the SCP Foundation. He dare not break into the SCP Foundation's base to devour SCP-682.

As for the sleeping SCP-682, and this kind of scene can only be seen at the SCP Foundation's containment site.

"It's the same as saying nothing!"

Mo Yu said unhappily.

"Host, there is a way. If you run towards the human city, SCP-682 will definitely follow you. The SCP Foundation will definitely not allow SCP-682 to enter the public's field of vision. It will definitely do its best to contain SCP-682. Perhaps the host can take the opportunity to devour SCP-682."

The system suddenly said this, and Mo Yu's eyes lit up.

"Sure, system, I didn't expect you to be so smart!"

Mo Yu praised.

Therefore, he decided to run towards the human city.

He ran quickly on the ground. Outside the Rattlesnake Desert was a barren Gobi Desert.

The temperature of this Gobi Desert was very high, as high as 70 or 80 degrees.

If it were an ordinary human, it would be impossible to survive in such an environment.

However, he had abnormal defense and immortal power.

In such an environment, except for feeling a little dry in the mouth, there was no other problem.


SCP-682 chased him and entered the Gobi Tower.

Behind SCP-682 were Wang Ming and other task force soldiers.

"Team 13, report your situation!"

Li Xiu's voice came from Wang Ming's control panel.

"Sir, we are tracking an SCP-682. We suspect that this SCP-682 is chasing SCP-1010."

Wang Ming said loudly.

"Very good, bring SCP-1010 back alive to me, and pay close attention to all abnormalities of SCP-1010, record all his data, and send it to me. I need to know all his information!"

Li Xiu said in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir!"

Wang Ming said loudly.

At the same time, in a secret base of the SCP Foundation.

Li Xiu looked at the data on the control panel. This was the data about Mo Yu that Wang Ming had just sent back.

These data included everything after Mo Yu escaped from the base.

"Master, SCP-1010 is just as you expected. He will continue to mutate. We blew up the base and let him escape on purpose. It really helps us study him. We should have done this long ago!"

Li Xiu suddenly said respectfully to a man in a suit with his back to him.

Mo Yu's identity has been explained clearly, and many doubts have been clarified. You should understand it after reading this. The fourth update is here. Please urge me to update, please give me gifts, and please give me five-star praise. Our group is 839062852


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Love you guys, the fourth update is here. Please urge me to update, please give me gifts, and please give me five-star praise

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