The SCP Foundation has never stopped researching Mo Yu, after all, Mo Yu is the descendant of SCP-1010.

In the SCP Foundation, they think that Mo Yu is not a real human, but a mutant.

Researching Mo Yu is a secret project of theirs.

This project has been going on since Mo Yu was born.

It's just that in the first 20 years, their gains were relatively small.

Because everything Mo Yu showed was exactly the same as ordinary people, there was no abnormality at all, and there were no special functions of SCP-1010.

Even Mo Yu has become a C-level staff member of the SCP Foundation.

The researchers who initially conducted data research on Mo Yu had already given up their research on Mo Yu.

Now, another group of people are researching Mo Yu, and they are very interested in Mo Yu.

And the person in charge of this project is Li Xiu.

Li Xiu has taken over Mo Yu's project for three years, but he has gained nothing from Mo Yu.

Until a month ago, this mysterious man in a suit found him.

This man in a suit is the top one in the SCP Foundation. Even Li Xiu doesn't know the man's identity.

He never dared to ask about the man's identity. He only knew that the other party's level was higher than his.

The man in a suit found Li Xiu. He was very interested in Mo Yu's affairs and gave Li Xiu some suggestions.

Among these suggestions, one was to blow up the base and let Mo Yu escape deliberately.

At first, Li Xiu refused. After all, he had to blow up a base.

For him, it would be a big risk and he might even be executed.

However, the man in a suit told him that he would bear all the consequences.

So, Li Xiu agreed.

Moreover, the man in a suit told Li Xiu that Mo Yu had been growing in a base, just like a flower in a greenhouse, and basically did not encounter any danger.

If Mo Yu was kept in the base all the time, he would never be able to research anything in his life.

People like Mo Yu are always potentially dangerous.

In view of Mo Yu's situation, he must be given some external stimulation.

Only strong stimulation can stimulate the potential in Mo Yu.

Li Xiu knew that what the man in the suit said made sense, so he agreed.

He couldn't wait to see what potential Mo Yu could stimulate.

Therefore, everything that happened in the Rattlesnake Desert Base happened.

For all this, Li Xiu and the man in the suit took a bystander attitude.

They just gave Mo Yu a head start, and then let Mo Yu develop freely.

Mo Yu's development shocked them.

They never thought that Mo Yu, who was stimulated, would become so terrible.

"Master, the research data in the past few days is what we could not get in the past 20 years. Your strategy is correct."

Li Xiu said to the man in the suit flatteringly.

"Pay close attention to the movements of SCP-1010 and record all his data. He will bring us more surprises."

The man in the suit said calmly.

"Yes, Master!"

Li Xiu said loudly.

At the same time, in the Gobi Desert.

Mo Yu was running frantically.

He asked the system to plan a safe route for him in the Gobi Desert.

Mo Yu was very curious about the system's omnipotence.

So he asked the system why it could plan a safe route.

The system told him that he could plan a general safe route within a thousand miles.

The system was like a God's perspective, like a small satellite, it could monitor the scene of a thousand miles.

Just like humans looking up a map, you can zoom in and out of the map and see the route on the map.

Although humans don't know all the tiny data on the map, they can know the path of a road based on the thicker lines.

The system is like a human with a map, it can point out a route to Mo Yu within a thousand miles.

So, the system can now provide Mo Yu with a safe route to leave the Gobi Desert.

Mo Yu also understood.

At the same time, Mo Yu also asked about swallowing anomalies.

The system told Mo Yu that when an ordinary anomaly approaches Mo Yu and the distance between the two is less than three meters, the system has a one-tenth chance of letting Mo Yu swallow the anomaly.

If the distance between the anomaly and Mo Yu is 0, then the system is basically 90% sure that Mo Yu will swallow the anomaly.

"That is to say, when I swallowed the immortal lion before, you only had a 10% chance of letting me swallow him, and I swallowed the deadly kingWhen you swallow the snake, you have a 90% chance of letting me swallow him!"

Mo Yu understood instantly.

"The stronger the abnormality, the lower the chance that I will let you swallow them. Of course, as your strength increases, the chance that I will let you swallow the abnormality will also become stronger and stronger. My ability is linked to your strength."

The system said this, and Mo Yu understood.

It seems that he had a certain probability of failure in the previous swallowing.

However, fortunately, he was lucky and succeeded.

Especially the time with the immortal lion, 10% chance, he actually got good luck.

Mo Yu looked back at the SCP-682 behind him. He had a very low chance of swallowing SCP-682.

He only had a 1% chance of swallowing SCP-682 in the containment state.

He had a 1/3 chance of swallowing SCP-682 in the sleeping state, and the probability was really low.

However, when his strength increases, his chance of swallowing SCP-682 will increase.

Now, if he wants to get rid of SCP-68 2, he can only run to the human city.

SCP-682 will never be allowed to enter the human city by the SCP Foundation, otherwise, it will cause terrible killings.

SCP Foundation will never allow such a thing to happen, after all, they are the umbrella of human protection.

When he enters the human city, he has a chance to get rid of SCP-682's pursuit.

Even, the SCP Foundation will take action to forcibly contain SCP-682. In that case, maybe he still has a chance to take the opportunity to devour the contained SCP-682.

Even if there is a one percent chance, he can't give up.

If he really devours SCP-682, he will gain SCP-682's special functions.

"True immortality!"

He witnessed the abnormal regeneration power of SCP-682 with his own eyes. Even if it is turned into thousands of fragments, it can automatically reassemble and revive.

If he has such a regeneration power, there is hope even if he breaks into the SCP Foundation by force.

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